Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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Emergency room

Everyone seems to happen in slow motion. Embry yelled for me to stay put and not run as he ripped out of the car. I heard the screeching protest of the rusted metal as it slammed back shut. In a blink of an eye his tan skin ripped and tore into brown fur. I watched as his teeth and claws charged at the unidentified wolf (UW). I sat staring at them as they danced their deadly routine, taking turns charging at each other. Claws scrapped against the hood of my car breaking me from my trance.

“Holy shit!” Embry was pushed onto the hood of my car. I could hear his growls and saw his face even as a wolf, grow dark and angry. Next thing I know Embry is dragging the other wolf into the woods. I stay frozen in my seat staring silently at the house.

Snarls erupted in the background, I barley heard the footsteps as they squished against the wet mud.

When the door to my car was opened and a wet hand grasped my shoulders I just reacted, I was so scared and confused I didn’t realize my hand shot out and sort of hit the person in the facial.

“Jesus fucking Christ Emmry it’s just me!” Embry screamed. It took me a minute to feel the pain and once I did I didn’t scream or yell… oddly enough I just calmly looked at him.

“Where’s Paul I think I kind of broke my hand… or at least sprained it.”

“Great just great, I’m a dead man.”

“Maybe you should have announced your presence.” I sighed annoyed as I got out of the car carefully trying not to hit my hand on anything.

“I did! You just didn’t hear me!”

“So what happened?” I asked as we headed up to the stairs.

“We think he’s from your father’s pack, he tried to convince me to leave with him and take you with me.” He laughed and shook his head, rain drops scattered from the ends of his hair.

“Oh well... AH” I yelled as my shoe slipped on the water that was lying on the stairs, I fell face first into the steps. I instantly jutted out my hands completely forgetting I had hurt it. I heard the bone in my wrist and fingers snap and break.

I landed with a thud on the wet stairs instantly drenching the front of my shirt. “Well at least now I know for sure that it’s indeed broken.” I mumbled as Embry helped me up.

“God damn it I’m screwed, Paul is going to kill me!” I cried as he half dragged me in the house. Our shoes squeaked on the wooden floor because we didn’t whip them off at the front door.

“Emily!!” He yelled setting me down on the couch.
I heard the stairs groan as she descended down.

“Yes Embry?”

“Okay so Emmry most likely broke her hand, and it’s so not my fault.” He quickly snapped his hands up as if he was surrendering.

“Well, I guess we’re gonna have to go to the emergency room. Let me call Sam if he answer I’ll tell him if not we’re just going to go okay?” Emily smiled at me and pecked my forehead, then exited the room her shoes echoing off the floor boards being the only sound.

“Sam, thank god Emmry’s sort of hurt nothing major just a broken wrist. I don’t know I called you immediately no bone sticking out or anything. You have to tell him Sam, I know how he is going to react but it isn’t fair to him at all. Sam… just do it… for me. Okay I’ll meet you guys at the hospital, I know I love you too by.”

I stared up at the ceiling, so I know Paul is going to freak, but this wasn’t Embry’s fault.

“Time to go, Embry stay here we don’t want you dead or anything.” He was about to protest when I felt one of her special “looks”.

They helped me off the couch and into the car. It took us a few minutes to get to Forks Hospital. We pulled into the parking lot and thankfully no sign of a raging Paul.
After signing in they told me to sit over in the chairs and wait for a nurse to call me name.

“Well honey you wanna tell me what happened?”

“Embry scared me so I punched him, then I fell on the stairs.”

“Wonderful.” She smiled and me.

“Emmry Jacobs-Uley.” A young nurse with blonde hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail called me name. I quickly got up and Emily and I headed to her.

“Follow me please.” She nodded at me and walked to a cot and told me to sit. She pulled the curtains around me and smiled.

“So what happened?” She asked looking down at her board.

“My friend scared me so I accidently hit him and when we were heading inside, I fell on the front steps and I braced myself with my already hurt wrist.” I explained nervously.

“Well I’ll have the doctor come in he will most likely want to do some X- Rays okay?”

“Yeah that’s fine.”

She briskly walked out of the room pulling the curtain closed behind her.

“WHERE IS SHE DAMN IT? WHERE THE HELL IS EMMRY ULEY?” A deep roar was heard from the waiting room. I turned to Emily and smile.

“I think Paul’s here.”

“EMMRY!!!!!” He screamed, I could hear the ripping of curtains open, there had to be at least two more till he got to mine. Finally he ripped open mine.

His face was bright red; his eyes were blazing and zeroed in on my wrist that I was cradling.
Instantly he was at me side.

“Baby what happened?” He murmured his face in my hair, his lips moved to kiss my neck lightly.

“I fell on the front steps.” I purposely let the part about punching Embry out knowing he would freak.

“Sir I think you were told to please leave.” A male nurse or doctor walked in with a frustrated look on his face. I would think he was semi good looking if it wasn’t for the fact I had Paul.
This guy wasn’t nearly as tall, tan or handsome as Paul. He had longish blonde hair, and baby blue eyes.

“Its fine, he’s with me you won’t have to worry about him.” I smiled.

“Well Miss Uley, I’m Doctor Tyler Dylan, and I’ll be looking at your arm.” He walked over and tried to gently take my arm, but Paul started to growl.

“It’s fine he’s the doctor Paul.” I shushed him and put my hand in the doctors.

“Well this is defiantly broken, we need some X-Rays.” He nodded then quickly left the room.

“Do I smell weird?” I turned and asked Paul, and all he did was laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the latenesss things have been super hectic lately!!!
Hope you like it.
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Dorry lee