Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Exciting News and Uncertainties

“So I have a quick question for you,” I tell Megan after I come back in from smoking with Patches and find her in the kitchen.

“Shoot,” she says smiling unusually large.

“Are you sure you and Jared don’t mind me living with you still? I mean it’s been four months since you guys got married. I just feel like I’m in your way,” I say grabbing a pomegranate before cutting it open.

“How many times do I have to tell you we don’t mind? My god you’re worse than a child at times. Speak of,” Megan begins but trails off.

“Speaking of what?” I ask spraying pomegranate juice everywhere making us both laugh.

“Have you told her yet?” Jared asks as he comes into the room smiling.

“Told me what?” I ask raising my eyebrow.

“Take that as a no. Well, I’m off to Jensen’s I’m sure I’ll see you there,” Jared says smiling yet again before kissing Megan and walking out the door.

“What the hell is wrong with you two? Are you on drugs or something? You’re being creepishly happy,” I say staring at Megan oddly.

“I thought you would have been smart enough to piece it together by now but obviously not,” Megan says smiling again.

“Piece what together? And stop smiling so much you’re freaking me out,” I nearly scream.

“I’m pregnant!” Megan yells.

“Well, that explains the leave it to beaver vibe and congrats!” I yell hugging her.

“So back to our previous,” I begin before getting cut off.

“Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m kicking you out. When you moved in here I told you it was for as long as you wanted and me having a demon on the way doesn’t change that,” Megan says shaking her head. “You should know that.”

“I know. Sorry. But congrats again! I’m going to go hop in the shower now,” I say hugging her before walking upstairs.

So that makes me feel so much better about still living with them. I love Megan but who wants to live with their husband, baby and best friend, no one. Guess I’m looking for apartments now.

“You take a shower yet?” Megan asks from outside my door.

“No I’m about to give me twenty minutes,” I yell before taking a long hot relaxing shower.

“So now what?” Megan asks when I wander back downstairs.

“I don’t really care what we do,” I say shrugging as I drag my fingers through my wet hair.

“Want to see what the boys are doing?” she asks eyeing a can of Monster.

“Sure. You know now that you’re knocked up and what have you, you need to stay away from that shit,” I say grabbing my phone texting Jensen.

“I know. It’s gonna suck,” Megan whines making me smile.

“We’ll apparently they boys are just chilling at Jensen’s. Wanna go over there?” I ask taking the Monster and opening it.

“Sure. It’s not fair though. If I can’t drink those you can’t drink them in front of me,” Megan whines grabbing her purse.

“OK. From now on I won’t. I’ll drive,” I say grabbing my purse and a hoody before downing the Monster and calling Patches then head out to my car.

“Hey boys we’re here,” Megan screams walking into Jensen’s making me laugh as I stay outside walking patches around lighting up.

“So here you are,” Jensen says behind me a few minutes later making me jump.

“Oh god, I was in deep thought,” I say holding my chest.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Why are you still out here?” he asks sitting down beside me.

“Just thinking, I’ll tell you about it later. Can I stay here tonight?” I ask looking up at him.

“Yeah, no problem babe,” he says wrapping one arm around my shoulders pulling me in kissing the top of my head.

“Thanks,” I say smiling before standing up and rounding Patches inside.

“I thought you were dead,” Megan says looking at me funny.

“Nope just smoking,” I say smiling only to have Megan look at me funny since I wasn’t fooling her.

“Hey, why don’t we give the kids some time alone and go home,” Megan tells Jared still looking at me oddly.

“What?” I ask returning the odd look.

“Nothing,” she says shrugging. “Come on.”

“See you guys later,” Jared says waving being pulled out of the house.

“Bye,” Megan and I say at the same time making me giggle.

“So what is it that’s bugging you?” Jensen asks once they close the door.

“I mean it’s nothing huge. I talked to Megan today about me living with them married and with a baby on the way. She said she didn’t mind but I feel out of place ya know?“ I say sighing as I play with the tattered ends of my hoody.

“So what are you going to do?” Jensen asks pulling me further into him.

“Start looking for apartments tomorrow,” I say shrugging not looking forward to the finding and moving into a new place process that is ahead of me.

“Or you could just move in with me,” Jensen says so nonchalantly you’d think he just asked if I wanted something to drink.

“Are you serious?” I ask sitting up and turning around so that I’m looking at him.

“Yes,” he says smiling.

“You positive?” I ask not believe this.

“I’m sure, I’m positive, I’m certain,” he says laughing at my disbelief.

“I would love too,” I say smiling while biting my bottom lip.

“It’s settled then,” Jensen says kissing me with a slight laugh.

“OK. So when do you want me to officially reside here?” I ask still biting my lip.

“Whenever works for you babe.”

“Next Monday? I’m off,” I say going through my schedule in my head.

“Sounds good to me, veg out to TV?” he asks lacing his fingers with mine once I lean back into him.

“Sounds amazing. Thanks baby,” I say smiling.

“No. Thank you,” he says stopping on an episode of True Blood.
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