‹ Prequel: Beautiful.




Sitting next to Bruce as he drove me home from my new job at the Starbucks that had been built near mine and Brian's new place, I rubbed sore muscles in my neck and upper back area. Groaning from pleasure as I worked out the tight knots I lolled my head towards Bruce.

"Thanks again for driving me home dude," I did the 'rock on' sign and spoke in a fake surfer accent. Bruce simply rolled his eyes and smirked at me.

"Sometimes you're too insane for me to understand dude, like, you just gotta go with the flow more yah know dude?" I giggled as he made fun of me by using a similar surfer guy accent. Shaking my head I stretched out and willed myself not to fall asleep.

"Working fucking sucks," I muttered, earning another smirk from my sisters boyfriend. What she doesn't know is he'll soon be her fiance. I helped him pick out the ring. I also bet him twenty bucks that the first thing out of her mouth will be "Holy fuck where's the cameras?" thinking it was some kind of crank off the show Punked. He says it'll be "What the fuck is wrong with you?" because she does say that a lot when someone asks her a question. And she says it would be funny if someone who was being proposed to would say that to their lover.

"Yeah it does, unfortunately it's a part of life. Unlike those lazy ass people who sit their asses off behind a computer all day and spin up some kind of story that becomes a best seller and they make millions, fucking authors got it easy!" I laughed.

"You're lucky I know you're jocking. They have it pretty hard. All nighters, having to write a whole novel, which the minimum amount of words depending on age is about 80 000 to 100 000, then there's finding an agent who finds your publisher, and an editor who basically takes a pen and crosses out a bunch of shit you thought was important. Oh and the editors favorite thing to do, is to cross out everything in a chapter except one line and say can you write a whole chapter around this one line? Now that's fucked up. And I'm not even done with the rant on that! I could go one for an hour on how hard an author has it just to make it to publishing," Bruce shook his head at me and I smiled.

This guy is really awesome. And not bad looking either. He'd let his hair grow out a bit longer and I must say it look good on him. Anyways, not going to creep on Jelly's boyfriend.

**At Home**

I was so excited to see Brian that I ran up to the house and shoved the door open as quickly as I could. A frown creased my forehead and lips when the door collided with something solid. That's when I saw it.

Graham was laying on top of my fiance in a very sexual way. His legs were on either side of him, straddling his waist, and they both looked up at me with shocked, blushing faces. My mouth hung agape for a second before I released the door knob and slowly started to register exactly what i was seeing. The I was bolting out of the house towards the road hoping I would catch up with Bruce before he got too far away.

The last thing I heard was Brian yelling for me to wait, but I was already gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one's shorter!
I'm so excited for the book to come out!
There's no date set yet though.
*squeals and dances*
Yeah, I can't wait!
Hope you enjoyed the updates!
Comment Goal: 15

Sasha (aka Jelly Bean)
Mark. (yes he gets his own Picture!)