Status: Hey guys, I am super sorry that I havn't updated in a while, I am working on the next chapter, and I will post it soon

I can't help it, I was born this way.


I don’t get how people enjoy getting drunk, dancing with random people, getting fucked, and then waking up the next morning ready to do it again. Stupid teenagers I thought with a laugh as I walked into Zoey’s house. The music was already blaring, and the make shift dance floor was already packed with sweaty bodies.

All of the furniture in the living room had been pushed to the side to make room for dancing. In the kitchen every inch of counter space was filled with beer, cups, and food. I soon found Zoey who ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I gave her a small hug, and then stepped back a little.

Zoey was wearing a low cut dress that seemed to be more of a shirt than a dress. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun, but it seemed to work for her.

She took my arm and pulled me through the house towards the living room/dance floor. When we were in the middle of the dance floor she began to dance. “Come on Chase! Dance!” She grabbed my hands and started to move them around in an attempt to make me dance.

I looked at her in disgust and said “I don’t dance with whores.” I turned around and walked out of the living room.

As I walked through the hall towards the kitchen a flare of red caught my attention. I glanced at the red flame and realized it was the new girl. She was wearing skinny jeans and a hot pink shirt and hot pink flip flops. I walked over to her and said “What is your issue? Why are you following me? Why are you trying so hard to piss me off?”

She looked at me with an amused smile and said “I am not following you; I was invited to this party, just as you were. As for pissing you off, I don’t have to try, you are so unhappy with your own life that anyone who is happy pisses you off.” She said this in a matter of fact way.

“I am perfectly happy; you don’t know the first thing about my life!” I shouted. The other people in the hall looked at me in shock. I was pretty quiet normally, so for them to see me shouting was a surprise.

“Well first off, I know that your parents think you are crazy, I know that you have a power where you can teleport yourself, and you can make things appear as you need them. You also have powers you have yet to discover.” She said this calmly, and looked away from me and smiled at someone down the hall.

I could feel my eyes grow in size and I began to choke on my words. “How do you know that?” I whispered in a hushed tone. Instead of waiting for a reply I grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stairs near us. I opened the first door that we came to and it happened to be an empty bedroom.

I pulled her in after me and then closed the door quickly. “How do you know all of that?” I said.

“You already know the answer to that.” She said with a smile. She then walked over to the bed and sat down.

“If I already knew the answer to that why would I be asking you?” I said through clenched teeth.

You are not willing to accept the answer. You know the only way for someone to know everything about you, is if they are like you. Her lips never moved when she said these words. I took a step back and found myself pressed against the door.

“How did you do that?” I said franticly. Nothing seemed to be making sense. This girl knew all about my life, yet I had never met her. “Who are you?”

All of your friends call me Rachel. My true name is Alyse. You should probably sit down. We have much to talk about. Again her lips never moved.

I looked at her hard studying her facial expressions, and her demeanor. Finally I said “Oh my gosh! You are crazy! You’re a physco! Leave me alone!”

I turned and grabbed the door knob and twisted the knob in hopes of escaping. The door was locked. I hadn’t locked the door, I had only closed it. “Let me out!” I shouted at her.

A hand touched my shoulder gently, the instant it touched my shoulder a searing pain ripped through my spine. I closed my eyes and let out a yelp. Then, everything was dark.
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I hope you like this chapter, big twist lol :)