Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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By the time Jake and the rest of the boys arrived Sam and Emily came home and Jake was more than willing to explain everything to them so that I didn’t have to. I had already repeated the story for four boys already they understood me better than I could imagine.

I stared out at the tree; Paul was talking with the rest of the pack about what they were going to do. I wasn’t exactly paying attention but I heard that collectively they believed that Bryden was a part of my father’s “pack”. But he didn’t have the same smell as they did, he smelt nearly human according to them. I wondered what it was like to morph into a humongous wolf. I also wish Paul would let me see him in his wolf form but he refused saying he could kill me. The events of that day starting to come to me as pictures.


”Come on Paul, please show me.” I begged him for the millionth time to show me his wolf form.

“No Emmry its dangerous just let it go.” He snapped and then stared at the ocean. Even though it was misting outside we still decided to come to the beach.


“Look unless you want to end up like Emily just drop it okay?” He snarled at me.

“Excuse me? Emily is the most amazing person on the planet, and you know it Paul!” I sharply turned away.

“And just to let you know, I’m already worse than her, or have you forgotten the scars that cover 75 percent of my body?” I snapped back at him and then ran all the way back home.

Hitting face first into a muscular chest; I looked up and saw Jacob smiling at me until he saw the single tear that slipped.

“What did Paul do this time?” He joked slightly as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

I told him the whole story and he much to my dismay agreed with Paul about not showing me his wolf until he was ready because I could get hurt. I nodded my head. “I know but it’s just what he said and how he acted that really hurt me I guess.”

“Everything is gonna be okay Em, don’t worry.”

A few hours later Jake and I were laying out on the couch my legs sprawled across his lap and we were just talking when someone burst through the door.
He looked directly at us and his eyes flashed. “What the hell is going on here?” He screamed.

“Uh nothing?” I said with a question, Jake and I didn’t do anything.

“That’s not what it looks like Emmry.” He sneered at me.

“Paul calm down we were just talking, most about you!” Jacob cried out pushing my legs away and stood up.

“What the hell man, get the fuck away from Emmry.” Paul growled obviously unaware of the questioning glances we both were shooting him.

Jake raised his hands up and sighed. “Dude nothing happened I swear.” He spoke as nicely as he could but I could tell that Jake was getting upset.

“How the hell do I know if you are lying or not, I walk in and see you and my imprint all over each other on the couch after we had a fight. What am I supposed to think?” Paul started to shake.

“Paul she was upset. I just talked it through with her so she wasn’t pissed at you for forever. I was helping you out Paul.” Jake cried out before he turned to me and said goodbye then pushed passed Paul and left.

I looked up at him from the couch and sighed. I waited for a few minutes until I knew he would be somewhat calm enough to actually get through too.

“Paul look…” I started but he interrupted me.

“I’m sorry I over reacted.” He whispered, I realized he had stopped shaking and carefully walked over to sit next to me on the sofa.

“I know, look I need a few minutes okay? I don’t appreciate you acting like a crazy boyfriend who won’t even let me talk to my friend after a little argument.” I sighed and saw him nod sadly.

“I’ll see you at dinner okay Paul?” I asked as I pushed away from the sofa and headed upstairs. I heard a soft “Yeah” then I rushed up the stairs and shut my door quietly.

The memory faded slowly and I didn’t realize I had cried a little until I felt the coolness run down my cheeks. I quickly brushed them away. I headed to the living room where I knew everyone would be.

“Hey Em.” Enveloped my ears from all of the boys that were crowed around the small television; I simply smiled at them and walked over to Paul who was leaning on the doorway to the kitchen.

“Hey Paul.” I said softly smiling up at him.

“Hey babe.” He laughed and placed his hand under my chin.

I was about to say something when his other hand went to my waist and pulled me on to my tippy toes and our lips connected in the most softest and gentle way possible.

“I love you.” He whispered lovingly into my ear and then planted kisses on my forehead.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “I love you too.”

Paul smiled as if everything he could have ever wanted came true.

“Hey Em.” A voice called from the living room. So I turned and saw Jake and Embry smirking at me.

“Yes children?”

“School ends next week, we were thinking of throwing an end of the school year bon fire at the beach you up for it?” They asked at the same time.

“Sure.” I nodded my head and then turned my body so I was snuggled into Paul’s welcoming arms; the one place that I knew with the most certainty that I belonged for forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Dorry lee♥