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Unkown part two

Unknown pov:

It was just about 6:30 AM when we pulled up to the old run down dump this stupid reservation called a school. I and the boys got out of the car, shutting the door as gently as possible. I leaned back against the car and smirked taking in my surroundings. Stupid teenagers scattered around the front of the school.

“Ready to go?” One of the twins asked me I wasn’t quite sure which one, they sounded the fucking same. I just scanned the parking lot some more, until I saw her, she was walking with that loser of a “boyfriend”, I started to look her over when I saw she had a cast on…

“What the hell happened to her??” I growled at the twins, I knew one of them was the one to be the one to bring her back.

“We have no clue!” They responded together shaking their heads.

“Fine.” I growled and pushed off the car. “Let’s go.”

The boys flanked me as we walked into the school, I could feel all the eyes on us, and we were the new kids. We were different, new to look at.
We entered the building; I could feel her scent that lingered surround me. We walked right to the office and got our schedules. I looked down at the paper in my hand.

Period 1: Calculus Mr. Haner
Period 2: AP Economics Mrs. Trabiller
Period 3 &4: Lunch A Enrichment B
Period 5: AP Art Mrs. Holiday
Period 6: Gym Coach Élan
Period 7: AP Biology Mr. Keller

“This is her schedule correct?” I turned and looked at them.

“Yes, to the T, we all have lunch at the same time but different classes.”
I nodded and headed to my first period class. I passed students wandering in the hallway and i laughed to myself when the girls would keep staring over their shoulder. One girl in particular ran into the wall. After a good ten minutes i finally found the door that had Mr. Haner's name on it.

“Hello?” I knocked on the door and entered.

“Why hello, you must be the new student. Everyone this is…” He looked over and smiled.

“Bryden Wes.”

“Well Mr. Wes welcome to my class. Take a seat next to…” He looked around the room and I followed his gaze, I saw that she had an empty seat next to her, the only empty seat.

“Miss Uley, go sit next to Miss Uley, Emmry raise your hand please.”

Before her hand even started to go up I took a couple steps in her direction and smiled at her but unfortunately her head was casted downwards. I slid into the seat placing the notebook I brought with me on the desk. I leaned back when the teacher began his lesson again, taking in her scent.

“Hi I’m Emmry, but of course you already knew that.” Her voice was like angels as it hit my ears.

I turned towards her for the first time this is it this is where she becomes mine, my silver and blue eyes connected with her brown with flecks of gold ones and I felt…
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the cliff hanger, but it needed to be done!!!!

Thank you for all the support!!

Dorry lee♥
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