Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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I'd Love Too...

Days started to blur together, I had been in La Push for two months already and things were going well they were going. I had gotten closer to Sam and Emily and of course Paul. I became really good friends with Embry and Quil. I didn’t have to go to school because I got my degree last semester since I was homeschooled it made it easier for me to get it. I had to convince Sam that I didn’t need to go to school… we had to compromise. I have classes at the community college on Tuesdays and Thursday. I spend most of my free time helping Emily out with the house, hanging out with the guys or being with Paul.

We haven’t heard anything about my father yet I’m guessing he hasn’t found me yet. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I love it here but I don’t want to risk their lives because of me. The entire pack even Collin and Brady have told me that I had no choice in the matter but they shouldn’t have to worry about me.

I’ve been working at a Day Care Center in Forks on the weekends so I’ve saved up a decent amount of money. I give my father a couple more weeks before he finds me again. It only took him four weeks the last time, two months before that and then it took him eight months… that had to be the longest eight months in my life.

I picked up the shirt Paul had gotten me for Christmas and placed in my drawer. I had been cleaning my room for the last hour and a half. It had started to pour outside and Sam refused to let me go out with the rest of the guys muttering something about how I could catch a cold. So I locked myself in my room in an attempt to show how “upset” I was and been in here ever since. Sam tried coming up but I simply told him I was doing some needed cleaning. I had put my music to blasting and started to dance around my room. I didn’t even notice my window open as I started to sing.

Manage me I'm a mess
Turn a page, I'm a book
Half unread

I wanna be laughed at
Laughed with, just because

I wanna feel weightless
And that should be enough

Well I'm stuck in this fucking rut
Waiting on a second hand pick me up
And I'm over, getting older

If I could just find the time
Then I would never let another day go by
I'm over, getting old

Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere
And this is my reaction
To everything I fear
Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here

Make believe that I impress
That every word
By design
Turns a head

I wanna feel reckless
I wanna live it up, just because

I wanna feel weightless
Cause that would be enough

If I could just find the time
Then I would never let another day go by
I'm over, getting old

Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere
And this is my reaction
To everything I fear
Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here

This could be all that I've waited for
(Waited, I've waited for)
And this could be everything
I don't wanna dream anymore

Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
And I've been going crazy
I'm stuck in here

Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year (it's gonna be my year)
And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere (go nowhere)
And this is my reaction
To everything I fear (everything I fear)
Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here

I danced around my room ending the song quietly.

“I didn’t know you could sing.” A voice laughed as he started to clap. I snapped around at the voice and was relieved to see it was only Paul.

“How did you get in?”

“You didn’t hear me open the window?” I shook my head and looked down at the floor.

“Of course you didn’t. Well Sam was worried so I came up to get you. Emily made fried chicken and Mac n cheese.”

A smile instantly bloomed across my face. No matter how angry or upset I was fried chicken and Mac n cheese always made my day. I was unlocking my door when I turned back to ask
Paul to shut my window but I turned right into his chest…again. This seems to be happening to me almost every single god damn day! I laid my head on his chest and looked up into his dark brown eyes.

“Of course she made my favorite meal she wants to make peace.”

“What happened?”

“Sam he’s just being an over protective brother, which I get but I don’t need someone constantly looking after me. I’ve been doing that for my mom and me ever since we left. I don’t need someone to think I’m helpless cus I’m not.”

Paul kissed my temple and laced our fingers together. “Just give him time Em he needs it just as much as you to get use to having a sister just like you need to get use to having an older brother.”

I just smiled and headed for the door.

“Em come on don’t do that you know I only mean good.”

The one thing about Paul that made it fun to torture him was if I didn’t answer him once he thinks it means that I’m giving him the silent treatment. Last week he took me on this really romantic date because he thought I was mad at him when really I hadn’t heard him talking therefore I didn’t answer him. I found it funny I mean I would never give Paul the silent treatment… unless he did something horrible but I doubt he could do something that cruel.


“Yes Paul?” I answer sweetly as I jogged down the stairs my right hand still in his.

“Okay good. I was wondering what I did.”

“Paul you didn’t do anything okay?” I turned and kissed him on the cheek before I let go of his hand and ran down the other stair case.

“Hey Emily.”

“Emmry dear welcome back to reality dinners on the table go ahead and eat before Sam and the pack get here. Paul you can eat too Sam said you had something planed but you have to go on patrol?”

“Yeah I was going to take Em to meet my mom but its fine she’ll meet her another time.” His voice sounded disappointed. He came over and sat down next to me stretching his arm across the seat.

“Thanks Emily.”

“No problem eat up.” With that she headed towards the kitchen to make more food.

“Sorry about tonight.”

“Paul its fine I get it protecting the Rez is more important and I get that. Now eat up.”

“I know but my mom was looking forward to it.”

“So am I but Paul I just it’s just… will you come after your patrol tonight? I know you’re going to be tired but I have something I think I’m finally ready to show you.”

Paul smiled and nodded his head.”I would love too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The song for anyone who doesn't know is Weightless by All Time Low!!!!! I was listening to it while i was writing this chapter so i decided tothrow it out there!
Sorry it took forever with school being back and having my junior research project starting up again its hard to find time to write.
On a different note there seems to be a lot of silent readers and i really love any type of reader but it's just i need to hear feed back from people or it doesnt make me feel like this story is worth writing. Please please please comment and subscribe!!!!!

Dorry lee♥