Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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The Yellow Rose

I was sitting outside of some coffee shop, while the boys flirted with the waitress. Paul was making sure nothing happened with them, so I was all by myself but it wasn’t that bad. I had started to think about what had happened.

All I could remember was failing into the water and waking up with Paul and Embry right in my face. Sam called when we got done shopping and said we had to have a pack “discussion” supposedly I said something that is unsettling to him; I just don’t know what that thing is.

I sighed pressing my fingertips into my forehead and started to massage it. I was getting a headache, I had been trying to remember what I had said but all I get is a deep pain. Trust me it’s annoying as fuck, I just want to remember so I can tell everyone.

“Em?” A voice called. I looked up and saw Paul walking out of the café.

“I still can’t remember.”

“You will I know you will.” He whispered lovingly as he sat down taking up the entire bench.

I laid my head on his shoulder and let his warmth engulf me. I thought back to that night.
I remember twisting and falling into the water. I can feel the water pulling me down, pulling me from the surface, from Paul. Wave after wave pounding over my head, I gasped when I remember my last thought, I love you Paul. That’s where everything goes blank. It’s like a black void.
The next thing I can picture is waking up on the beach, Paul, and Embry hovering above me. I can see their worried faces, and the faint trace of water that is clearly not from the ocean streaking down his cheek.

“Emmry?” Paul asked breaking me out of my state.

“Yeah yeah I’m here.”

“Ready?” I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. We stood up when the boys strutted out. Embry was holding a piece of paper that seemed to have a number on it, and was wearing the world’s biggest grin.

“I told you she would give me her number.” He smirked at Jake.

“Whatever.” He grumbled and came to walk next to me and Paul.

I laughed at the two of them and linked my hand with Paul’s. It took us a few minutes to get to the cars, when we did, all the boys jumped in. I slide into the driver’s seat and closed my door.

“Ready kids?” I joked as I turned in my seat to look at them. Instead of getting the laughs I expected I only received grumbles and mumbled “Yeah”.

I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. I figured we went home the same we came, so I followed the roads I remembered taking before.

“Em, do you know where to go?”

“Yeah I remember all the turns and such, I’ll just have to reverse them. “

“How do you remember them?” Seth asked.

“I sort of have a photographic memory.”

“Sort of???” Jared laughed from the back seat.

“Well sometimes it works and others it doesn’t gosh leave me alone!” I joked turning onto the highway.

“Well then!” Jared huffed pouting.

I turned up the music and a comfortable silence, it took us a little while to get back to Sam’s house but nobody really minded. When I shut off the engine and turned to ask Seth something, they were already out of the car.

“What the hell….”

“Wolves remember.” A voice said from outside my window scaring me.

I looked up and saw Jared standing there smiling.

“Holy shit you scared the crap out of me.” I replied shaking.

“Yeah well Paul’s probably gonna kill me, but Kim, my girlfriend and I are going on a date Saturday andshe I mean we, want to know if you and Paul would like to join us?”

“Yeah we’d love to.” I smiled and opened the door.

“What did you just agree to… all I heard was Paul and we’d love too.”

“We’re going on a double date with Jared and….” I stopped forgetting her name.

“KIM!” I yelled suddenly stopping Jared from answering when I remembered.

“Yeah.”Jared smiled, the imprint look crossing his face, the look Paul gives me when he thinks I’m not looking or when Emily is looking and I’m not.

“Babe…. Do we have to??” He asked wrapping his hand around my waist pulling me close to him as we walked towards the door.

“Yes we do, so cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. Okay sweetie?” I smirked breaking from his grasp and running to the door. I was about to open the door when something crashed into my head. I swerved a little before I dropped to the ground. I could only see black spots, but I was not going to go unconscious, I refuse to do that again.

What felt like hours could have only been minutes I finally could see straight? Paul was kneeling in front of me, that same worried look that he had when I woke up at the beach. All of a sudden everything flowed back to me. I remember the conversation with my mother…. I remember everything….

