Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Nervousness and Wedding Vows

“Wake the fuck up woman I’m getting married today!” Megan screams into my ear.

“Is the maid of honor supposed to be deaf?” I ask sitting up and yawning.

“Funny. Now get your ass up and get showered,” Megan instructs as I look up to see her standing there with a towel on her head.

“For the love of Christ! It’s only eight in the morning woman!” I scream looking at my clock.

“Do you not see how thick your hair is? It’s gonna take like an hour and a half to tease that shit alone now come on,” Megan whines.

“Fine! Smoke, coffee and food then I’ll shower,” I explain rubbing my eyes.

“You better hurry the fuck up,” she yells back disappearing into her room.

“If I didn’t love her so much I’d kill her,” I mumble on my way downstairs for the fastest cigarette and breakfast of my life before stumbling back upstairs and showering before changing into a cami and shorts.

“So now what?” I ask before being attacked and dragged down the stairs into Megan’s car. “OK crazy lady calm down,” I say covering my eyes as Megan drives like a headless 80 year old.

“We’re late so shut up! We were supposed to be at the salon thirty minutes ago,” Megan barks making me dread what the rest of the day has in order for me.

“My bad,” I say putting my hands up as we walk into the salon and I’m instantly thrown into a chair as some poor girl tackles on the job of teasing up my hair. Forty minutes later Megan’s hair and makeup have been done and I’m finally getting to the make up phase.

“OK, I’m going to go get some coffee for me and you and when I get back we’ll head over to where we’re getting dressed and having pictures taken and the rest of the girls are going to meet us there,” Megan says leaving before I have a chance to respond.

“Oh my god,” I say looking into the mirror about twenty minutes later as Megan walk through the door. My hair is a complete hot mess, but somewhat stylish and my skin has a very slight green undertone and my eyes look sunken in and my chin looks like I just chowed down on someone. “You guys did an amazing job and Megan you look Zombie-tastic,” I say looking at Megan to see her look similar to me but better.

“Thanks,” she says giggling at my made up word.

“So you ready to go take some pictures as go get hitched?” I ask getting up after being attacked with nearly an entire bottle of spray cement.

“Yeah,” she says smiling before getting into the passenger seat of her car since I offered to drive since I happen to like living.

“Ok so you help me get dressed then get dressed yourself the pictures,” Megan says letting out a heavy sigh.

“Yep. Now calm down and we’ll get you into you’re dress,” I say smiling as I help Megan into her beautiful dress. “How you look beautiful… for a zombie and all,” I say smiling.

“Thanks. Now hurry up and get your ass in your dress,” Megan says smiling as she gets her veil and everything straight.

“Ok so picture time?” I ask coming out in my dress.

“Yeah so hurry up,” Megan says before grabbing her bouquet of white roses with red dye splashed on them to make them look bloody along with some small red carnations.

“So help me god if that woman yells one more command this blood on my chin is going to be real,” I mumble making the rest of the bride maids giggle.

“So the bride ready to walk down the isle?” I ask Megan touching her shoulder in hopes to stop her shaking.

“Yeah I guess,” she says sighing heavily again.

“You’re not going to pass out on me are you?” I ask fanning her.

“No. I’m just really nervous. Not only am I getting married but everyone will be staring at me,” she says.

“That’s the whole point and you’re a beautiful bride so chill out. I’m going to go get things started,” I say smiling as I quickly kiss her on the cheek before running away. I quickly peep up towards the guys to see them look like your everyday zombies but it money suits and it makes me going into a giggle fit causing those around me to stare before I walk off to find the guy in charge of the music. “So we’re about ready to get started,” I tell him smiling.

“OK. You guys are walking in to dead by dawn by showbread right?” he asks looking at me oddly.

“That’s the one sir. Give it like two minutes then start. Thanks so much,” I say rushing off before he can say anything. “OK we have two minutes. Then you’re getting married,” I squeal holding Megan’s hands.

“Yep. Here goes nothing and praying I don’t fall,” she says breathing in deeply before the first of the brides maids makes her way down the isle.

We one by one file down the isle till its my turn and I curse myself for picking the shoes I did. Once I had thoroughly punctured the isle with my heels and nearly fallen on my face twice I was at the end of it and quickly glance over to the boys to see Jared and Jensen laughing at me making me stick my tongue out before taking my place and turning around to see my beautiful best friend walk down the isle.

“I know pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride.” the preacher says about twenty minutes later right before Jared leans down and kisses Megan.

I quickly dab my eyes dry before handing Megan her bouquet back and watch her and Jared walk down the isle together before linking arms with Jensen and following my best friend who has a new last name.