Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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What the hell is an imprint

We walked in the kitchen I could smell something baking in the oven and it smelled delicious.

“So Emmry what’s your favorite color?” Seth asked me sitting at the table. I walked over and sat down next to him.

“Yellow, why?”

“Just wondering.” He smirked and looked up at Paul I followed his faze and saw Paul roll his eyes.

“Do you want anything to eat Em dear?” Emily asked me bringing over a plate of food and sat it down in front of Seth.

“Um no thank you actually I’m not all that hungry.”

“Yes she’ll have some.” Paul and I said at the same time. I looked up at him and tried to muster a glare. Why did he care if I ate or not? I’m not his responsibility. He smiled down at me and winked.

“I know you haven’t eaten much lately look at you!” he picked up my arms and pinched the almost nonexistent fat there. It’s not like I don’t like food or anything. Travelling from Pennsylvania to here takes a long time and trust me gas isn’t cheap. I don’t have much money so I had to have gas food I could only get at certain times. It just became habit I guess.

“Emmry… just eat.” He sighed looking in my eyes.

I was going to protest but one look from this guy who was basically a stranger had me gasping for breath. I didn’t know why but I just felt like I needed to make him happy and by doing that I would have a chance at happiness as long as he was happy.

What the hell is happening to me I mean I don’t understand. I placed my head in my hand and sighed. I heard Emily set a plate down on the table. I opened my eyes and looked down. She had made my favorite I guess without even known. Mac n cheese and fried chicken, I normally didn’t get to eat it much seeing as my mom couldn’t cook well but I got it at diners we would stop at every once in a while. I looked up and found Emily smiling.

“Thanks Em. This is like my favorite mean!”

“Really? I mean its Sam’s too so I just thought it would be a good first meal but now it just
fits perfectly!”

I started to eat a smile blooming on my face.

“Oh my god this is amazing!” I watched as she smiled with pride.

“Thank you Emmry.” She turned back to the kitchen and pulled something out of the oven.
I heard the chair next to me pull out; I turned and saw Embry smiling at me.

“So well I’m sorry for growling at you earlier. I know now it wasn’t your fault Sam fainted.”

“I didn’t faint!” Sam yelled from the kitchen.

“Sam fainted?” Paul started to crack up; he fell on the floor because he was laughing so hard. While he was on the floor Embry stretched and wrapped his arm around my shoulder winking at me; telling me silently just to play along.

“So Em when are we leaving tonight?” Embry smiled at me pulling my chair closer to his. I saw Sam flash him a warning glance but he just ignored it. Paul’s head snapped up in our direction. His face went from amused to pissed in seconds. I swear to you if it was possible his eyes would have turned red…

“What the hell Embry?” he sneered standing up slowly.

“Well I told Em here that I’m gonna take her out to see the Rez and maybe go to dinner, see a movie, or watch the sunset on the beach.”

There was a loud crack and the back of Quil’s chair snapped off.

“Paul!” Sam yelled glaring at Embry.

“You son of a bitch, why don’t you find yourself an imprint and leave mine the hell alone!”
Paul had started to shake violently now.

“Oh I would but she’s just so much prettier!” he pulled me even closer to him.
I watched as Paul started to shake more and in a blink of an eye instead of Paul standing there a huge wolf took his place. Embry ran out the door with Paul chasing after him his claws digging into the wood floor.

“So I knew you guys were wolves but what the hell is an Imprint.”

“Paul didn’t tell you when he went upstairs?” Seth asked surprised.

“Nope was he supposed to?”

“Yes.” Sam growled. “Stay inside with Emily, damn it I was hoping he wouldn’t lose his temper twice in one day you only just got here. Seth come one I think we’re going to have a pack meeting.” Sam stormed outside with Seth following him closely.

“Emily really what the hell is happening?”

“Emmry look I want to tell you, I should tell you but Sam he finds it best for the boys to tell their own secrets. Look honey just finish dinner then you and I we’ll go and get you more things; maybe we’ll stop in and look at paint and stuff for your room? I know you just got here but I don’t think you want to hang around here all day seeing as all the boys well they had to leave.”

“Okay I’m done Em. I’m just going to take a shower and change!” I smiled I started half way up the stairs when I realized I didn’t even know where the bathroom was. “Hey Em?”

“Yes Emmry.”

“Where is the bathroom exactly?”

“The door to the left of the attic door.”

“Thank you!” I called as I ran up to my room.
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Hey so i just want to thank everyone who has commented and all who have subscibed i appreciate it... Please keep it coming i really do love to hear from you. The poeple who have commented are the reason i wrote this chapter so fast. it jsut makes me smile t osee people enjoy this story as much as i love writing it!!!! Thanks to everyone!! - Dorrry lee♥