Status: Completed (:

My Apocalypse

Chapter 9

[Ashley's P.O.V.]

Craig was going to drive me nuts. He was watching "The Dentist" and this guy was pulling his wife's teeth out without any numbing or anything, everytime she screamed he screamed. And they sounded just alike.
"Craig, we gotta work on your scream." Rob said.
"Oh, shut up!" Craig said. "At least I can still scream for the band." He said.
"True." Rob said. I rolled my eyes. Max got a beer out of the fridge.
"You know Max, your going to kill all your brain cells if you keep drinking that shit." I complained.
"He would, if he had any brain cells to kill," Robert said.
"Oh shut the fuck up!" Max yelled. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit. He glared at me.
"Oh, Max stop being such a Mr.Grumps-A-Lot." I said hugging him. He laughed at that one.
"You know Ashley, you've used the 'Mr-Grumps-A-Lot' since you were four?" Craig asked.
"Yeah, and I'm going to teach Lila to say it too." I said.
"Maybe when she's older, Lila's only two you know." Craig said.
"Well, duh," I said. I was still hugging Max. "She's my niece, I should know how old she is." Max tightened his grip around me. There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Bryan said jumping up. Ronnie came onto the bus and just as we all could see him Craig screamed like a girl again.
"Hey guys, um, I'm sorry for causing trouble the other day, and Craig," Ronnie said. Criag looked up at him. "I'm osrry for punching you in the mouth." Ronnie apologized.
"Hey, no blood, no foul. I deserved it any way." Craig admitted. I made Max let go of me, but he wouldn't. Ronnie looked over at me. His eyes widened, and he ran off the bus.
"Ronnie!" I yelled after him, he slammed the door shut. I looked over at Max. "What the fuck was that?" I asked him.
He didn't answer. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he was too strong. "Max let go of me!" I yelled. Craig looked up. He started walking over.
"Max, let her go." Craig said sternly. Max obeyed. He was drunk. I could tell. I ran off the bus to find Ronnie. I knocked on his bus door. He answered.
"Ronnie, let me explain," I begged. He moved over so I could come in. I walked on and sat down next to him. "Max wouldn't let go of me, yes, I did hug him, but it wasn't suppose to turn out that way." I explained.
"Was he drunk?" Ronnie asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Then I forgive you," Ronnie said hugging me.
"Thanks," I said. I heard Bryan yelling my name. "I gotta go, befoer they send helicopters and the FBI out looking for me." I said. I kissed him quickly and ran out to Bryan.
"What?" I asked. He whipped around.
"Jesus, Ashley, you scared me," He said. "Oh, and Craig said to tell you that we're leaving now." He said.
"Okay, I'm right behind you." I said.

We walked on the tour bus. Max was in the back of the bus playing Halo with Robert.
I couldn't take Craig screaming anymore, I grabbed a roll of duct-tape off the counter. I walked over to him. I sat on his lap facing him.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Craig asked.
I ripped off a piece of the duct-tape and slapped it on his mouth.
"Don't take it off!" I warned.
"Don't take what off--" Robert came out and saw Craig, he burst out laughing. Craig flipped him off. Robert went to the back of the bus and told everyone to come and look what I did. They all rushed out almost falling on each other. They all burst out laughing. Craig flipped them all off again. I got off his lap and went to the back of the bus with the rest of the boys.
Max gave up and fell asleep holding the game paddle. I quickly took it.
Let's just say; I kicked Bryan's ass at Halo, and Rob's.
"You guys got toasted by a girl!" Max said waking up.
"Shut up and go back to sleep." Bryan said pushing him back down on the bed.

This was the rock star life. Hanging around, playing Halo, the greatest game in the world., duct-taping your brother/lead singers mouth shut... Yep, this was the life.
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Thanks so much for everyone reading/commenting/rating/subscribing!
Updates will keep coming!

Cammy <333333333