Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.


“When the hell are you mailing my shit? I’ve already paid you for it making me flat ass broke and I have nothing to show for it! This is getting to be fucking ridiculous! I’ve been here for almost a month and you still haven’t done it,” I nearly scream into my phone.

“I told you I’ll get to it when I get to it! Now get off of my back,” Frankie screams back.

“No wonder we didn’t work out. I’m tired of trying to deal with someone who acts like a three year old. If I don’t have my shit in two weeks I’m going to kick your ass! I have another call, maybe this one will actually be with an adult,” I scream before hanging up on Frankie and answering my other line. “Hello,” I somewhat bark.

“Hello, Is this Christina?” I hear someone ask.

“Yes,” I answer slightly confused.

“Hi, this is Lynne. I just wanted to call you dear and tell you you’ve got the job and you start orientation this coming Monday,” Lynne says.

“Oh! Thank you so much! I mean this is… awesome! Thank you! I’ll see you on Monday,” I say smiling.

“You’re welcome dear. See you then. Bye,” Lynne says before hanging up.

“Oh my god! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to tell Meagen oh! I should go see her and tell her now! OK, OK think where does she work again? Oh yeah!” I scream before grabbing my shit and running out the door to hail a cab. Once I get to the studio where Meagen told me she works I try to look around for her before some huge white guy grabs me from behind.

“What you doing kiddo?” his deep voice asks looking down at me.

“I’m looking for my sister?” I more ask than say somewhat trembling.

“That being?” he asks skeptically looking at me.

“Meagen…. Meagen Hutchinson,” I stammer out.

“Well, we’ll just see about that won’t we?” he asks with a slight laugh as he pulls me along somewhere.

“Meagen you know this chick?” the bag of muscles asks after pounding on the door of some trailer to have Meagen pop out.

“Hey sis,” I say smiling.

“Yeah let her go,” Meagen says rolling her eyes as she pulls me into the trailer. “What the fuck is wrong with you? There is this cool little thing called a cellular device that you could have used,” she says hitting me upside the head.

“Well, you see I really wanted to tell you something that couldn’t wait and I didn’t want to wait till you got home and I forgot that there was this cool little thing called a cellular device and heh hi,” I say awkwardly laughing once I notice Jared with a man sitting beside him back towards me.

“I’m Jared,” Jared says with a quick wink and a smile extending his hand.

“Christina,” I say smiling as I shake his hand.

“I’m Jensen,” the other man says turning around making my jaw drop when I see his gorgeous face and see his beautiful gray green eyes making my knees go weak.

“Don’t just stand there like the moron you are say something,” Meagen says stomping on my foot.

“HI,” I say smiling like a moron.

“Smooth, really smooth love,” Meagen whispers. “So what the hell are you doing here?” she asks as she does something to Jared’s face.

“Oh yeah! I wanted to come down here and thank you because I got the job! I’m so excited!” I nearly squeal.

“Awesome! We should defiantly celebrate tonight! They guys and I were talking about going out to the bar you should come with,” Meagen says smiling.

“That would be awesome but you remember the whole I’m broke as a joke thing? I don’t think I can really sit there and watch you drink you should know me too well for that,” II say laughing.

“I’ll cover you. Don’t worry about it,” Meagen says smiling.

“OK, so when you planning on doing this?” I ask sitting down beside Jensen.

“After they’re done shooting for the day, I’m finishing here then heading home,” she explains.

“Sounds good to me,” I say smiling as I sit back and relax.
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Christina's outfit