I'll Do Anything To Make You Mine


I walked into the classroom, taking my assigned seat in the back. I sat down attempting to look as bored as I could. That's one of the hardest things for me to do. I had to keep my image up or else no one would respect me.

Outwardly I was some tough guy that no one wanted to mess with. Even though I'm short, I have large biceps. It causes people to fear me. Plus I dress in the punk style. I picked it up freshman year and it just sort of stuck.

On the inside though I as a major geek. I was always at school and I was never late for class. I always got my work done and I enjoy every moment of it. I liked to be learning. The knowledge was something I desperately seeked.

All the other students entered the room, messing around. They huddled together in little groups, speaking loudly to one another. I sat watching them, waiting for class to begin. Even as the teacher stood up to start class, no one paid attention. They all ignored her as she impatiently yelled at them to be seated.

A few moments after class had begun the door opened revealing a very nervous guy. He glanced around quickly before asking if he was in the right room. The teacher nodded unenthusiastically.

"You can go sit by Iero," she pointed at me and dismissed him.

He looked around, trying to figure out where he was supposed to go. I rolled my eyes before raising my hand and motioning for him to come.

"Iero?" He asked, sitting in the desk next to mine.

"You can call me Frank. What's your name kid?"

"Mikey," he said in a nervous tone. I could tell that he was afraid of me.

"Mikey, I repeated, testing out the way it felt in my mouth. "It's cute. I like it."

He blushed, looking away. It was so adorable of him. He nervously pulled at the bottom of his sleeves. He was obviously trying not to look at me as I stared at him. I was taking in every aspect of him.

"Hey, kid. Mikey," I whispered in the middle of class. He glanced over at me. "You need help finding your classes?"

"I think I've got it actually."

"You sure, because I can help you. I know this place like the back of my hand."

"I can find my way around."

"Really? Just let me see..." I put out my hand, waiting for him to give me his schedule.

He sighed before pulling out the paper from inside his bag. He looked at it before placing it in my hand. His fingers brushed against my hand. My body felt a strange shocking sensation. I grinned at the pleasure in the feeling. Slowly I drew away from the feeling and focused on the page in my hands.

"I hope you're not too afraid of me," I said staring him straight in the eyes.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered, looking anywhere but my eyes.

"We share most of our classes. The ones we don't have together are right next to each other. We're going to be way close."

"You're joking."

"You wish kid."