‹ Prequel: Beautiful.



Mark. (What the fuck? hehe, :D)

Looking down at the piece of paper with the address Graham had given me the other day when I arrived in this small town I nod. This was the right place. I had actually been surprised when his dad had called me up asking if I still played piano and bass. After my bad break up so long ago I took up the first job I got, which happened to be a roadie for this up and coming record label.

Smiling at the memory I knew my younger brother would be proud of me. I always loved music and so did he. Markus, yes both of our names are technically Mark but our parents were weird like that, always had fun dancing and singing at the top of his lungs no matter what time it was. His stage usually was our parents front lawn. Sighing I close my eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat.

I still remember the way he looked, the sound of his voice and laugh, and his boyfriend Brian who loved him deeply. His blond hair almost the color of white, his contrasting eyes a dark brown. Shaking my head I open my eyes and blink away the tears. He's dead now, and probably happy now.

Using all the courage I could muster I walked toward the house that was packed full of people I didn't know. Before I was able to make it all the way to the door Graham walked out and smiled.

"Markie!" I shook my head at my nickname and hugged the younger guy back when his arms launched around me. "It's been too long dude!" I let a giggle pass and nodded my agreement.

"So who's this guy you're going to have me work with? Do I know him?" Graham shook his head.

"I doubt it. His names Brian," I felt a small tug at the name.

"Is he any good?"

"Oh fuck yeah! Especially with that song by Escape the Fate," my eyes opened wide in shock. Brian, my baby brothers ex, was a pretty good singer. His favorite band was Escape the Fate. His favorite song was Beautiful... No. There's no way!

"Beautiful?" I chocked out. For some reason my heart suddenly speed up a couple notches when Graham raised an eyebrow and nodded. "He have died black hair, sea-glass green eyes? Around my height, a bit tanned?" Graham continued to nod and my breathing became a bit irregular. I haven't seen Brian since Markus's funeral. And that was tough. He never really got over it, especially after their fight before he died.

"You know him?" I nodded before confessing.

"Me and him had a fling when he was dating my brother. My brother caught us and... Then he died. Before Markus died, me and Brian fessed up and told him we had fallen in love. It, it broke my baby brothers heart."
♠ ♠ ♠
The plot thickens!
Bet you guys weren't expecting THAT!
I have one more update.
This story is almost over!
Just sayin'...