Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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I looked over at Billy flashing him a told you so look and turned back towards Sam.

“Sam?” a woman’s voice rang through the house. A woman with black hair came walking in.

She ran right to Sam and knelt down next to him. Her hair hung in front of her obviously beautiful face even with the three scars, they seemed to make her radiance glow even more. All of a sudden five huge half naked boys ran towards Sam as well.

“What did you do to him?” The second biggest glared at me, his black hair rested just above his angry eyes.

“Nothing I…” I stopped afraid to continue, I watched in silence as the boys started to talk to Sam along with the woman next to him.

“Emily…” he whispered as he opened his eyes. I could see the love in his face as he looked at her. She took her small hand and placed it on his cheek.

“Sam, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you faint.” Her voice full of laughter.

“I didn’t faint, I simply was blindsided.”

“By what?” one of the boys asked. Sam stood up and walked up to me. I was only 5”4 so he towered over me.

“What did you say before?”

I broke eye contact quickly and looked behind me at Billy. Sam followed my gaze and smiled at Billy.

“Hey Billy come on in, I’ll be right in.” with that he turned back to me with a serious face.

“You see I’m your half sister.” I said quietly.

“Impossible.” He sneered.

“Son, it’s true. Emmry here is your sister. I think it would be best if we all came inside and sat down. Jake take the boys out and go play football or something, this is something for Sam, Emily, Emmry and I."

Without another word he rolled into the house. I took one final glance and followed Billy in. I had never once disobeyed his order; he was the only father figure I really had. Seeing as I was the mistake my father spent more time with his real family.

“Explain.” Sam ordered when we had all sat in the living room, his arm wrapped protectively around the girl Billy had called Emily.

“My name is Dillon Emmry Jacobs…” I started but I didn’t know how exactly to continue so I looked at Billy for help.

“Sam your father was well is not the greatest man. He did things he shouldn’t of and still does. Look one day 17 years ago he came to me with a woman holding a baby. He asked me to help take care of them because it was his daughter but he didn’t want anyone to know. So I did what I thought was best. Emmry and her mother Morgan lived on the Rez but far away from everyone else. She never went to school, she was home schooled. We didn’t want anyone to put two and two together. Can’t you see it Sam she looks just like you!” Billy finished exasperated.

“Billy I just, she’s my sister?” a smile breaking out on his face.

“I have a letter if you want it. My mother wrote it awhile ago. You see she meant to send it to you when I was 13 and we were leaving but she just felt all ties should be cut.”

“Why did you leave?” Emily asked me. I just stared at the carpet afraid to answer.

“Let’s stick with one thing at a time shall we.” Billy intercepted. I silently thanked him and he simply nodded.

“Okay, well why you are here then?” Sam questioned looking at me once again.

“My mother was killed by an unknown “beast” about a week ago. The police think it was a bear but I know it wasn’t it was my… our father.” I watched as confusion hit Sam’s face.

“How’d you know?”

“Well, okay I’ll answer but do you want to know why I’m here first?”

“Oh yeah.” Sam said realizing he had interrupted.

“You’re the last relative I have left. I was given five months to build a life here with you and your family and prove to the social services I’m taken care of or I get sent to foster care.”

“So you’re gonna stay here right?” Emily asked suddenly getting excited.

“Only if you want me to. I mean I can live with Billy for awhile, well if it’s okay with him anyway.”

“No you’ll stay here, you’re my little sister. Sorry about how we reacted before I was just really surprised.” He said getting up and hugging me.

“Uh, thanks?” I started to hug him back. It felt weird at first I never really received “love” from someone before. I mean yes my mother but she could only do so much. We moved around a lot trying to hide from my father, she was the one that had to find the odd jobs normal people didn’t want.

“I’ll get the boys and you can then explain how you know.”
I nodded as Sam left the room.

“I’m going to get cookies.” Emily smiled as she bounced out of the room singing.

“Billy, I can only tell them if I tell them what happened I… I don’t think I can do that just yet.”

“Em it’s time. You’ve held it in long enough if you let them they can help you.” Billy sighed placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I sat back down on the sofa when I heard the door open. The five huge boys walked in with Sam plus Billy’s son. The ones that could fit on the sofa sat down and the rest stood around the living room casually leaning on something or another.

