Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Complaints and Blackouts

“I hate that you’re off when I’m at work now. It’s not fair!” I pout to Jensen looking at him through the mirror in our bathroom.

“It’s only for a little while. Besides, when I get home in the morning I get to see you for a little while,” he says laughing wrapping his arms around me.

“But it’s not for long and I don’t like it,” I whine again putting my hair up.

“We’ll be OK,” Jensen laughs again before kissing me on the cheek making me smile.

“How much longer do you have to do this?” I ask as we walk to the kitchen.

“Only about a week more,” he says smiling while handing me my lunch box.

“This is gay but, I’ll shut up about it now and I’ll see you when you get home in the morning,” I sigh getting the last of my things together for work.

“I’ll wake you up when I get home,” Jensen says slightly tugging at his bottom lip while wrapping his arm around me.

“Sounds good, I love you. Bye,” I say standing up and quickly kissing him.

“Bye,” he says kissing me again pulling at my bottom lip afterwards.

“Stop it! You can’t send me to work all hot and bothered,” I whine bouncing up and down in his arms slightly.

“Well, we could fix that real quickly,” he says going to nibble on my ear.

“No! I love you and I’ll see you in the morning,” I say smiling as I squirm out of his grasp and make my way to the door.

“Love you! See you in the morning,” Jensen yells after me making me tug at the corner of my lips with my teeth as I climb into my car.

“Why do I always have to park at the end of the lot?” I whine pulling into work.

“Stupid day shift has to park so close to the building when they get off when the sun comes out,” I mumble on my way into the building while fidgeting with my name badge.

“Afternoon Chris,” DJ, the security guard, says nodding his head towards me.

“Hey DJ! What’s up?” I ask as I clock in,

“Not too much. I heard that Jen has been quite a handful today,” DJ says clocking in behind me.

“When isn’t she a handful here lately?” I ask laughing slightly.

“True, very true,” DJ says smiling as we walk our separate ways to our stations.

“So Anna how was everyone?” I ask the nurse sitting behind the counter.

“OK, Jen was acting up today. She’s been self-harming here lately, not sure why though,” Anna says smiling handing me the paperwork for the shift change.

“Thanks girl. Anything else I should know?” I ask looking through the paper work.

“Nope that’s it. Have a good evening,” she says wrapping up in her coat.

“You too,” I say smiling watching her leave.

I hear screaming coming from down the hall and run down to see what it is since the CNA assigned to the wing hasn’t gotten here yet and I’m not sure the day shift one is still here. When I round to corner I discover that the noise is coming from Jen’s room and sigh. I walk into her door to see her repeatedly running into her wall.

“Jen what are you doing? You need to calm down before you hurt yourself,” I say slowly entering her room.

“No I don’t! I have to get to the other side,” she keep mumbling.

“What’s on the other side that you need to get to?” I ask her slowly getting closer.

“No I don’t I have to get to the other side,” she mumbles again.

“It’s OK if you don’t get over there Jen,” I say getting closer putting my hand on her shoulder as she walks by.

“No it’s not!” she screams before grabbing me by the back of the head running towards the wall with me in tow, making everything go black after a few seconds.
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