Status: Completed (:

My Apocalypse

Chapter 12

[Craig's P.O.V]

"Wait, your telling me you've only known Ronnie for, what, a month? And he's already proposed, and you said yes?" I asked Ashley in shock. Ashley,Ronnie, and I been having this coversation for about an hour now, and it's never gone off subject.
"Yeah. But Craig, wer'e waiting intil after tour and we're on tour for a year, and we're waiting a few months or weeks after to get married." Ashley said.
"Still, are you fucking insane?" I continued.
"I must be," She said.
"Craig, listen, I know it's a little--okay, way too early to get married and everything, and I know that I'm 6 years older than her, but Craig," Ronnie said. "I've changed." He continued.
"I know, it's just what I'm worried about is you guys making the wrong choice, and I don't think you guys want that," I said. "Maybe you should just-- wait a while, and then if you still want to get married, then by Jesus, go ahead and do it. All I'm saying is to wait." I looked at them.
"We are wating, a year and like, long enough to get everything planned out, that's like a year and 2 months, Craig." Ashley complained.
"And what are you going to do when Ronnie has to go away on tour and your left home alone?" I asked.
"I'll go with him, we've already asked the band, they're cool with it." She said.
"What if you have kids, you can't bring them with you. They have to go to school." I pointed out. Ashley looked down at her feet. Was she hiding something else?
Ronnie looked at her the same way I was, like he was reading my mind, or thinking the same thing.
"Ashley, there's more, isn't there?" Ronnie asked.
"No, everything is fine, just perfect." She said. She continued to look down at the floor.
"Ashley, look me straight in my eye and tell me there is nothing more to tell us." I said.
She paused and hesitated. "I can't," She said softly. "God, Craig! Why am I such a fuck up?" She yelled.
"Ash, honey, what do you mean?" Ronnie asked.
"I can't tell you," And that's all she said.

[Ashley's P.O.V.]

I knew it was killing them as much as it was killing me, I couldn't tell them my secret. Only for two reasons.
1. Craig would kill me.
2. What would Ronnie think? Would he stay with me? Or would he leave, and never come back?
I was so scared, I mean, what the FUCK was I going to do?

I just sat there, not speaking, hell, I wasn't even moving.
"Ashley, please, you know you can tell me anything," Craig said.
I just shook my head. I wasn't goiong to tell him, I've already told him too much.
"Oh god, Ashley please tell me your not what I think you are," Craig said.
"Well, it depends on what you think..." I said.
"Are you pregnant?" Criag asked.
"No! Are you full of shit?!" I screamed at him.
"Sorry, it just popped up in my head." Craig apologized. I looked at Ronnie, his eyes had a question mark in them (it's just a medaphor people...).
I glared at him, telling him to leave it alone.

Again, I repeat, what am I going to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
I must admit, the story is moving fast... I apologize. I just cant think of anything... >.>

Cammy <333333333333