Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Whining, Meds, Good Friends and Good Movies

I stayed in the hospital for a grand total of two days. Two days! I love being a nurse but our health care system is fucked up if they kick people out after two days when they look like I do right now. My jaw is so swollen I can’t stand to look at it while my left cheek is about three times larger than it should be and my right eye is as black as my hair. In other words I still look like shit, maybe more so than I did when I first woke up.

“So I have a few days off while they’re shooting other stuff so I get to stay here with you so you’re not crippled and alone,” Jensen says smiling as we walk into the house.

“Yay! I won’t be alone,” I say through my teeth slightly slurred due to the swelling and fact that I can’t open my mouth. “I’m hungry.”

“What do you want? Is there anything I can fix you?” Jensen asks before insisting that I sit down on the couch.

“I want a slim fast I guess since I have to eat everything through a straw. I fucking hate this! Why do I always get fucked up at work?” I begin to ramble on before Jensen lightly kisses me on my un-bruised cheek.

“Well, at least you don’t have to do it for every long,” Jensen says smiling.

“Easy for you to say,” I huff rolling my eyes as Jensen walks into the kitchen.

“Here you go babe,” Jensen says handing me the can with a straw in it making me smile.

“This is going to be a very long six weeks,” I whine trying to quickly down the contents of the can and pray it doesn’t make me sick since I haven’t had milk in forever.

“So what does my crippled girl want to do today?” Jensen asks sitting down beside me.

“I wanna sit here cuddled up with you and watch Nightmare Before Christmas and other awesome movies,” I say smiling cuddling into him crinkling my nose hoping that he understood me since some of it was slurred.

“Sounds good to me babe,” Jensen says smiling as he plays Nightmare Before Christmas since it was already in the Blu-ray player.

I wake up a few hours later to a light wet sensation on my forehead. “Huh?” I mumble before stretching and sleepily rubbing my eyes.

“Megan and Jared are here to see you,” Jensen says gently sitting me up as I look around confused.

“How did I get in here?” I ask once I realize that I’m in our bedroom.

“You passed out so I brought you in here. Now you need to get up because you have visitors,” he says smiling trying to coax me out of bed.

“I’m coming, hold your horses,” I whine as I feel pain in my jaw making me whence.

“You OK?” Jensen asks.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute. I need some more medicine,” I say trying to smile but filing by the look on Jensen’s face. “Go on,” I say laughing a little. I wonder into the bathroom and find the liquid Percocet and shiver. “God now I know why we started taking medicine in pill form,” I say after nearly throwing the contents of the small plastic cup back up. “Fucking nasty,” I say shivering again as I make my way out of the bathroom. “Hey hooker what’s up?” I ask Megan as I come into the room.

“The ceiling, the sky, the size of your face,” Megan says giggling.

“Hey don’t forget your pants size,” I say laughing patting her slight baby bulge.

“Touché, how are you feeling today?” she asks as we sit down in the living room.

“As good as could be expected I guess,” I say shrugging tankful that the medicine is starting to kick in, “You?”

“Good. We went to the doctors today and the tapeworm as you call it is doing fine,” she says smiling.

“Well, that’s always a good thing,” I say smiling. “By the way please tell me you got my text and brought sleep away camp with you,” I say hopeful.

“Of course; is there any better way to get over something than horribly cheesy horror movies?” she asks pulling the movie out of her purse and handing it to Jared to put in.

“Have I told you how much I love you lately?” I ask laughing as I snuggle into Jensen.

“No; but it’s kinda a given,” she says laughing.

“True. Hey babe? Can you give me that blanket?” I ask Jensen pointing to my old HIM fleece blanket behind him.

“Yeah, you cold?” he asks wrapping me up in it.

“Aren’t I always?” I ask laughing before getting into the movie and drifting off, yet again, during the last twenty minutes of it.
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