Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Nerves, Love and Hate

I wake up to an annoying beeping noise making me groan and sit up while rubbing my face.

“Morning sunshine,” Jensen says popping out of nowhere handing me a cup of coffee.

“You’re amazing,” I say smiling nearly downing the whole cup at once. “Well, I’m going to go shower would you like to join me?” I ask smiling.

“I think I would,” Jensen says returning the smile before following me into the bathroom where we shower.

“Baby, can you bring me my hair dryer? It’s in my bag,” I ask Jensen once I had towel dried my hair to the best of my abilities. He shortly returns with it and leaves me to get ready.
I dry my hair the rest of the way and put it up in hot curlers quickly doing a retro make-up style focusing on my honey eyes the slip into a tube top and shorts before walking out of the bathroom.

“Baby, I’m going to head over to Rosey’s room to help her and the other girls get ready. I’ll see you there ok?” I ask walking up to him dress in hand.

“Sounds good, have fun with your girl time,” he says smiling before quickly kissing me.

“See you in a bit love,” I say smiling before walking out of my room and down the hallway into Rosey’s room. “Hey soon to be sis-in-law how are you feeling?” I ask smiling.

“Nervous as hell,” she says giving me a weak smile as my aunt works on her hair.

“Well, I can tell you one thing. If he fucks this up, I’ll kill him,” I say smiling meaning every word since I already consider her family.

“OK girls come on, we need to get ready and be at the ruins in forty minutes for pictures,” Michelle, the maid of honor, yells as the other girls run around and I help Rosey before taking the hot rollers out of my hair and putting a ton of hairspray in it praying it’ll make it stay.

“Chris, I don’t know if I can do this,” Rosey says panicking after the pictures of us where done and we were hiding from my brother.

“Just look at it this way, this is the beginning of the rest of your life,” I say smiling. “And when you go out there to walk down the aisle just think, if you fall, unlike me, you have your daddy there to catch you, and all you have to do is focus of Jeff and this will be the best day of your life,” I say smiling rubbing her arm.

“I knew there was a reason I like you,” she says smiling as the music starts playing for us to walk down the aisle.

“See you in a few,” I say smiling before lightly kissing her check and grabbing my bouquet and making my way down the aisle praying I don’t fall.

After the beautiful ceremony and the billion pictures the photographer wanted we finally go to go to the reception and have fun. Once we all walked in and ate Rosey and Jeff danced together followed by the father/mother dance and then the grandparents dance.

“OK, I need everyone’s attention,” Jeff yelled into the mic once I had finally found Jensen and turned in his arms.

“What do you want now?” I yell back laughing.

“You’re about to love me lil sis; it’s time for the brother sister dance,” he says smiling. “So, come on. I swear I’ll return you in one piece and if I don’t it’ll be your own fault,” he says taking me from Jensen and literally dragging me out to the dance floor.

“I so hate you right now,” I say as I awkwardly jerk around trying to follow his lead.

“I can tell, and you’re taking it out on my feet. So what do you think about me being all grown up and married?” Jeff asks as I notice his mom give me a dirty look.

“I’m very proud of you, the ceremony was beautiful and thus far our mothers haven’t tried to kill one another,” I say laughing.

“I think Dad pulled them both over and told them if they fucked my day up he’d kill my mom and divorce yours,” he says with a slight laugh as the dance ends.

“Well, I had fun killing your feet but I think I’m going back to Jensen. I love you,” I say quickly hugging him and kissing his cheek making sure to leave lipstick and run back over to Jensen who hands me a drink. “You are awesome.”

“I know,” he says smiling down at me before we both down our drinks and he, much to my dismay, drags me out on the dance floor.

“OK single ladies and I mean there isn’t a rock on your finger single, time for the flower toss,” the DJ announces.

“Go on up there love,” Meagen says trying to pull me out of my seat.

“I don’t want to,” I whine as she pulls me out to the floor.

“Oh well,” she says shoving me into the group of other girls.

“Good luck gals,” Rosey says over her shoulder before throwing the bouquet, which happens to land in my arms before I nearly get mauled.

“Look! Obviously it wanted me to catch it so back off!” I yell shoving my way out of the girls to show everyone I’m the one who caught it blushing.

“I was half expecting you to at least be missing an earring,” Jared says laughing as I sit back down at the table.

“I’m amazing I still have a full dress on,” I say rolling my eyes as the DJ announces the garter toss is about to commence. “You have to go up there because they made me,” I tell Jensen before putting my feet up in his chair as he goes to sit back down.

“Fine,” he says rolling his eyes before going out onto the floor.

“I’ll be right back, I’m going to smoke,” I tell Meagen and Jared before grabbing Jensen’s suit jacket and heading outside. “So who caught it?” I ask upon my return.

“We’ve been waiting for you! Come on,” Rosey says before dragging me to a chair in the middle of the floor.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask in almost a hiss.

“You get the garter put on you by whoever caught it,” Jeff says smiling.

“The fuck I do,” I say going to get up only to have Jeff shove me back in my chair and Jensen walk up to me. “You got it?” I ask laughing.

“Yeah,” he says twirling it around.

“This isn’t embarrassing at all, at least it’s just my dad’s side of the family,” I nervously laugh before he gently slips the garter up my leg.

“Come on man, you’re dating her you should have thrown some spunk into it,” Jeff says shaking his head as he puts his arm around Jensen’s shoulder.

“Back off,” I nearly growl, thoroughly embarrassed, before walking back to my table where a few of my cousins started to wolf whistle making me burry my face in Jensen’s shoulder.

“OK guys last dance,” the DJ calls out several hours later and he puts on a slow song.

“I know it’s the last dance of the night but I have yet to dance with you, may I steal her?” Daddy asks Jensen.

“Go right ahead,” Jensen says smiling.

“So what do you think Daddy?” I ask once we were out of hearing range trying desperately not to let on how drunk I am.

“I wasn’t too sure till the garter part and he showed respect for you not acting like a moron, based on that I like him but I need more research done to be sure of it, and stop looking at your feet I know you’re three sheets to the wind just follow my lead,” Daddy says laughing.

“Did you not see how well that went with Jeff when I was sober?” I ask him laughing.

“I love you. See you tomorrow,” Daddy says kissing the top of my head at the end of the song.

“Love you too Daddy,” I say throwing my arms around his neck.

“You ready to leave?” Jensen asks wrapping his coat around me as we walk outside so I can smoke and see the shuttle bus back to the hotel.

“I’m ready to pass out,” I giggle.

“I’m right there with you,” he says smiling before kissing the top of my head.

“I don’t remember the last time I was this drunk,” Meagen slurs when we board the second round of the shuttle.

“I concur,” I say giggling at my choice of words.

“We have a fun night in store huh?” Jared asks Jensen.

“Hello, don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Meagen and I say at the same time sending us both into a hysterical giggling fit.

Once we get back to the hotel I wash my face and attempt to take some of the bobby pins I had to put in my hair as the night wore on and give up on it before slipping into one of Jensen’s shirts and crawling into bed to have him follow me shortly after.

“Night, I love you,” I say snuggling up to him.

“Night, love you too,” he says kissing the top of my head as we both float off to sleep, well for me more so pass out.
♠ ♠ ♠
by the way if any reads this other than Meagen, HA, and is confused about the while brother thing we have the same father but different mothers.