Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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How can you be so smart?

I woke up with the blaring noise of my alarm clock yelling in my ear. I tried to move to turn it off, but I was tied down by Paul. His arms were anchoring in place keeping me from moving.
I struggled for a couple seconds before giving up.

“Paul wake up, school...” I yelled in his ear.

“GOD DAMN IT WOMAN!” He yelled as he flung away from me. I laughed and rolled out of bed.

I picked out my clothes and rushed to the bath room.
After getting ready I just headed downstairs knowing Paul would be down there already. As I walked down the steps I smelt pancakes and syrup. YUMMMMM
I ran to the table and sat down. I waited and watched the door till Emily walked out with a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

“Morning Emmry.” She smiled and placed the food down.
I looked down at the food and smiled.

“Thanks Em.” I mumbled after inhaling my food, I didn’t even realize that Paul had sat down next to me.

“Ready to go to school?” He asked sliding his arm around my waist. I nodded and we headed for the door. I went to grab my book bag but he took it from me.

“No…. I want to carry it.” He smirked down at me and continued out the door. He glanced over his shoulder and waved goodbye to I guess Emily and Sam.

“Are we riding with the boys?” I asked.

“No they’re just going to meet us there.”
We got to the car and I slid into the front seat.

“So Paul, I wasn’t exactly shown around when I first came so where the school is exactly?” I smiled shyly and started up the car.

“Of course you don’t.” he laughed. He told me where to go and we made it to the school in ten minutes. At least this time he knew his right from his left…

We pulled in my car hit a couple pot holes. All I could think of as I pulled into a spot was the commercial where the pot hole talks “Oh no, your tire's all flat and junk. Oh did i do that? Here let me get my cellular you a wrecker...Oh shoot, I got no phone...`Cause I’m a pothole...Soooo.....Kay bye.” BEST COMMERCIAL EVER.

“Ready Em?” Paul asked as he came around to grab my bag out of the back seat.

“I’ve never been to a public…. No real school before what do you think?” I snapped, I really didn’t mean to sound bitchy but I was nervous and that kind of pressure does that to me.

“Sorry sorry.” He muttered but still took my hand.

I glanced around at the school; some that I’ve seen would make this one look like a shack. It was only one story high and was only maybe a football field and a half long. The entire building was made of old worn out red brick. Kids sat around the front of the school sitting on the mini walls, or under trees talking, laughing and having a good time.

As we stepped onto the side walk it was like everyone stopped and turned to look at us. I was holding onto Paul’s hand for dear life.

“Paul why are they staring at me??” I whispered scared.

“Because, I’ve never came to school holding a girls hand before, plus they don’t know who you are.” He smiled down at me.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it okay?”

I nodded and it felt like time was in slow mo as we passed the people who had the same tan skin and dark hair as the boys. Me I had lighter skin and had medium brown hair….
Fantastic another reason to stick out.

“Hey Paul!” Some guys sitting on the wall with girls next to them called smirking at him.

“Hey!” He nodded but didn’t head over to them; instead we just continued to walk into the school.

“I’ll take you to the main office and help you take you to your classes.” He smiled at me and dragged me to a door on the left side of the hallway.

When we opened the door a little bell rang telling the people we were here.

“Hello sweetheart how are you?” A woman in her fifties came over behind the counter. The office was tiny; to my left were mail slots and the swinging door that led to the principal’s office.

“Hi my name is Emmry Jacobs…”

“Uley her name is Emmry Uley.” Paul interrupted looking down at me.
I glared at him “What do you mean its Uley, that’s not my last name….” I whispered harshly at him.

“Sam thought it best to register you under his name.” Paul sighed.

“Whatever…” I turned back to the lady and saw her look of confusion.

“Well deary here’s your schedule, I see you already have a guide.” She looked around the
counter and finally grabbed a pad of passes.

“Here darling get this signed by your teachers.” She handed me a green pass and ushered us out the door.

I looked down at my schedule.

Period 1: Calculus Mr. Haner
Period 2: AP Economics Mrs. Trabiller
Period 3 &4: Lunch A Enrichment B
Period 5: AP Art Mrs. Holiday
Period 6: Gym Coach Élan
Period 7: AP Biology Mr. Keller

“Damn Em how can you be so smart?” he asked looking at me funny.

“I don’t know?” I smiled as he led me to my first class.
This was going to be fun....
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know I said I would post that one day.... but I had a mock AP exam to take the next day and I completely forgot about everything but that exam!!!
So I'm soooo sorry
Hope this makes up for it!!
Love you all!! Comment Subscribe!
Dorry Lee♥