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Bella Swan...

After the torturous hour was over I sprinted to the door and looked around for Paul, but instead I saw Embry and Quil smiling at me. I sighed and walked briskly over to them.

“Hey guys what’s up?” I brushed a stand of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

“Paul wants us to intimidate that kid who won’t leave you alone.” Embry smirked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, just like Paul did…

“Where is Paul anyway?” I asked my small smile dropping slightly.

“He had to make up a test so he said he’ll just meet us all at lunch.” Quil answered wrapping his arm around my waist. I wonder what I would look like… I had one guy around my shoulder and the other around my waist… and neither was my boyfriend.

We headed down the hallway towards my locker, stopping briefly to pick up my lunch that Emily packed for me and then headed for the small cafeteria.

I had many looks directed my way the whole trip down; everyone was either shocked, confused, or pissed off. Most of the pissed off looks came from girls that looked like they wanted to rip my head off, the only boy pissed off look that I could see was Bryden’s, just about everybody else was probably wondering why Paul’s “girl” was being escorted by his so called friends.

We walked through the door and went right to our table, it took everyone a few minutes to get there, well everyone minus Paul. We sat around and joked, Quil had let go of me and started to eat his lunch, but Embry moved his arm to my waist when he saw Bryden walk into the cafeteria.

“Why does it feel like he’s stalking you?” Embry sneered.

Kim shook her head and leaned into Jared’s shoulder. A few more minutes went by and still Paul wasn’t here, and as I looked around Bryden was gone as well.

My first thought was that he and Paul went to go fight or something, and then I realized that I was being selfish… so I just pushed the thought aside and continued to eat my lunch.

At the end of lunch Bryden had returned with two boys that looked exactly alike, but Paul hadn’t returned and I was getting scared. Embry looked over and noticed that the look in my face and leaned down.

“I’m sure he’s just taking a really long time on that test.” Embry whispered trying to comfort me. I merely nodded and poked at my lunch.

Everybody had finished their lunch and the teachers had started to let table’s leave and Paul was still missing. When our table was let go I ran out the door in search for Paul.
I reached my locker and saw Paul leaning up against it. I sighed in relief and jogged over to him, making my way through the crowd.

“Where were you?” I asked breathlessly my eyes connecting with his.

“I’m sorry I had to finish a test and then I ran into something that needed to be taken care of.” He pushed his longer hair out of the way of his eyes.

I looked over his appearance, and there was not even a scratch on him, but then it dawned on me that he’s a werewolf with super healing powers of course I don’t see a scratch on him! When our eyes connected again he quickly broke it and wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry babe, I know you were looking forward to seeing me and all but it’s no big deal.” He murmured in my hair.

“Yeah okay, I know…” I smiled knowing there was no way I could be mad at him over something stupid, if he was fighting with someone I’ll just have to get it out of him later. I moved out of his grasp, not like I actually wanted to but I had to get my books out of my locker.

We walked down the hallway and this time it was right, Paul with his arm around me and everyone else just not even bothering to look, this was how it was supposed to be.
The rest of the day went just fine (can’t you sense the sarcasm?) I wanted to keep my distance from Bryden but seeing as he was in every single one of my classes it turned out to be really difficult.

(Leaning against my car)

I was waiting for Paul to come and drive me home seeing as he says I’m “unfit” to drive due to the cast on my arm, which I hardly remember is there anymore. The sun heated up the car and it was warm on my legs. I had grabbed my hat from my car and placed it on my head so the bright light wouldn’t get in my eyes.

I had my head faced downward and I could hear all the hustle and bustle of everyone around me. Finally I heard those footsteps heading in my direction and I looked up and saw Paul smiling at me.

“Hey Em.”

I tossed him the keys and hopped into the car.

“If you even press a little too hard on the gas pedal Paul I’m going to kill you…” I growled at him as he started the engine. He laughed and sped out of the parking lot.

The car ride was filled with Paul holding my hand telling me all about his day, and how they guys had planned to go to the beach today to throw around the football. I told him to have a good time, I wanted to help Emily bake cookies today, maybe do some homework. I knew that if I went to the beach with him it would be interfering in his “guy time” that he needed oh so badly according to Jared, Jacob and Embry.

“I can’t believe Quil is bringing Claire, when we all agreed to hang out just us like we use to.” I heard the disappointment in his voice and I shrugged.

“Maybe, he loves his imprint and doesn’t want some evil toddler to steal her away?” I joked and instantly Paul laughed.

“Yeah but don’t let Quil catch you saying that.” His eyes flashed with laughter as he turned into my driveway.

When I got out of the car there was a girl with brown hair and really pale skin holding a little girl that had golden/red hair that reached her shoulder, she looked to be about seven.

Jacob was staring at the little girl with wide eyes.

“Jake?” I called and he broke his contact with the little girl.

“Um Emmry, hi…”

I walked over to him with Paul at my heels.

“Who are you?” I asked the girl.

“I’m Bella Swan.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone sorry for the late post I know it's been awhile. I went on vacation all last week so I just came home yesterday, I didn't have accesses to a computer till today!
Hope you all love it!
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Dorry lee♥