Status: In progress.



"I am so sick of being single!" Joseph Jonas, age 21, groaned before downing another beer. His older brother, Kevin Jonas, age 23, nodded sympathetically.

"She's out there." He waved his hand. "Somewhere over the rainbow." Joe sighed, running a hand through shaggy black hair.

"I wish I'd get over that rainbow and find her already." Kevin patted his shoulder, scanning the bar.

"Well, look around. Any catch your interest?" Joe shrugged.

"None did before."

"Look again." Joseph lifted his head curiously, looking in the direction his brother was nodding to. He blinked, gawking. The girl was beautiful; brunette, brown eyes, curves in the right places, a bit shorter then him. She wore a red dress that suited her wonderfully. "Dude. Dude." He snapped back.


"Go say hi!"

"You think a girl like that is single?" He scoffed. "Please."

"You never know. She could be suffering from a terrible break up." Joe rolled his eyes, slipping off his stool.

"It's your fault if I embarrass myself."

"You'd embarrass yourself even if I wasn't here." He smiled. Joe snorted, turning, but the girl had disappeared.

"Figures." His shoulders slumped.

"Ah, where'd she go? She was right there a second ago!"

"It's alright, man." He pulled his jacket on. "I'm just gonna leave."

"But Danielle didn't even get here yet." He protested. "And she said she'd bring a friend."

"No thanks. Remember the last girl she set me up with?" They both shivered. The girl had turned out to be a tad bit obsessed.

"Alright. I'll tell her you didn't feel well."

"Mhm. See ya." He walked toward the door, hands stuffed in his pockets. As he got through the crowd, someone bumped into him.

"Oof!" She said, stepping back, wobbling in her heels. Joe nearly gasped. It was her. "I am so sorry!" Her features were apologetic, but in her eyes, he noticed anger.

"It's alright. I wasn't paying attention." They stood awkwardly for a moment. "You okay? You seem....mad." She sighed.

"My boyfriend is being an asshole." His heart skipped a beat.

"O-oh?" He swallowed.

"Yeah. I caught him with this girl and he claims she's just a friend-" She stopped, looking up. "I'm sorry. You probably don't wanna hear this."

"No, no. I asked. It's fine." He smiled.

"I'm Ashley." She held out her hand.

"Joe." He reached, but was cut off by a voice.

"Ashley!" They turned, spotting an angry man storming over. Joe had the urge to take Ashley away. This guy seemed dangerous.

"What?" She hissed. "Tired of your little whore, hm?"

"It's not like that." He fumed, eyes drifting to Joe. "The fuck is this?"

"That's Joe." She answered. "I bumped into him."

"Yeah?" The guy stepped closer. "You sure you bumped into him? Or did he bump into you? You tryin' to mess with my girl, asshole?"

"That's not what happened." Joe said calmly.

"Then what did happen?"

"I bumped into him!" Ashley exclaimed. "Jesus fucking Christ, Adam, back off!"

"Don't talk to me like that!" He turned his attention back to his girlfriend. Ex was more like it.

"Hey, hey. Come on, man, just-"

"You shut up." He snarled. "You're not involved in this."

"But you are. Why don't you tell her about your little friend?" Joe said, crossing his arms.

"Yes, Adam, why don't you?" She cocked an eyebrow.

"She's an old friend who's in town visiting. That's it."

"Really?" She shifted her weight to her right foot. "Then why the fuck was she all over you?" Haha, try explaining that one. Joe thought to himself, smirking.

"She's drunk off her ass. Nothing happened!"

"Uh-huh. Look, how about you let me enjoy my evening with Joe and you fuck off?" She smiled.

"Please, baby. I swear nothing happened." He said softly. Joe almost couldn't hear him. He's playing the guilt card? What an idiot.

"You swear?" She said after a moment. "Adam, I swear to God-"

"I love you. I'd never cheat on you."

"Fine. But if I ever see that slut again-"

"You won't." He smiled. "And, uh, you." He looked at Joe.


"Who are you?"

"I bumped into him. He seems nice." Adam's glare returned. Joe didn't want to lose this girl. Something inside him told him to keep her close. He needed a way to stay with her - even as a friend. Without thinking, the first thing to fly out of his mouth was;

"I'm gay." Both of Ashley's eyebrows rose, nearly meeting her hairline.

"Seriously? I've always wanted a gay friend!" She paused. "I mean, I don't only wanna be friends with you cause you're gay.."

"I get it." He grinned. You stupid ass fuck. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Look, babe, my brother just texted me. I gotta go." Joe took notice to a girl stumbling out of the bar at that very second. It irked him, but he let it slide.

"Okay." She smiled. "Can I catch a ride with you, Joe? I wanna get to know you some more." His heart fluttered with false hope. Adam, now believing Joseph was indeed a homosexual, didn't seem to mind his girlfriend staying.

"Sure." Joe smiled. Adam pecked Ashley's lips before leaving. "Wanna leave now?"

"Can we go somewhere? Like, a park?" She asked as they stepped out. Joe noticed Adam walking into an alley. He frowned. "Joe?"

"Huh?" He turned to her. Her chocolate brown eyes blinked up at him. He couldn't mention what he'd seen. He didn't want her to get hurt again. "Oh, uh, there's one nearby..." He trailed off. His inner voice taunted him.

You, my friend, just got yourself into some deep shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
la. crappy first chapter of crap.