My Alice

Skie has always been a fan of Alice in wonderland. Her favorite character is the Mad Hatter whom she finds funny yet also very enchanting. One day while meeting up with a couple of her friends she catching a glimpse of a familiar girl running by. Curiosity getting the best of her she runs off after the girl without filling her friends in on why. While running (and unknowingly being followed by her friend and long time crush Nathanael Barlow) she falls into a rabbit hole that appeared seemingly from no where but not before catching a glimpse of who the girl really was. Skie falls head first into a tea party in play. Oh but not just any old tea party. Its none other than the Mad Hatters infamous never ending tea party.
  1. The Wonderland Angel
  2. Crashed Tea Party
    Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. ~Catherine Douzel