Status: Done

Merry Christmas, Baby

One Shot

I sat in my business class, not really focusing on the lecture before me. My boyfriend Luke wouldn’t be playing tonight. Yes, my boyfriend is Luke Schenn. He hadn’t been playing great so his coach thought that it was best if he sat out a few games. In the English dictionary, a few is described as three. Luke has sat out five games! I don’t know if he did something to personally offend Ron, but how is Luke supposed to learn from his mistakes if he’s sitting in the freaking press box?
After noticing that all of my classmates were packing up their bags, I realized that class was over and began to do the same thing. Once I checked my phone to see if there were any messages from Luke, I picked up my bag and walked out of the classroom.
“Jamie! Jamie, wait up!” I heard someone call from behind me as I started to walk down the stairs.
“Sarah, what’s up?”
“Oh nothing. Has Luke grown up yet?”
“No, not really. He’s been really distant lately, which is super weird seeing as I’m going to London with the fam-jam tonight.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you were going to England for Christmas. Excited?” She asked as we made our way to the subway station.
“Yes and no. I mean, I’m going to England so of course I’m excited. But, I just don’t want to leave Luke like this,”
“He wants you to go. Luke’s not the type of guy who would make you miss Christmas with your family to stay with him. Go over to his apartment and say goodbye before you head to the airport.”
And with that, I got off the train at Union Station and walked the six blocks to Luke’s apartment. I said hello to the doorman, stepped into the elevator, and made small talk with the lady who lives a few doors down from Luke before we got off the elevator and I made my way to the apartment.
“Luke? Babe, are you home?” I called, closing the door and putting my bag under the table next to it.
“What do you want?” I heard him answer from the living room.
“I figured I’d pop over and see you before I had to go to the airport. Is everything alright?”
“How can you even ask me a fucking question like that? Of course it’s not alright. I’ve been benched for five games for no reason. You think that’s all fine and dandy?” Luke yelled at me.
“Excuse me? I didn’t say that it was right. I know that you’re hurting and that you’re upset, but you know that Brian’s going to get you back on the ice,”
“You know what, Jamie? Brian can do jack shit right now. It’s all Wilson – all his fault.”
“Ok, I’ve had enough of this. I come to see you because I’m going to England for three weeks, and this is how you act. Fuck you, Luke Schenn. Don’t even bother calling me until you haul that stick out of your ass. Have a Merry Fucking Christmas!” I yelled, grabbing my bag and slamming the door behind me.
I didn’t cry. I’m normally an emotional person, but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to cry over him. I just couldn’t see how someone who was so nice could turn into such a monster in a matter of days.
Christmas came and went and I hadn’t so much gotten an email from him wishing me a Merry Christmas. I know I told him not to message me, but it’s Christmas!
I was getting ready to go out for dinner with my family when my Skype started ringing on my computer. I walked over to ignore the call when I noticed who was calling me.
“Hello, Sista, Merry belated Christmas!!” Brayden yelled at me in a horrible British accent.
“Bray, you’re accent is terrible. How are you?”
“Hey, can’t knock a guy for trying! Listen, we need to talk about my brother.”
I sighed. “What’s there to talk about? He was an ass, so I told him to get lost and not call me until he grew up. But, I was kind of hoping for a Skype date for Christmas.”
“I know you were. But, you have me instead. And we both know that I’m the better looking brother. Seriously though, he feels terrible for what he said to you. Especially since he couldn’t apologize cause you had to go to the airport.”
“Bray, you’re only saying that cause you’re his brother. I bet he’s fine and not even missing me,”
“That’s what you think. Luke’s not himself. Even Macy knows that, and she’s seven! He doesn’t do anything. Just sleeps and eats; that’s it. What you said to him, and what he said to you affected him something fierce.”
“Really? He’s that bad?”
Brayden nodded. “Yep, it’s pretty depressing actually. But seriously though, enjoy your time in London. I’ll see you when you get back.”
“What, you’re leaving me?” I laughed.
“Yep, if you’ll notice, I’m on Luke’s Skype and he’ll kill me if he finds out I was telling you how pathetic he is. Plus, it’s dinner time and he’s surfacing from his room. I’ll talk to you later.” He smiled, blew me a kiss, and signed off the computer.
I smiled to myself as I turned my computer off and walked out the hotel room door to meet with my parents for dinner.
We spent an amazing two weeks in London before we had to go back to Canada. I would get off in Toronto, while my parents would continue on to Saskatoon. I grabbed my carry-on and gave my family hugs and kisses before I got off the plane and went through customs.
While I was waiting in customs, I turned my phone on and noticed that I had six missed calls and four texts. All but one of the phone calls were from Luke, same as the texts. I smiled to myself, thinking that he had grown up and decided to apologize.
I made my way to the arrivals gate when I noticed a boy and a girl sitting on one of the benches who looked just like Luke and Macy. I didn’t have time to react before I felt a set of arms latch themselves around my middle and squeeze me like they’ve never seen me before.
“Jamie! I missed you!” Macy squealed, hugging me as tight as her little arms could.
“Hi, Macy Misa! How are you little one,” I smiled, leaning down to her level and hugging her properly.
“Good! I got lots of stuff for Christmas. But Luke’s really sad. You need to cheer him up.”
“Is that right?”
She nodded. “Yep; he wasn’t going to let me come get you, but I made him. Now, come on – make my brother better.
She jumped on top of the luggage cart and we walked over to where Luke was sitting.
“Luke! Luke! I found her. She’s here to make you better and fun again,” Macy smiled, busying herself with the gift I brought her back from England.
“Hey, Luke,”
“Jamie. Listen, I messed up. I’m sorry that I said those things to you. It’s just that I was stressed about being benched and the stuff that Ron was saying that I took it out on the first person that I saw, which was you. I didn’t mean anything that I said. Please don’t break up with me,” Luke said, looking down at the ground on the last part.
I gasped and lifted his chin so he could look me in the eye. “Break up with you? Luke, I wouldn’t do that if it meant saving the world. I love you too much to do anything like that. It just hurt that you said all that stuff to me, especially since I went to England four hours later. But, the fact that you came to pick me up shows me how much you care about me,” I smiled, kissing him lightly on the lips.
“Of course I was going to come get you. I missed you too much and I needed to see you right away,” He smiled and leaned in to kiss me again.
“LUKE!!!” Macy screamed from behind us.
“What’s wrong, Mace?” I asked, walking over to the cart with concern all over my face.”
She giggled. “He can’t kiss you like that. You need to kiss under this,” She said, standing up on my luggage holding a piece of mistletoe above my head.
I couldn’t help but laugh as Luke lunged at me, picking me up in his arms and kissing me.
“Merry Christmas, Jamie.”
“Merry Christmas, Babe!”
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