Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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Alone Time

I was lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling listing to my music play softly. I was thinking about tonight, well about the fact that Paul loved me, not that blonde skank but me! I smiled as I remembered when he was swinging me around; I think I really truly am in love with him. I slowly started to drift off when I heard a soft thump. I looked up and saw Paul sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Hey.” I smiled sitting up.

“Hey.” He brought my face to his in a sweet kiss. I brought him closer to me running my fingers through his hair then wrapping them around his neck.

I started to play with the now longer pieces of hair on the back of his neck. He moaned softly and I smirked, I had never gotten a reaction like that before, it was sexy and intoxicating.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him after I had the strength to break away.

“Snuck out, I had to see you.”

My smile widened. “What about Olivia?”

“She left, saying something about how she had to get back to L.A.” Paul dragged me into his lap, softly placing his fingers on my back. He kissed me again, this time soft and sweet.

His hand began to roam on my back, when he hit my scars this time I didn’t jump back. He was tracing them ever so gently like he knew exactly what to do. Instead of feeling the normal dread I felt loved, he was about to move his hand up but I pulled away.

“Wanna go to the beach?”

He looked surprised for a second then quickly recovered by smirking.

“Let’s go.”

I reluctantly slid off his lap and straightened my shirt. I went over to my I home so I could turn off my IPod. I grabbed the hoody that was next to my dresser on the floor and slipped it on. I followed his lead to my window. I was freaked for a minute when he jumped right out landing right below my window.

“Jump Emmry.” He whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I stood straddling the window looking down at him. I took one final glance at my dark room and jumped out of my window. I closed my eyes shut tightly as I flew swiftly through the air. I sighed in relief as I felt Paul’s arms surround me.

“Good catch.” I mumbled as he sat me down. He laced our fingers together as we started to walk to the beach in the moon light.

It was so peaceful; all you could hear were the crickets chirping and the sound of our feet crunching on the hard ground keeping a steady beat. I looked up at the moon as Paul pulled me along and saw how alluring it was. The almost white reflection it had made it almost impossible to look away from.

We walked down to the rocks; we took off our shoes before we started to climb on the rocks leaving them propped on the first stone. We followed the path fifteen feet out in the water.
We sat down putting our feet in the freezing water. I was staring out at the waves when I felt someone looking at me.

I turned to Paul seeing the loving look in his beautiful brown eyes. I heard the waves crashing in the background but I could only focus on Paul, nothing else in the world mattered at this moment but Paul and me.

“I love you Emmry.” He muttered before he gently placed his warm hand on the back of my cold neck pulling me towards him. We sat there kissing in complete bliss it was simply amazing.

“I love you too Paul you know.” I smiled at him as I lightly kissed him. We sat there kissing for what seemed like hours, stopping every once in a while to say how much he loved me and vice versa.

“PAUL EMMRY!” An angry voice screamed from behind us I jolted away from Paul out of surprise. I turned around and saw Sam, Jake, and Embry standing on the shore, all with pissed off expressions on their faces.

“Why can we never get alone time?” I asked him defeated.

“I guess it’s just not in the cards for us yet, but I promise it will be.” he grinned and stood up reaching down he took my hand and pulled me up. We had started to walk back when I lost my footing.

I hadn’t realized how far out we were until I fell into the water. I can’t swim very well you see, I never had time to learn moving around all the time didn’t leave much for extracurricular activities.

I started to flap my arms around trying to keep me above water but I failed miserably. I started to sink into the deep dark depths of the freezing water. I tried to fight but all the strength was sucked out of me as a wave pulled me under further. I love you Paul was last thing I thought before I succumbed to the black depths of the ocean.

Third person (Paul)

He watched in complete horror as she thrashed around violently in the water. He was completely frozen in fear. He couldn’t even move his muscles that were begging to go save her. Once she fell under after a waved crashed over her beautiful head Paul jumped into the water.

He dug through the waves hoping to find her, but he gets getting slammed down. He finally could see her struggling and he knew she wouldn’t last long. She was at least ten feet away from him. He started to paddle his way to her the only thing on his mind was saving her.

Paul dove under the water and opened his eyes scanning for any sign of her. After a few seconds of searching he saw a small lump slowly sinking to the ocean floor. Emmry!!
It took all his strength but he finally got to her and started to swim towards the sky. Once he broke the surface he heard Jake yelling and Sam running after them into the ocean.

Paul held her close, protected her face from the waves as best as he could as he dragged her to the shore. When he got closer and could stand Paul picked her up and carried her bridal style out of the ocean with Sam following him pissed as hell. He laid her gently on the sand.

“Come on Emmry.” He pleaded as Embry started to perform CPR.

“Baby come on please.” He whispered as he watched hoping she would cough, or just make any sound.

Embry continued to do CPR and Paul was losing faith fast.

Embry was about to give up when they heard a soft cough…
♠ ♠ ♠
So we got like 35 inches of snow here.... and my internet was down but its up now! =)
I hope you like it i know cliff hanger sorta haha Thankss
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Dorry lee♥