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Reformed Playboy

Every class was the same; I stood in front of tons of people and said my name and where I came from. Each time I would sit in the back and get stared at. I was getting fed up. I just finished economics and I realized it was time for lunch. The ball rang cutting off Mrs. Trabiller who told me to call her Mrs. T, we all gathered our books and headed for the door.

I stayed and waited for everyone to rush out the door. After every class Paul promised to be there to take me to each class. It turned out that I had first period with Jacob, and I have fifth period with Embry and sixth with all the boys, and I have last period with Jared. So I’m glad at least I know someone in most of my classes.

“Hey Em.” Paul smiled as he took my books from me and grabbed my hand. The entire day everyone had been staring at us, I was getting sick of it!

“So we have lunch now right?”

“Yup.” He pulled me to the little cafeteria.

I spotted the boys right away. They were all sitting at a table together, but they looked like giants at a kids table. I didn’t notice that there were two girls there as well until I sat down. The girl next to Jared had long black hair and deep brown eyes. She was completely gorgeous. She smiled at me and waved.

“Hi I’m Kim Jared’s girlfriend.” She stuck out her hand and I shook it.


“Paul’s girlfriend.” Paul added smiling.

The other girl was younger she had shorter black hair but instead of brown eyes she had green.

“Hi I’m Anya. I’m Seth’s girlfriend.” We all laughed when she blushed as Seth wrapped his arms around her.

I guess these are their imprints, I wonder if they told them yet or not.

“So where are you from Emmry?” Kim asked after a silence.

“Pennsylvania, southern PA actually around there.”

“Oh that’s so cool!”

“How did you meet Paul?” Anya asked me.

“He’s friends with my brother Sam Uley.”

“YOUR SAM’S LITTLE SISTER?????” Kim yelled, I looked around and the entire cafeteria
went silent.

“Fantastic.” I groaned squishing myself to Paul.

After a few minutes everyone started to talk to each other and they seemed to forget about me.
Lunch ended and we all headed to enrichment, study hall.

“Em don’t worry no one really cares.” Paul kissed my forehead as we sat down in the library.

“I’m really sorry Emmry I didn’t mean to say it that loud, I swear.” Kim looked to be in almost tears.

“Its fine worse has happened.” I shrugged and laid my head on Paul’s shoulder.

“How long do we have to be here?”

“A half hour.” Jacob whined.

“Great.” I sighed.

“NO TALKING!” A teacher with crazy blonde hair yelled, she wasn’t old but she didn’t seem to be too young either.

“Who the hell is that?” I whisper asked them.

“Mrs. Allia. The biggest bitch on the planet…” Seth glared at her scarily skinny form as he placed his arm over the back of Anya’s chair.

“So what class do you have next Emmry?” Kim asked smiling.
She likes to smile, at least she has something to be happy about…. well I have Paul so I should be happy too. God I’m such a Debbie downer.

“AP Art.”

“OMG Me too!!!!” She giggled. “So you’re good at art?”

“Yeah just a little bit, but I prefer to sing, just not exactly in front of people.” I broke her gaze and started to twirl my necklace, I can’t believe schools didn’t allow hats because I was really missing mine.

I ran my hand through my hair; the teachers passed out papers and pencils and told us to just be quiet.
I started to draw random flowers and started to fade into my own little world.

After enrichment the rest of the day seemed to speed by.

I was walking to my new locker with Paul by my side when I was cut off by some girl.

“Excuse me!!!” A screechy voice called. I looked and saw a girl with pitch black hair that was
shoulder length. She wasn’t as tan as the other girls she was just about my skin tone.

“Can I help you?” I questioned, what the hell did she want?

“Your with my man.” She sneered.

“Who are you?” Paul asked confused, he looked down at me and shook his shoulders.

“Arielle! Remember me!!!” She cried desperately.

“No I can’t I’m sorry.”

She stomped her bedazzled strappy heels and ran off in the other direction.

“Paul is that going to happen a lot?” I closed my eyes; of course I get the reformed playboy.
Instead of answering me he just helped me put my books away and took my bag. We headed out the school and Jake, Embry, and Quil were waiting.

“They found something Sam wants you I’ll take care of her.” Embry said seriously as he looked Paul directly in the eyes.

Paul pulled me to him and kissed me, it was the most passionate kiss we ever shared. He gently traced his thumb over my face as he molded my heart with his.

“Fine, but if one I mean one beautiful strand of that brown hair is out of place I will personally kill you.” He growled and followed the other boys into the forest.

We jumped in my car and I started up the engine. Is this going to happen every day, am I going to have to let him go fight “evil” every single god damn day? I sighed and turned the car off.

“Em we don’t have time for this right now please, we have to go to Sam and Emily’s.” He said nervously.

“My house you mean.”

“Yeah your house.” He corrected sinking in the seat when I turned the car on once again.

“Is this going to happen all the time? I mean I know my father is a crazy lunatic and all who
is out to kill me but is Paul going to be gone every day?” I asked him turning in my seat.

“I don’t know, we never do, but it’s our job to protect the people in the reservation.”

“Okay, I just needed to know.” I looked out at the sky as rain started to pour down. We drove home in silence the static of the radio trying its best to fill it. We we’re about to get out when something landed on my hood.

“Why does this kind of messed up shit always happen to me?” I yelled at the pissed off wolf growling at me through the windshield, the only thing i could tell was that it wasn't one of the boys due to its bright red eyes.
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Thanks for the comments!!!! I love you guys! This one is for you!!!!! It's a tiny cliffhanger i mean who has a random mega wolf jumping on the hood of their car. That kind of thing happens all the time right?? lol
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