Status: Workin on it! Sorry for not updating so soon

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Sunshine =)

I smiled as I woke up with warm arms wrapped around me. I cuddled into his chest and sighed.

“Morning Em.”

“Morning sunshine.”

“I hate to say this but I have to go I’m sorry.” He kissed my forehead and started to push my hands away. I quickly yanked him back with all my strength fearing the cold I knew would come once he would leave. He instantly wrapped his arms back around my waist and sighed.

“Sam’s going to kill me Em…”

“You bet your ass I am.” A new voice came the doorway which I assumed to be Sam. I lifted my head from Paul’s chest… yupp it was indeed Sam and he was not happy. He had started to shake and his face turned bright red.

“Sam I would love to fight but one it’s freezing and I know you would take Paul away do you really want me to get hypothermia? Two it’s way too early to care right now… let me go back to sleep.” I dropped my head and closed my eyes breathing in his sent.

“Fine be down in an hour okay?” he said through his teeth as he left he slammed my door.

“You got me in trouble Em.” Paul joked as he looked down at me.

“You’ll survive… now shh sleep time.” I mumbled as I drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to two people whispering at what sounded to be the middle of the room.

“Paul… I told you no coming into her room at night!”

“I didn’t okay I came in the morning!”


“Sam you’re going to wake her up.”

“Too late.” I smiled as I sat up running my hand through my hair.

“Hey Em.” Paul smirked and kissed my forehead.


“What Sam… you kiss Emily all the time.”

“I didn’t just meet Emily!”

“Sam…” I muttered getting out of bed. I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

“I can take care of myself. Don’t worry about me.” I went over to my dresser grabbed some
clothes then headed for the bathroom.



"I love you.”

“Same goes big guy.” I lightly kissed his cheek then fled my room.

After getting out of the shower I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. I smelled bacon and eggs as I descended down the stairs. I walked over and saw that the table was already full and all the guys were already here.

Jacob was sitting across from my normal seat, Paul was in his normal seat, Embry was sitting on my other side and Quil was at the couch with a little girl. I smiled as he picked her up and started to tickle her.

“Em!” Paul smiled and got up to kiss me. It was weird kissing in front of everything but something about being with Paul made it alright.

“Hey Paul.”

I kissed him once again then headed for my seat. As soon as I sat down Emily placed a hot plate of food down.

“Thanks Emily.”

“No problem honey.”

“So Quil who’s the kid?” I asked while I watched him carry the little girl with such care.

“Claire her name is Claire.” He smiled down at her and I recognized that look. It was the look Paul gave me when I first found out he imprinted on me.

“You imprinted on her?”

Everyone gave me shocked stares except Quil he only nodded.

“She’s adorable Quil.”

“Yeah she is.”

I smiled over at him. After a couple awkward moments of silence everyone finally started to talk again.

“Hey Em want to go walk on the beach?” Paul asked his smirk returning.

“Yeah I would be delighted. I had washed my dishes and was about to follow Paul out when the phone rang.

“Emmry it’s for you!” Emily called.

I gave Paul an apologetic glance then headed back towards the kitchen.


“Is this Dillon Emmry Jacobs?”


“Hello I’m from Washington State Child Services and I’m calling to tell you that your
schedual date has been moved to this weekend.”

It felt like my world shattered.


“We are sending out an investigation team to see if the home you are currently in is up to
standards. We are very sorry for any inconvenience.”

Before I could answer all I heard was dial tone.

“What’s wrong Emmry?” Sam and Paul asked at the same time.

“Social services is coming… this weekend.” I looked up into Sam’s eyes and saw the fright
that mirrored my own.

We are so screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy Sorry this has taken foreever to come out i had a whole bunch of projects to get done for AP english....
So i decided that I will not update again untill i get atleast 15 comments.... I really am sorry but i really need to hear feedback and when no one except for a select few who are awesome btw it hurts.
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Dorry lee♥