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Am i actually going to have to walk all the way over there?

Okay so I couldn't wait to post it was eating me up, I guess I'm not that good at being demanding, but hey who cares, hope you like it!-Dorry lee

Friday night…
I was sitting on the cliffs looking over the ocean as the sun set. My social service agent was coming tomorrow Sam and Emily had been up for two days trying to make the house perfect. The only thing Sam couldn’t decide on was to invite the pack or no. He said it could be seen as either one of two things, good because I have many people that care, or bad because they all look over 18 and that could scare the agent.

“Em?” I didn’t need to see who it was I instantly knew it was Paul.

“Yeah Paul?”

“Emily made dinner she’s worried. When she came up to get you, you weren’t there.”

My eyes never left the ocean; I had done some intense thinking in the last couple days. I love it here in this god forsaken town and I wouldn’t want to give up this life for anything. I had never had a true home before but Sam and Emily made me feel loved.
Paul sat down and encircled his arms around my waist. I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder.

“What’s going to happen? What if they decide this isn’t fit for me?”

“Em you can’t worry about this kind of stuff. You are meant to be here with me and no one can take you away.”

I smiled and kissed him lightly. “Thanks Paul.”

The smirk I had grown to love snuck onto his face.

“So Emily is just going to be cooking for you, Sam, her and the S.S. agent.”

“You're not coming?”

“Family only.”

“You’re my family.”

“Thanks but it just should be you four.”

I looked over at his face and an easy smile formed on my lips. The setting sun light hit the planes of his face perfectly. It gave his skin this glow that normally would look totally weird but on him made him look god like.


I shook my head and watched as the sun finally descended past the horizon. I took a deep breath and stood up Paul’s arm never leaving its spot. I dusted of my jeans and tugged on the sleeves of my hoody. It had gotten super cold really fast and I was freezing.

“Cold babe?”

… Did he just call me babe…? We never used cute nicknames for each other. He told me he found it rude and insulting.

“Yeah thanks sugar.” I replied sarcastically, waiting to see the response I would get.

“No problem honey.”

I stared defiantly into his eyes; I was not going to lose this battle.


“Sugar plum”

“Honey bunch.”

“… I give up.” Paul sighed defeated. He leaned in and gently started to lift my hat off my

I quickly snapped away from him, my hand holding the hat in place.

“What Em?”

“I only take it off when I sleep.”

“It’s just a hat.”

“No it isn’t. It’s the only thing I have left of my father before he went crazy.”


“He gave it to me when I was 12 Paul; I’ve had this hat for years.”


I finally looked into his eyes and saw understanding. I didn’t know what to do; should I hug him or slap him.

“Are you going to hug me or am I going to have to actually walk all the way over there?”

I smiled as the conceitedness returned.

I tugged on my hat and walked over to him. I smiled up at him and lifted the hat so it barley
rested on my head. Paul smirked and leaned in his lips finally softly touching mine.


We were walking back to the house hand in hand, I was singing mostly to myself and Paul was rubbing his thumb on my palm.

“I can’t sleep over tonight, my mom invited some guest and I’m supposed to make them comfortable or whatever.”

“Okay well after the agent leaves I’m still coming to your house for dinner right?”

“Yeah if you want anyway.”

“You know I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” I went up on my tippy toes and kissed him. I smiled and ran for the door, as I was just about to close it behind me I felt someone tug me

“Now not so fast honey.” He smiled not waiting for me to answer kissing me deeply.

After we broke away I slowly looked up at him and smiled.



I turned once again and this time I closed the door.

“Sam, Emily I’m back!”

Without waiting for an answer I ran up the stairs and into my room. When I finally got in bed it was well past 12, all I could do was stare at the window. I was so use to Paul coming through it at this time that I was really missing his presence. I sighed and rolled onto my side. It took me forever to drift off to sleep.


I woke up with the sun hitting my face; I groaned slightly and covered my head.

“Wake up Emmry the agent will be here in an hour.”

“Coming…” I mumbled as I got out of my bed. I turned on the radio and gathered my stuff to get ready.

When I made it down stairs there was fresh muffins on the table, Emily was singing along with the radio, Sam pacing in the living room.

“Hey guys.”

Sam looked up to me with a brief smile then he went back to pacing and mumbling to himself.

“What’s up with him Emily?”

“He’s nervous.”


“Don’t worry, there’s no place on earth better for you then with us and they will see that.”

“Sam honey, please come grab a muffin so you don’t attack them later on.” Emily begged.

“Yeah okay.” He walked over to the table, sat down and started to eat a muffin.

I grabbed my own and started to munch on it.

“Knock knock…”

“That must be them.” I muttered and I headed towards the door.

I opened the door and saw a woman who had to be in her early 20’s with dark brown hair.
She could only be 5’2 seeing as I was barley 5’4.

“Is this the…”

“Uley/Jacobs?” I answered for her smiling slightly.



“Well I’m Samantha Courtney and I’m the social service agent, obviously.”

“I’m Dillon Jacobs please come in.” I opened the door wider and she came in.

“Hello I’m Sam Uley and this is my fiancée Emily.”

