Status: Hey guys, I am super sorry that I havn't updated in a while, I am working on the next chapter, and I will post it soon

I can't help it, I was born this way.


Puzzles are so interesting. Every piece has its own identity; if you are missing one piece then the puzzle isn’t complete.

People say to deal with the hand you are dealt. Well I don’t want to deal with this crap anymore. Take this away, I don’t want it anymore! Matter of fact, I didn’t want this in the beginning!

My thoughts continued to complain, but eventually I fell asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Hey Chase! Did you hear about the new girl?” Mark said causing me to glance away from my plate of food.

“No, I didn’t. What’s her name?” I asked so everyone would think I was interested.

“Rachel, she is cute. She’s a red head too, my favorite.” Mark said trying to get people to laugh. I looked at him and said “oh, okay cool.”

Soon the lunch bell rang. I ate another tator-tot and then picked up my tray leaving everyone else at the table. I threw away my tray, and joined the crowd of tenth and eleventh graders leaving the cafeteria. When I finally got to my math class I opened my note book and began to copy the notes that were on the board.

When I finished writing the notes I leaned back in my desk and began to listen to my teachers lecture. Thirty minutes in to class a knock at the door interrupted my teacher. She walked to the door and opened it revealing a red head. She talked to my teacher a second and then walked in and sat in the only empty seat, right next to me.

Her long red hair flowed freely down her back, and her eyes sparkled with happiness and joy. She was so confident, the way she walked in. I hate everything about her!

For some reason this girl irritated me. She wasn’t even talking to me but her attitude was too happy, and excited. I grimaced but tried to continue listening to the teacher.

A tap on my shoulder caused me to look at her. “Yes?” I said with a rude tone.

“Well I wanted to know if I could borrow your notes, so I can copy them.” She said with just as much attitude.

“Yeah, whatever” I said adding more attitude. I handed her my note book and then turned back and continued listening to my teacher.

When the bell rang dismissing school I walked to the front of school. I decided to tell Anna I wasn’t feeling good today. As I exited the school, Zoey called my name. I looked at her, walked over to where she stood and said “Yes?”

“My parents are out of town and I am throwing a party, everyone is invited! You should come! It won’t be a party without you!” She said sweetly. I nodded, and said “we will see.”

I began my walk home and thought about why that new girl had bothered me so much. She didn’t even say anything and I already hated her. Well, I didn’t hate her, but she carried herself with such pride. She seems so conceited, I don’t like the way she strutted into the room and sat down in that desk like she owned it! Then she actually thought it was okay to ask me for my notes!

Everything about her seemed to irk me.

Deep down inside of me I knew why, I was jealous.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again, I know, but I am still kind of building up :) I hope you like it :D