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Something I've never done before

I shut the door behind me as quietly as possible but the second I turned to face them the boy who had glared at me was right by face.

“Where were you?” he asked his eyes full of anger.

“Outside… at my car…” I whispered shrinking against the door. I looked in his eyes and saw the same anger that was in the wolf that attacked me. I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes.

“Good job Paul.” Embry yelled.

“What? No look at me damn it!” I looked up at the boy they were calling Paul. His eyes had lost most of the anger that they once held instead they held compassion but for what I could not tell you.

“’I’m sorry I was just getting something out of my car they had already brought my bags in.” I stuttered looking away again. I heard him sigh.

“Paul I want you to get away from her.” I heard Sam’s stern voice.

“No Sam. I should tell her, it shouldn’t be that hard.”

“Excuse me but I want to set up my room.” I moved away from Paul taking one final glance at him. He was really gorgeous. I mean honestly his face was gorgeous, and his arms wow he was just so ripped. I could see why they were all nervous. His eyes held untold secrets and anger. I turned to Sam.

‘Where can I sleep?”

“Well we don’t really have a room but we have an extra bed in the attic. Do you mind
sleeping there till we can fix it up?”

“That’s fine, I’ve lived in worse.” I smiled at him. I grabbed one of my bags and headed up the stairs. I could hear someone following me and Sam but I didn’t look back.

“Here it is.” Sam smiled as he opened the door leading to the attic. I smiled at him and headed up the stairs. The room was old and had a musty sent to it, the walls were covered with wood paneling. There was one window on each end of the room brining in the needed light. The bed was under the window to the left and the window to the right had a window seat under it. I went over and put my bag on my bed. I turned around to go back for my bags and ran right into a warm chest.

“Sorry.” I murmured in his chest.

“It’s fine.” So it was Paul. I felt him drop something and I guess it was my bags and wrapped his arms around my waist, and for some reason I really enjoyed it.

“You okay?” his voice had gone from the angry it was before to soft and well loving.

“Yeah.” I whispered leaving my head on his warm chest. I wasn’t quite use to the cold rainy weather of La Push yet so the warmth of Paul felt good. I felt him stiffen as I became more comfortable so I quickly stepped away.


“Stop saying that!” he yelled. I could see the anger back in his eyes. All I did was staring at him for once in my life I didn’t feel scared. Normally I would be cowering, he was the one thing that could break me but instead I felt the need to calm him down.

“Paul…” I whispered running my fingers on his jaw staring in his eyes. I could see him calming down, taking in a deep breath.

“You know I was never given your name.”



“Emmry Paul Sam wants you downstairs now!” Quil burst through the door with a smile on his face. I nodded and followed him completely shocked with myself. I had openly flirted with someone. Of course I had never done anything like that before but it felt weird with Paul. I wonder what’s going to happen.
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Sorry its so short but i just wanted to post somehitng. i find this one horrible!@!@! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!! comment subscribe... -Dorry lee♥