The Stars of Heaven are too Cruel

Mahogany Johnston. 16, Brown/blonde hair, short. Most of her life home-schooled. Her Dad sent her to boarding school when he couldn't homeschool her anymore, where she meets:

Samantha Kellanjar aka Sammy, 16, black hair (tiger-striped) medium height. Spent majority of her life training to be a ballerina but when that failed, she was sent to the finest school in Britian.

Joel Kennedy, 17, blck hair sidefringe, tall. Parents are both full time lawyers so he was sent away to boarding school. There he met Sammy and they've been going out ever since.

Cameron Woods aka Cam, 16, sidefringe black hair, tall. Parents are actually trillionares but Cam wanted a low-key life. Has never had a girlfriend but has never had the need for one thinking of them as clingy and isiotic.