Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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Proposal... maybe?

One week later

I stood next to Jacob and Embry as they introduced me to some of their friends that I hadn’t met before because of one reason or another. I nodded my head absentmindedly as I stared over one of the boy’s shoulder to gaze at Paul. Him and Sam were doing all the cooking on the grill so he couldn’t stand next to me possessively with his arm around my waist and a “you even look at her I’ll kill you” glare plastered on his face, the one I’ve grown to love.

“So Em, this is Darren, Bosley, and Miko they are all in our grade.” Jacob smiled at me as he pointed to each boy.

“Hi.” I gave a short wave and the boys took that as a sign to continue into another subject.

I zoned out from their conversation and started to just watch Paul, I felt like a complete stalker but I mean we were imprints right, that gave me the excuse to stare at him. I saw that smirk spike on his face when he noticed my staring so he motioned for me to come over.

“Well excuse me boys, it was nice meeting you.” I said politely and then went to leave when someone grabbed my upper arm gently but firm.

“Hey where are you running off to? We didn’t even get to talk.”
I turned to see a tanned boy with medium length black hair standing behind me. He looked like most of the boys on the reservation, well except for my boys. He was exceptionally tall or buff; he was what I would consider a normal boy.

“I have to talk to someone.” I answered shortly.

“Well I don’t think it’s time for you to leave just yet.” He smirked; I guess he thinks that he was being "sexy”.

“Excuse me…”

My arm was ripped from the idiots hand and my body was molded with a warm familiar one.

“Hey babe, food is ready let’s go eat.” Paul smiled down at me. I grabbed his hand and went to leave but Paul’s fingers slip away from mine.

“Baby, you go ahead and get the food from Sam, I’ll be there in one minute. I have some things to discuss with this fine young gentleman here.”

I looked at him and all I saw was pure possessiveness, he looked pissed but not enraged. It was like he was only made because someone touched me and flirted with me that wasn’t him.


“Emmry just go I won’t leave your line of sight and I won’t kill him.” He promised quickly turning to give me a smile.

“Fine.” I sighed in defeat and then headed over to Sam. I wanted to turn and watch what Paul was going to do but Sam snagged my attention and wrapped his arm around my shoulder in a brotherly manner and made sure I was faced the opposite direction.

A half hour later, the sun had already set and Emily and I started to talk about weddings and how excited she was for hers; we got so into it that we even planned a day to go shopping next week sometime.

I had almost forgotten about where Paul had been but that was until I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me against a rock hard body.

“Can I help you?” I asked semi sarcastically.

“So it seems as if the party is dying down and I want to take you some place special.” He whispered into my ear. I nodded and we walked around and said good bye to everyone.

Paul took my hand and grabbed the scarf that was in his back seat, for some odd reason and tied it over my eyes.

“Don’t you dare even try to peek, okay?” I could hear the smirk evident in his voice. I sighed in frustration and rolled my eyes knowing he couldn’t see it. We drove on the gravel roads for about twenty minutes, give or take seeing as I was blinded.

“Okay baby, were here but don’t open your eyes.” He instructed. I heard his door close and I was about to reach for mine when the door opened on its own. Paul grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. He led me in some random direction for awhile. Finally we stopped and I could feel the breeze and I smelt the ocean air and I knew we were at the beach.

“Ready?” He asked and then pulled the scarf off my eyes. In front of me was a small card table with a beautiful cloth table cloth and it had two candles and a vase in the center with red roses. The table over looked the beach, the moon starting to glow. It looked like the most romantic thing on the planet.

“Surprised?” He smirked and walked me over to the table, he pulled out the chair and I slid into it. He walked over and sat in his own chair, I cautiously looked down at what I was wearing. I had a tank top green shirt that was semi casual.

“Just a little.” I smiled at him and looked into his eyes.

“Well I just wanted to show how much I love you.” He said and it dawned on me that Paul never was like this. He wasn’t exactly a romantic that was until he met me. In an odd way it made me feel loved.

“You do that by the look in your eyes every time you look at me, just saying.” I added sweetly. I saw him frown then smirk.

“Yeah I know.” He shook his head carelessly and then looked back at me.

“Okay so I have something to tell you.” He muttered and got out of his seat. He walked over to me and kneeled down.

WHAT??? The hell is he doing? My conscience screamed I was not ready to be married; he has to know that I love him but I’m not ready! It was like he read my mind through the wide wild look in my eyes.

“No baby, I’m not proposing just yet.” He smiled.
Thank god, there was just way too much going on. I couldn’t be engaged just yet.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you Emmry. Now I know we’re both not ready to be married, or even engaged so this is a promise that one day after everything is over you and I will be married and we will spend the rest of our days together. Dillion Emmry Jacobs Uley will you promise to one day become engaged to me?” He asked sincerely. His eyes held complete compassion and love.

“Yes.” I whispered and then connected my lips with his before he could even move. A few seconds later he pulled apart from our very passionate kiss and pulled a little black box from his pocket.

In the box was the most beautiful ring ever. It was white gold band with two interlocked hearts, it took my breath away. Paul slid the ring onto my ring finger on my left hand and then he kissed my fingertips after each one he told me how much he loved me.

I giggled at each kiss, one because he was so fricking adorable and two because it somewhat tickled. It’s not every day he kisses your fingertips so gently it was like kissing a butterfly… that’s weird to think about.

After a few private minutes evolving his face at a close proximity to mine for an extended period of time we broke apart and went back to our dinner. It had to be the best night of my life… so far anyway.

I didn’t realize this was going to be the last time Paul would say I love you, and me actually believe him. I didn’t know what was coming after me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler gah, I don't know about this chapter, it was filler but necessary you know?
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Lovvee you alll.
Dorry lee♥