Status: Completed (:

My Apocalypse

Chapter 3

[Craig's P.O.V.]

Ashley came running on the bus. I was sitting in the booth on the laptop.
"Where have you been?" I asked her. She looks at me.
"McDonalds." She said. Max walked by her. She hugged him. Max hugged her back. Was she drunk? They just stood there hugging.
"Are you drunk?" I asked her.
"No," She said. "How the fuck do you get drunk at McDonalds?" She asked. Max was still hugging her. I knew Max liked her, but shit, he could let her go. I think he read my mind, he let her go. Ashley whined like a 5-year-old getting her teddy-bear taken away. He hugged her again, she smiled.
"Okay, I'm offically weirded out, so I'm going to go to sleep." I said walking away.
"Good, we can be alone." Ashley whispered to Max, Max leaned into kiss her, they were about to close the gap between they're lips.
"Max," I said. They were inched from each other, he groaned.
"What?" He asked annoyed.
"Keep it in your pants." I said. I went to the back room with Bryan and Rob.
Rob looked up. "Where's Max?" He asked.
"Flirting with my sister." I said. Bryan laughed.
"Leave it to Max." Bryan said.
"I don't know what I'm going to do, he's 6 years older than her." I said.
"So, she's 18, she's an adult, it's legal." Robert said.
"I'm just glad she's not with Ronnie." I said.

[Ashley's P.O.V.]

Max leaned into kiss me, our lips were just inches, no, centimeters apart.
"Max," Craig warned. Max groaned.
"What?" Max asked annoyed.
"Keep it in your pants." He said, he walked into the back room. Max peeked around the corner to make sure he was gone. He whipped back around and pressed his lips to mine.
Wait, what the fuck am I doing? I like Ronnie.
Wait, I do?
Screw it, I kissed Max back. My fingers wrapped around his hair. We heard a door open, we broke this kiss instantly and backed away from each other. Robert came out of the back room. He stopped and looked at Max, Max's hair was messed up, thanks to my fingers.
"Hair is messed up dude." Rob said. Max quickly fixed it.
"Thanks for the heads up." Max replied.
"What were you guys doing?" Rob asked.
"Talking," I said.
"About?" He asked.
"Music, and what were going to do on tour." Max quickly answered.
"Mhm," Rob said. He sighed. "I won't tell Craig, just tell me what you guys were doing." He pressed.
"We told you, we were talking." Max said.
"Right." Rob got his beer out of the mini-fridge and slowly walked to the back room and closed the door. Max and I sighed in relief.
"Why does he insist on teasing us?" Max asked. I
"Don't know." I shrugged. I yawned.
"Tierd?" Max asked. I looked at the clock, it was 9:32 P.M. I nodded. "Come on." He said. He took my hand and pulled me to his bunk. He got in and then let me in with him.
We fell asleep listening to Bryan, Craig, and Rob playing Halo.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww... Isn't that cute?
Thanks for likeing my story!

Cammy <333

P.S. Ronnie & Ashley start to go out soon, and yes Ashley was drunk. I'll explain how it happedned next chapter... XD