“Oh my fucking god….” I whispered.

“Baby, baby what, are you okay?” Paul asked once he heard me speak, placing his hands on my cheeks and forcing me to look at him.

“I remember.”

“What?” I heard Seth ask from behind Paul somewhere.

“I know what happened at the beach. I remember what I saw.” I said softly, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

“He’s coming…”

“Who honey who?” Paul cooed looking directly into my eyes.

“My father.”

Silence echoed on the porch as everyone took in what I said. Paul’s features had grown hard. He was staring at me but it felt like he was staring at something I couldn’t see. His anger was becoming apparent slowly, the red glow in his eyes faintly appearing.

“Let’s get her inside.” Emily suggested gently shaking Paul knowing what could happen next.

“Yeah.” Everyone murmured as they all tried to pick me up, pushing Paul away.

“Paul?” I whispered looking for him, hoping he would be the one to take me inside but found no sight of him, or Jared. Sam was the one to pick me up and bring me into the house. I was completely confused, where did he go what did I do? Sam laid me on the couch and told me to rest, but of course I didn’t listen.

“No we have to talk about this now. I want to tell everyone what I saw.”

He nodded knowing it would be pointless to try to argue with me.

All the boys except Paul and Jared sat around.

“Where are Paul and Jared?”
No one answered me for a couple seconds.

“He was upset and had to leave.” Sam finally answered looking away from my face.

“Fine.” I said harshly and glared at the floor.

“After I blacked out I remember waking up standing on the beach, watching Paul carry me. It was really weird, it was like I was well standing there, but I was also there with you guys. Then next thing I know, I heard this familiar voice, it was my mom. She told me how clumsy I was then, told me that my father is coming. He will be here in two months and three days, well two months and one day and he’s always on schedule. This whole thing was a warning, a message from my mother to protect me.”

I sighed and looked down.

“I know I just got here and I love you guys you all are the best thing to ever happen to me, but I have to leave.”

I felt the interruptions coming from each person so I quickly continued my voice rising slightly.

“I have to protect you, my family. He can’t know that I have been here; he will go after all of you. I can’t do that to you. I can’t let what happen to my mom happen to you guys too. I need to leave now, so he will pick up my trail and follow me away. Maybe I will be able to come back. But for now I have to stay away, I can’t risk it, I won’t risk you.” Tears had started to form, and I was breathing heavily. I didn’t want to leave, I loved these people but I had to protect them.

“No.” Sam said surprising me.

“What do you mean no?” I asked as if he was going crazy.

“I am your guardian, and you are going nowhere. We will help you with him; he will never touch you or anyone ever again once he gets here. Dillon Emmry Jacobs, you are my sister, my flesh and blood, and I refuse to let you leave. So get use to it here, because you are not leaving I’m sorry, I understand but there’s no way I’m letting you leave.” He stated, and then marched out the door al the boys following him.

“Wow this feels like a rerun of when I first came here.” I whispered more to myself but when Emily laughed slightly I smiled.

“Did you honestly think he would let you leave?”

“I wanted to try anyway.”

“You two are just alike.” She muttered as she walked back into the kitchen.

“Go put all your clothes away, all the bags are already by the stairs.”She called over her shoulder.

“Okay.” I walked over and grabbed my bags and headed back up to my room. I dropped the bags on the floor by my closet and headed for my bed. I was about to lay on it when I saw a note with a yellow rose attached.

Dearest Dillon,
I will be here soon, of course I had a little help getting this too you, seeing I’m not quite there yet. I remember yellow roses being your favorite, can’t wait to see you again.
Be ready for me sweetheart.

Then I did the only thing I could think of, scream till I would pass out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been forever, so much is going on at school and suchhhh.
Hope you like it, I tried to answer the question i got. She just didn't remember, but now she does, but it brings more bad then good.
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Dorry lee♥