I'll Do Anything To Make You Mine


I sighed sitting at my desk. Mikey still wasn't talking to me. It was extremely upsetting. I missed his smiles. School just wasn't the same without him.

"Mikey, when will you talk to me again?" I asked cornering him in the halls. He just ignored me and kept walking. "Mikey, I said that I'm sorry and I am."

"Sorry doesn't change anything Frank," Mikey said angrily trying to stomp off.

"Why not Mikey? Do you have a problem with people who are gay now?" I asked grabbing his arms and shoving him into the bathroom.

"Leave me alone Frank," Mikey whispered trying to push me away.

"No," I said pushing him against the wall.

"You think this is helping any? Shoving me against a wall is going to make me want to talk to you again?" Mikey growled, pushing me again.

"I'm not letting you go until you talk to me."

"Just let me go Frank," Mikey whined.

"No. Tell me why you won't talk to me," I demanded, shoving his legs against the walls with my knee, as he tried to move.

"You kissed me. I'm not gay. It was totally inappropriate."

"I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened."

"Please, just leave me alone. Things'll be so much easier that way," Mikey said not looking me in the eyes.

"You know it won't be, Mikey. That's such a lie. You know no one will talk to you. They're too afraid of me to talk to you. You'll have no friends. You know that too. You've known that since we first became friends. To give up on me, it would be killer. Even if you give up on me, I'm never giving up on you," I said letting go of him.

"Just leave me alone Frank. Please. Let me do things my way," Mikey pleaded, pushing me aside. "I'm sorry."

"Not as much as I am." I choked as he left.

This was far too much for me. Mikey had basically become my reason to get up in the morning. He was my reason to come into school. I didn't care about knowledge anymore. I just wanted to see him. Even just a glimpse of a would-be smile on his face makes my day a little bit brighter. To see an actual smile would be amazing.

I tried pulling myself together. I wouldn't be able to get to my next class. I'd be lucky if I made it to any of the rest. I heard some guys coming into the bathroom. I rushed into a stall so they wouldn't see my breakdown. It'd ruin me completely.

I don't know how much longer I could go without him though. Just not talking to him was killing me. It absolutely broke my heart that I took away his smile. He doesn't have to admit it. I hadn't seen him smile since that evening.

Why did I have to destroy something so beautiful?