Status: Hey guys, I am super sorry that I havn't updated in a while, I am working on the next chapter, and I will post it soon

I can't help it, I was born this way.

My motto

“You did it again? Didn’t you?” My mom’s voice sounds as I walk into the house. “What are you talking about?” I said sarcasm lacing every word.

“You know what I’m talking about! That weird thing you do!” She accused.

“Last time I checked you thought I was crazy, and you didn’t believe I could do that weird thing!” I shout. I make my way towards the stairs that led to my room and quickly run up them before my mom could say something that really pissed me off.

I walk into my room and close and lock the door. I immediately turned around and scan my room for what I am looking for, my journal. Yeah it’s weird for a guy to have a journal, but I try to keep track of my encounters or whatever you want to call them.

So far I have figured out that I have teleportation, and I can make things appear as I want or need them. I have never met or found someone like me, but then again I really haven’t looked for anyone like me. At this point I don’t care. I hate this life, I wish I was normal and didn’t have to deal with this weird thing. Maybe one day when I am happy I will learn how to use these powers and enjoy them.

When I finally find my journal under a stack of papers on my floor, I open it and begin to write down everything that happened, starting with Anna.

I close my journal, only after I have written down every detail, and making sure it is perfect and understandable. As I tos my journal on top of my bed I walk out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen.

I make my way to the fridge since it seems be calling my name,I open the magnetic door and grab a Coke. I quickly open it, and drink it all in one gulp.

After crushing the empty can and seeing no food that I wanted I close the door to the fridge and turn around.

“We are leaving in 5 minutes” my mom says startling me. She is sitting at the kitchen table with the newspaper sprawled out in front of her. I look in confusion and say "for what?”

“We are going to visit Ms. Penny”

“Ugh!” I groaned in disgust. Penny is the counselor my parents force me to see. She is always so happy, and her smile seemed to be painted on her face. She thought she could change the world by asking physcotic teenagers, like me, a series of questions. The best part is, she asks the same questions every time I go.

“Mom, do I have to go see her? She says the same bullshit every time!” My anger began to swell within me.

“Yes, you do have to go, she is the only way you can possibly get fixed.” She said as she stood up and grabbed the car keys and her purse.

I look at her and began my rant “I am not a dog or a cat, I don’t need to get fixed! I am a human being who just happens to be a little different than everyone else!”

“A little?” my mother asked with a scoff. “You’re the weirdest and craziest person I’ve ever met, and I gave birth to you! It’s embarrassing that’s what it is! You are a downright embarrassment to your father and I!”

Tears began to blur my vision, but I blinked them away quickly. I can’t be weak! I have to be strong, live life to its fullest. Whoever thought of that stupid saying must’ve been perfect. I hate all of those stupid optimistic sayings!

I like my motto better. When there is nothing to live for, why live anymore?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is a filler chapter, but it gives a little background on Chase's home life. I hope you enjoy :) I am going to work on the next chapter :D

And yes this chapter is short, I promise the next chapter will be longer