“Samantha Courtney. Okay so let’s get started. How is everything going?”

“Good, great actually she’s really adjusted quite well.” Emily answered motioning for us all to sit on the couches.

“Good to hear. Dillon do you like it here?”

“Extremely it’s the best place I’ve ever been.”

“Fantastic. Where do you go to school?”

“I already graduated, I was homeschooled.”

“So what do you do?”

“I have college classes on Tuesday’s and Thursdays.”

“How do you meet kids your own age?”

I looked over at Sam and wondered how I was going to explain it, I couldn’t say my brother
was a shape-shifter and his pack was my best friends now could I?

“My mom was friends with this guy Billy and I basically grew up with him as my second father, he has a son my age. So he introduced me to all his friends and we just click.”

“Well, I still think it would be good for you to get a public education. It says in your file you never went to any type of school always homeschooled, so we think it would make the
process much easier for you.”

“I told you I graduated, I take college classes…”

“You can still do that but we suggest that you enroll in the public school.” She looked at Sam and Emily as she stressed suggest.

I looked down at my hands that lay on my lap. Stupid lady why the hell do I need to go to school?

“Okay, I just need a tour of Dillon’s living quarters and a couple minutes with everyone alone and this will be all over.”

We all nodded and got up.

I was the last one to talk to Miss Courtney, Sam and Emily both came out smiling so I guess it won’t be too bad.

“Okay Dillon…”

“Emmry please I hate the name Dillon.”

“Okay Emmry do you really like it here?”

“Yes, have you ever had that one place that makes you feel like… like you’re truly home?
Well that’s what it feels like to me when I’m with Sam and Emily. I never had a real home before but the moment I arrived they all took me in and made me apart of the family.”

A slow smile appeared on the agent’s face.

“Yes I do have a place like that. Is there any reason I should question you’re life here?”

“No.” I answered smiling.

“Fantabulous. Let’s go talk to your legal guardians.”

We walked out and I was beaming.

“Mr. Uley I have decided that this is a fit home for Emmry, the only thing you need to work on is getting her in school and maybe in some other activities. I’ll be back in a few months as another check up, have a nice day.” She waved and quickly exited.

We heard her car pull out and we just stood staring at each other not knowing what to say.

“YES!” I screamed and jumped into Sam’s waiting arms.

“Do I really have to go to school?”

“Yes Emmry you do.” Emily scolded.

“Everyone goes to school still so don’t worry you’ll be perfectly fine.” Sam placed me on my feet, wrapped his arm around Emily and headed for the kitchen.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was 5:30! I had to be at Paul’s house at 6.

I ran up the stairs and changed.

When I came down it was 5:55, it should only take a few minutes if I pushed the limit just a little bit.

“Hey guys I’ll be back later I’m going to Paul’s for dinner!”

I started my engine and pulled out. I turned up the radio and sang along with it as I followed the streets to Paul’s house.

I'm stupid
I'm useless
I can't do anything right

According to you
I'm difficult
Hard to please
Forever changing my mind
I'm a mess in a dress
Can't show up on time
Even if it would save my life
According to you
According to you

But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him
I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite
I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you

According to you
I'm boring
I'm moody
You can't take me any place

According to you
I suck at telling jokes cause I always give it away
I'm the girl with the worst attention span
You're the boy who puts up with it
According to you
According to you

But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head

According to him
I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite
I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you

I need to feel appreciated
like I'm not hated
Oh, no
Why can't you see me through his eyes?
It's too bad you're making me dizz-ay

According to me
you're stupid
you're useless
you can't do anything right

But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head

According to him
I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite
I don't feel like stopping it
Baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you [you, you]
According to you [you, you]

According to you
I'm stupid
I'm useless
I can't do anything right

I pulled my car in his driveway and noticed a car I had never seen before, it wasn’t his mom’s or his. I got out and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited to for someone to answer. I hear laughing… female laughing like high pitched squealing. I was so confused. Suddenly the door opened and Paul’s mom opened the door.

“Hey sweetie.” She smiled and hugged me. “Come in dinner just got put out.” I followed her
in and towards the dining room. We walked through the door and I heard a high pitched

“OMG Pauly-bear you’re totally funny.” I looked and saw some blonde chick sitting in his lap…

“Hi” I said quietly trying to assess the citation, Paul had looked uncomfortable but he didn’t push the girl away.

“Emmry.” He nearly knocked the girl off his lap and got up to hug me.

“Who’s she?” I asked as before I would let him hug me.

“His ex girlfriend who are you?”

I wanted to scream his imprint bitch suck on that! But instead I decided to take the classier route.

“His current girlfriend.”

I turned and looked into Paul’s eyes and saw nervousness.

“Well now that everyone’s here we can eat.” Paul’s mom, Lauren walked in carrying a tray of
bread. We all sat down all I could do was look at Paul questioning everything.

Does he really like me or does he like this blonde chick?

“Let’s eat!” Mrs. Lauren called as we all started out; this was going to be the most awkward
dinner ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey It's pretty long!
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Dorry lee♥
Song is According to you by Orianthi!