Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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I've had some weird flings...

Emily and I had just arrived home from our “outing” and I saw a depressed looking Paul sitting on the stairs. I looked at Emily and she simply shrugged at me. I opened the door and his head snapped up. He looked at me and he started to smile, I smiled back and went to open the trunk to get out all the stuff we had bought. We bought new sheets and things for my room as well as some new shirts that I needed. I was about to grab a bag out of the trunk when someone took it from my hands.

“I got it Em.” Paul smiled down at me and took all 6 heavy bags in his hands.

“Thanks.” I mumbled closing the hatch of the car. Emily had already gone inside I could hear her talking to Sam.

“Em he’ll tell her… you have to give him time. They met like four hours ago; she’s had a tough life. For one I want my time with her and I know if he tells her she’ll spend all her time with him. She’s my sister for Christ’s sakes Em!”

“Sam honey I know but imagine it from his point of view. Just try… let him tell her I know she’ll want to spend time with you, your all she has left Sam.”

When I reached the door I saw Sam nod and kiss Emily on the forehead.

“Don’t want to interrupt.” Paul called as he headed for the stairs. “You coming Emmry?” he joked as he took the stairs two at a time. I could never do that ever. My legs were too small to take the steps two at a time. I’ve tried but I wind up falling on my butt and trust me it’s not fun.

I walked up the stairs carefully and by the time I reached the attic door Paul was standing at the top waiting for me. I finally made it to my room and the second my foot hit the top stair I was lifted up and set on my bed.

“Emmry okay so I have to talk to you.” Paul looked me in the eyes and started to pace around the room.

“Yes?” I watched semi amused as he continued to stare at the floor and pace.

“Okay so today when Embry was acting like an idiot. I just wanted to explain why.” He broke off and looked at me. I could see the slight anger in his eyes.

“You know the legends right?”

I nodded and let him continue.

“So there’s this thing called an imprint and well it’s a soul mate basically. It’s like the one person a werewolf is meant for. I mean… this is all coming out wrong.” He shoved his head into his hand. I smiled up at him, searching his brown eyes.

“Continue Paul…”

“Okay so imprints… they are soul mates for wolves… I’ve said that haven’t I? So well it’s supposed to be somewhat rare seeing as it could be anyone one on the planet. Well look…
Emmry I… imprinted.”

I broke eye contact and stared at the floor. I guess he was telling me I couldn’t have feelings for him? What was it about me and Embry that made his so upset?

“You’re my imprint Emmry.” A smile breaking out on his face.

“What? I’m you’re your imprint.” For once in my life I believed him and I believed that things could actually work out.

“Yeah… so I’m not forcing you into anything. Honestly I’ve never had a lasting relationship with anyone. There are some things you would need to know about me. When I think we’ve hit a good point I’ll tell you. I hope you’ll still understand.”

I smiled at him and jumped off the bed and into his surprised arms.

“Paul I’ve never had a relationship at all. I mean I’ve had some weird flings but nothing to speak of. This is brand new… hell having a home with people who care about me other than my mom is new to me. I really want to see what this is about. I’ve heard of heart break and I swear to god if it’s anything like what I’ve seen/heard you will not make it to your next birthday.”

Paul just laughed and brought me closer kissing my temple whispering things he knew I couldn’t hear.
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Hey again sorry for the lateness!!! Finally got around to the whole relationship avec Paul et Emmry. Sorry its so short.... comment subscribe....!!!!! - Dorry lee♥