Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.


“Meagen come on,” I whine up the stairs since we have a flight to catch in thirty minutes and Jensen and Jared are standing beside me.

“Calm down! I’m saving your ass, you forgot your dress,” she says running downstairs throwing my bridesmaids dressat me.

“Oh god! Thank you so much Rosey is such a sweetheart but I’m sure I would be dead if I showed up without this,” I say laughing.

“Alright we really need to head out,” Jensen says grabbing Patches’ crate as we make our way to the airport and board a uneventful flight since most of us slept the whole way.

“Christina!” I hear a deep voice yell once we land in Charlottesville making me squeal as I drop Jensen’s hand and run over to the man.

“Daddy!” I scream jumping into the man’s arms as he spins me around.

“It’s been too long. Meagen how are you?” Daddy asks as the rest of the group comes up to us with all of our bags in toe.

“I’m good. How are you Gene?” she asks smiling.

“Good. Who are these young fellows?” Daddy asks eyeing Jensen since Jared has his arm around Meagen.

“Daddy, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Jensen, and this is Meagan’s boyfriend Jared,” I say smiling as I wrap my arm around Jensen.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Urquity,” Jensen says holding his hand out for Daddy to take.

“You too,” Daddy says taking his hand firmly shaking it.

“So are you taking us to the hotel?” I ask Daddy holding his hand in one and Jensen’s in the other.

“Yes, we’ll be there for a bit then we have the rehearsal,” Daddy explains slightly glaring at Jensen since he’s not use to sharing me since I never brought Frankie around since he and Momma didn’t like him.

“Be nice,” I say giggling as we climb into his avalanche and go to the hotel.

“Is that my baby?” I hear my Momma ask.

“Momma! You look amazing! How does it feel to be done with treatments for good? Your hair looks amazing,” I say running my fingers through her thick hair since the last time I saw it, it had barley began to grow back from the chemo treatments.

“It’s actually quite amazing and thank you. I’m assuming this is the new man based on the way your father is looking at him,” Momma says nodding to Jensen.

“Yes ma’am. His name is Jensen,” I say pulling him forward.

“Pleasure to meet you; call me Susan,” she says shaking his hand.

“Pleasure is all mine Susan,” Jensen says smiling.

“Well, let’s get you to your rooms,” Momma says before leading us to our two rooms.

“Is your dad going to kill me this weekend?” Jensen asks making me laugh until I see the seriousness on his face.

“Daddy is only trying to protect me, I’m his little vampire,” I say laughing at the nickname as I take Patches out of his crate.

“Little Vampire?” Jensen asks looking at me oddly.

“Yeah, when all the other girls wanted to be a princess I wanted to be a vampire,” I slightly giggle before slightly jumping at a knock on the door.

“Yes?” Jensen asks opening the door.

“Is my sister here?” I hear another familiar voice ask making me smile.

“Maybe?” I say popping up behind Jensen.

“Come on short one, it’s time to go rehearse. If you trust Dad enough he can come too,” Jeffery says smiling at Jensen.

“Don’t scare the poor boy. And I’m not short; I’m quite tall for a girl. Jensen this is my brother Jeffery, the idiot getting married tomorrow,” I say smiling before grabbing his hand and follow Jeff out to the ruins he’s getting married in front of.

After the hour and a half rehearsal we went to the rehearsal dinner and then Jensen and I meet back up with Meagen and Jared in our room.

“So how did It go with her family?” Meagan asks Jensen.

“I’m still afraid her father’s going to kill me,” Jensen says looking slightly worried.

“He’s really a sweetheart I swear,” I say giggling.

“He’ll loosen up tomorrow with a bit of alcohol in his system,” Meagen says grinning.

“So true for my family,” I say laughing.

“So, we’re going to leave since you have to get up in like… six hours,” Meagen says a few hours and beers later.

“Ok night,” I say before going into the bathroom and changing then crawl into bed with Jensen and try to fall asleep quickly as possible.