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My left is your left!

Emmry’s POV

It was like an out of body experience. I could hear everything and see everything that was going on around me but I couldn’t do anything about it. I watched as Paul carried me, well my body to the shore. Why was I standing next to me instead of well being me?

“Emmry.” I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw my mom standing behind me; she was wearing a flowing white dress.

“Mom?” I whispered whipping my eyes to see if this was real.

“I don’t have too much time, you being clumsy with a little help made this possible. Honey I’m here to warn you. He’s coming; he should be here in two months and three days. That’s if he stays on schedule which you know he does.”

I stared at her trying to get everything thing to soak in.

“He hasn’t found me yet?” I asked as if the notion was purely ludicrous.

“Honey, you have to realize you went back to the one place he would never expect and one place he hasn’t been in years. Now our time is just about over.”

“Mom!” I ran towards her.

“I love you sweetie, don’t ever forget that, now wake up Emmry wake up.” She whispered as she started to fade. I watched her vanish.

I looked over to where Embry was giving me CPR.

“Come on Emmry.” Paul cried. I saw tears fall from his gorgeous face.

“Baby come on please.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. How was I supposed to get back? I walked over to myself and kneeled next to Paul. Well I guess I could try lying over top of me. I laid myself over my body and closed my eyes. I could feel my soul thing being put back into my body. I coughed lightly at the pressure from being pushed down.


I blinked my eyes a couple times I looked over to where I knew Paul was and smiled slightly. I was about to try to talk but instead I started to cough up water like crazy. When I finally finished spitting out disgusting salt water i tried to talk.


“Emmry shh.” He murmured as he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his warmth never wanting to let go ever.

“Emmry?” Sam asked as he took me from Paul’s arms.

“Sam?” I hugged him tightly as I started to cry.

“Emmry it’s going to be okay...” He whispered and I hugged him tightly. I didn’t know why exactly I was crying. Maybe it was cus I saw my mom, or because I just found out my dad was going to be here soonish or it could be I just almost died. Who knows but I think it has something to do with all of them. I blinked rapidly trying to get the black dots that were clouding my vision to go away.

“Sam Sam, he’s coming, he’ll be here.” I stuttered as I clung to him.

“Stay awake babe.” I think that voice is Paul.

“Don’t close your eyes Emmry.” That was Jake or maybe Embry.

“What Emmry?” He asked gently pushing my hair out of my face.

“He’s coming.” I mumbled as I tried to fight the black, failing miserably as I passed out in Sam’s arms.

I woke up looking towards the sky, glaring at my ceiling. I felt the familiar warmth of Paul’s arms as I twisted in my bed. I snuggled into his chest when I heard a laugh.

“Cold?” Paul whispered tickling my ear with his breath.

“Yup.” My voice came out broken and groggy.

“No talking.” He scolded as he brought me even closer, as if that was even possible.

“I thought I was going to lose you. I don’t know what I could have done without you. I saw my future truing black and falling around me Emmry. I… I don’t know if I would have been able to live if anything ever happened to you.”

I stared into his eyes, his gorgeous eyes, they started to tear up when he finished. I knew he would turn away from me if they fell so I brought my lips to his.

“Emmry, you’re my life, my world and the owner of my heart.”

“I won’t take my position lightly I swear.” My voice finally sounded almost normal!

I felt the rumbling in his chest as he laughed. “I thought I told you not to talk.”

I smiled and kissed him again, hoping instead of arguing with me he would just give in and let me have my way and guess what, he did.

After twenty minutes of talking and I’ll admit some kissing I was allowed out of my bed. Paul told me I was out for a good twelve hours. Well it looks like today is Sunday, which means I have to go to Hell I mean school tomorrow. Can’t you see how excited I ‘am?

Emily’s face brightened when I walked down the stairs. Everyone was sitting in the living room or at the kitchen table.

“Hey guys.” My voice breaking the eerie silence.

“EMMRY!” Everybody yelled the moment my foot hit the floor I was attacked by my huge giants.

“Let her go.” Sam pulled everyone away and me into another hug.

“You seem to be one of the clumsiest people ever!”

“I know Sam.”

“Don’t do that ever again.”

“Okay Sam.” I smiled as he let me go.

“Emmry I know you just woke up and all but do you think you’ll be okay to go shopping. We need to get you school supplies and clothes and such.”

“Emily, I have clothes.” I answer hoping they didn’t bring up the school supplies again.

“Not enough. I can’t take you but the boys offered to take you up to Port Angeles.”

“Fine.” I sighed and started to walk out.

“Where you going?” Quil asked from the couch.

“Aren’t we leaving now? It’s like four o clock.”

“Yeah…” They all replied getting up and following me out the door.

I was almost to my car when Emily came out.

“Don’t forget school supplies!”

“Damn you Emily!” I yelled as I yanked my door open.

I was driving with Paul, Jared and Seth the other boys, Jake, Quill and Embry were all in Jake’s Rabbit.

“Tell me where to turn and such got it?” I stated as I pulled out of the driveway.

“Why didn’t you let one of us drive?” Paul laughed.

“Do you honestly believe I would let any one of you drive my car?” I asked as if the idea was completely ridiculous.

“Yeah Whatever Emmry.” Jared joked.

I turned up the radio just loud enough to block out Jared and Seth arguing in the back but quite enough so I could hear Paul giving me directions.

“Turn left.”


“Emmry I said left.”

“This is left…”

“My left.”

“My left is your left!”

“Oh then I meant right….”

“Good going Paul!”

I sighed as I turned around; this is going to be one fun car ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Schools been out all week due to snow, and I've spent most of it sans internet or outside shoveling, time of my life.
Well thanks to everyone who reads, comments and subscribes so please keep it up!
Dorry lee ♥