Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Good bye Baby Hello Family

“I don’t want you to go,” I whine to Jensen while we’re cuddled up on the couch watching TV.

“Babe it’s only for like two weeks; and besides, we spent like two entire weeks together not that long ago,” he says laughing at my childish antics while kissing the top of my head.

“No we didn’t! That was over two months ago,” I say laughing at his horrible sense of time.

“OK. Same difference,” he says shrugging rubbing the top of my head.

“If you’re from the dimension of super slow people perhaps,” I say laughing shaking my head till he stops and I hear my phone ringing. “Ello?” I ask flipping it open, not bothering to look at the caller ID to see who it is.

“Hey girl; what are you up too?” I hear Rosey, my sister-in-law, ask on the other line.

“Hey soon to be Momma; I’m good. How are you and my unborn niece/nephew?” I ask smiling as I get an odd look from Jensen that I wave away with my hand.

“We’re all doing good. I have a favor to ask you,” she says the hesitation in her voice evident.

“Shoot girl! You’re family now; what do you need?” I ask shaking my head that she would even worry about it.

“Well, Jeff has to go away on business tomorrow and as you know I’m about to pop here so I was wondering if you would mind coming back here and staying with me while he’s gone,” she says getting more quiet at the end.

“Of course I don’t mind! I’m out of work right now because of some investigation thing about what a CNA did on my shit; kinda pissed that my whole shift got fucked because of one person. But long story short I have nothing to do and Jensen is leaving day after next so not seeing him for one more day won’t matter. Do you care if I head that way tomorrow?” I ask running through things in my head getting an odd reaction from Jensen making me put up one finger indicating I would explain later.

“That would be fantastic! Thank you so much Chris,” Rosey begins to gush.

“No problem girl; like I said you’re family now. Well, I’m going to hop off of here and don’t worry about coming to get me at the airport I’ll take care of everything. Love you bye,” I say before hanging up because I know Rosey would have insisted on coming to get me.

“So what the hell just happened?” Jensen asks looking at me oddly once he realizes I’m looking at plane tickets on my phone.

“Jeff has to leave for work tomorrow and Rosey is literally about to pop out the baby so she doesn’t want to be alone, with good reason, and since I can’t work I’m going to go stay with her for a few days. Score! I love cheap plane tickets,” I say smiling before quickly buying the cheapest coach ticket I’ve seen in ages.

“So you’re going to leave me?” Jensen asks pouting.

“Oh don’t you even try to pull that with me mister! You’re leaving for two weeks. I just happen to be leaving the day before you,” I say looking at the clock realizing it’s already nine. “Well, I’m going to go throw some stuff in a bag,” I say quickly kissing Jensen before running to the bedroom where I throw about a week’s worth of clothes into one of my smaller bags and throw most of my bathroom things into their bag sitting it in the larger bag waiting for my essentials to be placed in it.

“So you know this is our last night together for at least two weeks right,” Jensen says walking up and wrapping his arms around me from behind as I stand in the bathroom going over my traveling check list one more time.

“Your point being?” I ask him laughing at the feeling of his light kisses on my neck where one thing leads to another.

“Babe wake up,” Jensen says lightly shaking me the next morning.

“I’m up! I’m up! Wanna take a really fast shower with me?” I ask him biting my bottom lip.

“Of course,” he says as we race into the bathroom and take a ten minute shower before throwing the last of my things and head off to the airport.

“I love you and I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” I say wrapping my arms around Jensen and burying my head in his chest after checking my bag since there is a new rule and unless you’re getting on the plane you have to stop here.

“I love you too babe. Call me when your flight lands OK,” he says quickly kissing my head.

“OK, bye baby,” I say kissing him one more time before tearing myself away and start my ungodly painful process of going through security.

I arrive in Norfolk about eight hours later which feels like forever since it’s pitch black outside because of the time difference. According to my time back home it was only four in the afternoon but here it was already eight; gotta love whoever invented time zones. I quickly call Jensen then I collect my luggage which was only one bag and head over to the counter where you can rent cars. After thirty minutes of trying to get them to understand I wanted to rent a car for a few days I yank the paperwork out of the young boy’s hands and quickly sign my name before jerking the keys from him and stomp off to fine the car I was given. Now I get to deal with traffic from Norfolk to Williamsburg; may the god save me.

After two hours I finally pull up in front of the house and pray that Rosey hasn’t fallen asleep yet before pulling my bag along with my and trudging up the stairs of the house and ring the doorbell.

“Hey I was starting to get worried about you,” Rosey says beaming once she realizes it was me.

“Me too,” I say laughing before walking in and taking my stuff up to the guest room. “So how are you feeling?” I ask once I get back downstairs and after I have calmed their dog, Cinnamon, down some.

“Oh, pretty good I guess. I’m just ready for this kid to get out of me,” she says laughing.

“When are you due again?” I ask after racking my brain for the date and come up empty handed.

“Four days,” she says smiling patting her large basketball belly.

“Well love, I’m beat from everything today so I think I’m going to head off to bed,” I tell Rosey after about another hour of chit chat.

“OK, I’ll see you in the morning,” Rosey says smiling as I make my way up the stairs and too my room.
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