I'll Do Anything To Make You Mine



"Mikey, what's up?" I asked, slowing down to wait for him. He ran quickly to catch up.

"I as hoping I'd catch you."

"How could you miss me? All our classes are basically together. You'd have to see me at some point," I said smiling and checking him out.

"Oh yeah," he said, an adorable blush covering his face.

"So what's going on?" I asked hoping to push him out of his awkward state.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today after school." He looked hesitant and worried.

"Yeah dude. Of course I do."

"Awesome! You drive right?"

"Are you trying to use me for my car? Michael, I'm not going to be your personal driver."

"I didn't mean that... I-I-I..."

"It's okay. I was joking around Mikey. You should've known that," I said gently shoving his shoulders. He blushed again making me smile. "Meet you in the student parking lot after school?"

"Yeah," Mikey nodded, running off to his class.


"Hey, I like your car," Mikey said approaching me.

"This old hunk of junk? Ha, nice one."

"No, it is nice."

"Thanks dude," I said leaning against the hood. "Just ignore all the junk on the seats. I basically live in my car."

"You live in your car?" Mikey asked, confusion thick in his voice.

"No, I just say that. It's because of the massive amounts of junk I keep in my car. I really live in a house, with my parents. C'mon, get in," I said, standing up and ushering him into my car.

"What, no candy?"

"I might have some in my pocket... if you want to check," I said winking coyly at him.

"You know, I could go without the candy just fine." Mikey opened the car door and climbed in. "Coming?"

I go into my car, dumping my bag into the back seat. Turning on the engine, I looked over to see Mikey anxiously glancing out the window. He seemed extremely nervous.

"What's wrong Mikey? I'm not going to like take advantage of you or anything," I said putting the car into gear.

"Phft, I'm not worried about that. I'm not worried about anything, per say. Do you want to come chill at my place?" he asked barely looking at me.

"Sure, but fair warning I'm not real big with parents. They just don't really seem to like me that much," I said pulling out of my parking spot.

"Then that shouldn't matter too much. It's just me and my brother," he said, pointing me in the direction of his house.

"Your gay brother?"

"I only have one brother, so yes, the gay one. Why? Are you suddenly homophobic?" Mikey giggled. "Oh! This one's my road, last house."

"No, I'm still gay, not homophobic. I'm imagining your gorgeous brother, who I could actually get with."

"How do you figure he's 'gorgeous' already? You haven't seen him yet."

"Well you're gorgeous, and you're a straight guy. He must be even more beautiful," I said pulling up to his house.

"Are you saying that gay guys are more gorgeous than straight guys?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

"What a jerk. You can just park here." I did as he said and turned off my car. "Let's go."

We stumbled out of my car and up the walk to his door. He unlocked it and walked in with me following behind him.

"Mikes, is that you?" A smooth voice yelled from through the house.

"No Gerard, it's a robber. I'm coming to steal all your useless junk!" Mikey

We heard shuffling feet when a form came into view at the end of the hall. Walking closer to us I could only assume that this was Mikey's brother. The only real similarity they had was in their eyes. They were just barely a similar color. This guy was only wearing a pair of dark jeans that had bits of paint splattered on them. His chest was built, but he had just the tiniest bit of baby fat around his hips. All in all he was pretty gorgeous.

"Gerard, why don't you have a shirt on?" Mikey asked rolling his eyes and glancing at me. I was hoping he didn't get a good look at me, because I was practically drooling over his brother.

"Well I was painting and I wasn't expecting you to bring anyone home. If you want me to put one on so bad, give me yours," his silky smooth voice said.

"No, please Gerard just put a shirt on," Mikey whined adorably.

"It's okay Mikey. I love the view," I said giggling, just to get on his nerves.

"Village People?" Gerard asked grinning.

"Oh yeah," I said smiling.

"C'mon Frank," Mikey said, grabbing my hand and dragging me away.

"Aw Mikey, you're such a fun ruiner. I told you your brother was gorgeous," I said poking him in the sides and sitting on his couch.

"Hey don't poke me. It's not nice. I don't like it," Mikey said giggling and squirming around next to me.

"You're so cute when you squirm," I said continuing to poke him. He wiggled around, trying to get away from my fingers.

Some how I ended up on top of him. Suddenly everything seemed to just stop. We ended up just staring at each other.

"You're really gorgeous, Mikey," I whispered. Unable to control myself, I leaned down and touched my lips to his. I had no realization of what was happening. I just knew it was nice.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mikey cried, pushing me off him.

"I'm sorry, Mikey, I'm sorry. I'm-I'm leaving. I'm sorry," I exclaimed, running from his house.