Status: ill update hopefully everyweek???

Spend the rest of your days rockin' out

Sound Check.

***Ray: POV***

I watched her as she began jamming on her Les Paul, using a mini amp. This girl was different, not like the whores I see all the time on tour.

“So.” She said as she looked up from her guitar, oh I guess she saw me staring at her, great.

“Uh how long you’ve been playing, you’re pretty good.” A compliment never hurts.

“Since I was in like 7th grade I think. I just love it.”

“Yea, me too. “

“ALICE!” some guy’s voice came from outside the bus. Then that drummer came on I forget his name, was it like Luigi or something?

“Hey Mario.”

“Just scored Left 4 Dead from the bus next to us! Hook up the Xbox!”

“Yeah! Ray you wanna play?”

“Hell ya.” This girl plays guitar, videogames and she’s cute?

We played for more than two hours until Gerard came in and told me we had to go to a press thing, just My Chem though. He was kind of being a jerk to Alice though when he said it. I was having a lot of fun with them, no real conversations though mostly the occasional “You suck” or something along those lines.

On our way to the interview Gerard said

“I don’t like them. The singer thinks he’s soooo cool ‘cause he wears that skeleton face paint or whatever.”

“Haha your just jealous Gee. I think they’re ok.” Mikey said

“Yea and that chick is hot.” Frank piped in.

We came back around 11:00 PM to see Alice sleeping on the couch hugging the controller the TV still on. The other guys were still awake just talking.

“Hey guys, so I think we should figure out the sleeping arrangements, being there are nine people and six beds.” Kevin said when he saw us walking in.

“I’ll share!” Frank said looking at Alice.

“Keep it in your pants.” I told him.

“So I guess we can switch on and off. There are six beds, a pull out couch, chairs, and there’s always the floor. Only being the gentleman I am, the girl should probably get her own bed.” Gerard said.

“Al, get up.” Luigi said.

“Humm? Oh Hi guys.” She said.

“Come on we’re going to bed, big day tomorrow.”


I woke up and walked into the living room to see Frank, Josh and Alice sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

“Morning.” Frank said throwing pop-tart crusts at me, “here’s your breakfast.”

“Thanks man.” I said sarcastically, I’m not much of a morning person. I walked over to the couch and sat on it with them, when Alice reached over and took something out of my hair. Pop-tarts.


“We have to like start getting ready, sound check is in like an hour.” Luigi/Mario said.

“Oh shit! Let’s go.” She got up and started to make her way towards the bedroom then she turned back to me, “you guys wanna come watch? We are going to be opening up for you.”

“Yea, we’ll come down.” Frank said.

“Cool.” She smiled and turned away.

“I guess I should go wake up Gerard and Bob.”

I walked in and saw and Kevin was putting on face paint, to look like half a skeleton in the mirror, it looked pretty cool if you asked me, and the other guys of Hollywood Corpses were putting on white t-shirts covered in red paint. Alice walked out of the bathroom with a black skirt and a red splattered shirt like the rest of the guys.

“You guys spend more time on your make up then I do, that should tell you something.”

“It’s not makeup… its face paint. The Misfits do it why can’t I?” Kevin said still applying the gloppy white stuff on his face.

“Whatever, let’s go! We’ll see you guy’s there right?” she asked me.

“Yea, we go on right after you.”

“Okay I’m ready.” Kevin said turning around showing off his “face paint”, “Talk to your Boy Friend later.”

“Finally. See you later.” she said as she grabbed her guitar case and left with the rest of her band.
♠ ♠ ♠
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