‹ Prequel: Beautiful.



Sasha **Three Days After Angel's Nightmare**

Tapping lightly on the guest room door I bit my lip, hoping Angel would answer. I heard a muffled reply and took that as a come in as I opened the door with Advil, a glass of orange juice, and toast that was lightly buttered on a small tray. Setting it down on the bedside table I sat on the bed next to his form and rubbed a few circles on his clothed back.

Yesterday morning he showed up on my door step pounding on the wood, screaming for me to open up, and tears running down his face. He had been fucking hammered. I still remember it, that look in his eyes and that painful feeling in my gut as he ran into my arms and sobbed...

"Jelly! Jelly open the fuck up! Please!" I jumped out of bed without disturbing Bruce and ran for the door. I could tell from his voice he was past being drunk, and that scared me. Pulling on the doorknob I let out a loud and painful gasp as I looked at my brothers torn and broken expression before he hugged me so hard I could barely breath.

"Oh my god. Angel, what the fuck happened!?" that feeling was in my gut. That feeling that kept me up at night and scared the shit right out of me so bad I had nervous breakdowns and hyperventilated. He started sobbing uncontrollably, his knees buckled sending both of us crashing painfully to the floor. I ignored the pain as I kicked the door shut behind him and held on to his shaking form. Just like mom did when ever we had been upset through our youth, I started rocking us back and forth as I rubbed his back.

His nails tore through the night shirt I was wearing and into my skin. I winced in pain but didn't stop him.

"He cheated on me, he fucking cheated!" from all the screaming Angel was doing Bruce trudged into the room and sat down next to us. God love him for having the patience to not only put up with me, but my whole family. I smiled wearily at him as he hugged Angel form behind and tried to help me calm him down. I shook my head and pushed the anger away as I put bits and pieces together of what was wrong.

Lets see, it went something like this. Home from your house... Graham there... Kissing... He cheated on me! Can you get the picture also? Cause I'm not finished! Our song... He hummed into kiss... I want to die... End it... Better without me... That's about all I could catch. I hugged him tighter to me and tried to shut out the look I'd seen in my baby brothers eyes.

They had been filled with tears, pain, and unfortunately suicide. I didn't think you could ever see that look in someone, but I was wrong. My brother was hurt so bad he literally wanted to die.

"You need to eat sweet heart. I need to make a phone call, but I'll be right back. Please have something down by then?" I kissed the top of his head before leaving the room and shutting the door. He doesn't need to hear what was about to go down. Picking up my phone I dial Brian's number again. I heard his pained hello before all my control snapped. "What the fuck did you do!?"
♠ ♠ ♠
That means my plan has worked.
Goal: 10.
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