Status: Stopped, unless I get a comment saying you want an update....

Your Words Are Infectious, Your Eyes Leave Me Breathless

Ch. 2


When I got into the bus, I grabbed a bottle of Patron that's been untouched and unscrewed the cap and swollowed a big portion of it. The familiar bitter taste of it burned my throat but calmed me down and again I drank another big amount of the liquid. I took the bottle with me to the back of the bus and shut the door. I wanted nothing more than to be alone. I slid down the wall into a sitting position and drank some more as tears fell down my cheeks.

“Cory?” I heard Linda’s voice from the bunk area. She knocked on the door and slowly opened it. I could see the worry on her face when she saw me. I took another drink and felt the numbing sensation of the alchohol take affect on me. She walked over to me and slid down the wall so that she was sitting coss legged beside me. “What are you doing to yourself Cory Bear?”

*Linda’s POV*

When I saw the look on Cory’s face after we witnessed Max proposing to Elizabeth I could see every ounce of hurt he felt. He left and I couldn’t get him to stop, he just ran. I left looking for him. I walked onto the bus,

“Cory?” I heard shuffling and walked towards the back. I knocked on the door to the back room and found him sitting on the floor with a bottle of Patron in his hands and tears streaming down his face. It hurt me to see him like that, I felt sad, worried, like crying for him because I knew how much it hurt him to see that. I sat next to him unsure of what to tell him, I knew that there was nothing I could do to change how he was feeling. “What are you doing to yourself Cory Bear?” I said using the nickname me and Randi gave him randomly when we were drunk.

“I don’t know why I feel like this Linda. I mean, I knew I wouldn’t ever get to be with Max but I can’t take this anymore. I shouldn’t be feeling like this” he took a big gulp of the liquor and threw it at the wall when nothing else came out. I was afraid, the emptiness and hurt he use to feel was back. It scared me because I knew he’d probably just go back to his old ways of drinking and doing drugs and I’d be there watching him not being able to do nothing because he would never listen to me. I’d be fearing for his life, praying he’d wake up the next morning with life. For once I wish things would turn out differently, or that someone perfect would come into his life that could love him and not hurt him.

“C’mere boo” I opened my arms and he slowly crawled over to me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him because I didn’t know what else to do. It’s not like I could change what’s already been done.


“Yeah?” I answered looking towards the door. Randi walked in carrying her giant bag that was a million times bigger than her.

“Finally I find you two! I heard about Max and what he did” she plopped herself on a couch that was in front of me and Cory. “Feeling okay babe?” she said to Cory. He smiled and wiped tears away from his eyes.

“Yeah, I guess...Whatcha got in that montrous bag of yours eh?” he chuckled.

“Welllll....everyone walked over to that bar a couple streets down to celebrate Max and Elizabitch” she made a funny face which caused us to laugh. “annnnd I knew you guys wouldn’t go so I brought the bar to us!” she took out bottle after bottle of every kind of liquor, beer vodka whatever you could think of from that bag. Me and Cory looked to each other wide eyed and then to her. She had a smile on her face as she fell over laughing. “You guys are ‘tards I swear..You act like this is the first time I’ve done this”

“How in the hell did you get all this shit!? Not that I’m complaining but fuck Randi, I love you!” we high fived each other like the dorks we were and laughed.

“Cory? You in for a night of forgetting?” Cory slowly put on a smile and we all formed a circle around our soon to be paradise.
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hope you guys are liking this? :D Sorry it's short, but there's more..... :P