“Okay introductions.” Sam muttered to himself as he went to the boy who had yelled at me before.

“This is Embry.” The boy did a slight wave.

“The one sitting next to him is Quil.” The boy was just as muscular as Embry and had the same black hair only shorter. He waved also but he was smiling.

“You met Jake.” He pointed to Billy’s son; he had to be one of the tallest his black hair sticking up in an odd fashion.

“Hi!” he said excitedly. I said hi back quietly.

“Seth… Seth!” he yelled clearly annoyed as he searched around for the boy named Seth. A semi tall boy walked in with two cookies in his hands and one in his mouth.

“What?” he tried to say but it came out all grumbled with cookie crumbs shooting everywhere.

“Can you ever do anything you’re told?” Sam said annoyed.

Seth just smiled and stood next to Jake.

“Finally those two are Collin and Brady, they’re the newest.” He nodded towards the youngest looking boys.

“Hi my names Emmry Jacobs.”

“Who are you?” Quil asked me.

I looked up at Sam silently asking for permission and he nodded and smiled.

“I’m Sam’s half sister.” The room exploded. At first I thought it was a bad thing but instead it was all good comments. Everyone was excited to have someone new that was family.

“Okay calm down!” Sam ordered. “Okay Emmry can you tell us all now.”
I was looking at the floor trying to find the words to speak.

“I know you guys are shape- shifters, werewolves whatever you wanna call yourselves.” Everyone started to talk again but one look from Sam made them all shut up.

“When I was 13 I was walking in the woods. I never really had to worry about anything seeing as no one knew I even existed except for my mother, Billy and my father. I was playing around one day and all of a sudden I got this feeling I was being watched.” I stopped knowing what was coming up.

I heard the door open and I looked up at it. Two more equally tall, huge and half naked guys came in. the taller one stopped as soon as he saw me. I stared right into his eyes and the world stopped. I felt this odd heat and it scared me. I quickly broke the contact and took a deep breath.

“I didn’t know what it was so I started to run. But of course I was no match for it.”

I looked up into the boys eyes once again and it was weird he was glaring at me. I glanced back down and continued.

“Eventually he caught up to me. It was a wolf, but not a normal one, it was huge. He was dark grey with white streaks. I swear I had never seen anything scarier than that wolf. He slowly started to advance towards me. The last thing I remember was the feeling of his claws on my skin. I woke up at the hospital in Forks a couple of days later. That’s when they told me that not only did he try to kill me he… he…” I broke off suddenly feeling the emotions flood back to me.

I haven’t thought, told this story in years. A warm arm cuddled me to its chest and I looked up and saw Sam. He looked upset.

“Continue.” He urged hugging me closely and this time instead of feeling award it felt right. Like I actually had family.

“He rapped me…” I finished as softly as I could, knowing they were all wolves and they could all hear me perfectly. Suddenly the door was slammed loudly and I hear growls of anger. I glanced around the room and every single boy was at the point of hitting someone but the one boy who had glared at me was the only one missing.

“Jake, Jared go after him.” Sam ordered as he started to shake. I didn’t know what was going on. I heard Emily gasp from the doorway.

“Oh dear.” She walked over to me and hugged me. She took me away from Sam and wrapped me in her arms. She started to whisper that it would be okay in my ear while rocking me. I didn’t realize I had started to cry until the boy who I remember was Brady brought over a box of tissues.

“Thanks.” I murmured.

“No problem.” He shrugged it off and went to go follow the rest of the boys outside.

“I told you Billy, why would anyone want a despicable person like me in their family!” I started to cry harder. I could feel Billy come over and kiss me on the forehead.

“They love you a-yo-li, you have to learn to trust them.” He patted my shoulder and headed for the door. I sighed and got off Emily.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Oh dear its fine, you know I’m really glad you’re here. I mean the boy’s have their imprints and everything but a girl living here will make everything better.” She hugged me tight.

“Thanks.” I smiled into the hug.

“Now how about some cookies seeing as there’s no one here to gobble them up!!” I nodded and followed Emily into the kitchen of my new home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally got it finished, its a lot longer then normal! i hope you like it!!!!!! Comment, subscribe!!!!- Dorry lee♥