Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.


“Hello honey I’m home. Oh I forgot honey isn’t home,” I slightly pout as I walk into the house once I’ve returned from Williamsburg.* I run up to my room and drop my bag on the floor before looking around sighing and throw myself on the bed.

“Guess it’s time to be productive with my life,” I say after laying on the bed for about thirty minutes before getting up and unpacking. Once I had unpacked everything and reorganized my clothes I decide to wonder into the living room to see what’s on TV. “Of course nothing is on. I could clean but let’s be serious that’s not going to happen. Guess I’m going out,” I say smiling before hopping into the shower and getting dressed in a tunic top and leggings then grab my keys and head out the door.

“Welcome to Starbucks how can I help you?” the young girl behind the counter asks me at my first stop.

“Can I get a iced venti soy latte with an extra shot of espresso please?” I ask the girl fishing out my wallet from my oversized purse.

“Sure thing; that’ll be 5.25,” she says after punching it into the computer.

“Here you go,” I say handing her my debit card smiling.

“Thank you; it should be up in a few minutes,” she says smiling.

“Thanks,” I say smiling as I go to the other end of the counter and wait for my drink. Once a boy around seventeen with dark sandy hair handed me my drink I decide on a small table in the corner by the large window and pull my phone out to see what else I can get into around here. About five minute into my search my phone begins to vibrate playing Far From Home by Five Finger Death Punch making me smile once I see the name that pops up on the screen. “Hi baby,” I say as the smile on my face widens.

“Hey. How was your flight?” Jensen asks.

“OK, filled with all the usual fun things that they normally are,” I say shrugging taking a sip of my drink. “So what are you up to?” I ask playing with my straw.

“Nothing much we just finished for the day. What are you doing?” he asks as I hear Megan yell something in the background.

“Nothing much I’m at Starbucks right now trying to figure out what I’m doing next. What did Megan just say?” I ask laughing.

“She said ‘tell that hooker I say hello’. So what do you plan on doing next?” Jensen asks laughing.

“I have no clue. I’m really debating going to see Rango for the fun of it and it has Johnny Depp who I love. The only thing I’m worried about right now is the fact that it’s still a little early so there may be some small annoying children,” I say sighing as I take another sip of my drink.

“Well, what do you expect? After all, it is a children’s movie,” Jensen says laughing.

“I know, but I’m still a little kid at heart,” I say laughing. “There was this one time in college where me and my friend Michelle went to a movie and there was this annoying little brat that was screaming, and kicking our seats, and sucking in snot the entire movie,” I say rolling my eyes at the memory.

“You could always go see a movie that’s geared towards people our age,” Jensen suggests.

“True. I might go see The King’s Speech; it’s still in theatres and it’s gotten amazing reviews,” I say as I begin to lean towards this idea.

“That sounds good. Let me know how it is. Well, babe, I’ve gotta go but I’ll talk to you later OK?” Jensen says as I hear some commotion in this background.

“OK talk to you later baby. Bye,” I say smiling as I hit the end button and continue my search for movies. I discover that The King’s Speech is playing in thirty minutes so I decide to take my drink on the road and head over to the theatre. “Hi, one for The King’s Speech,” I tell the boy behind the glass.

“Is that it?” the boy asks looking at me oddly.

“Yes, that’s it,” I say forcing a smile onto my face.

“Ok. That’ll be 10.50,” he says looking bored out of his mind.

“OK, here,” I say handing him the exact change.

“Thank you; enjoy your movie,” he says handing me my ticket.

“He seemed thrilled to be alive,” I mumble to myself as I walk over to the concession stand. “Ello; can I get a medium Mt. Dew and a small popcorn please?” I ask the girl behind the counter.

“Yes ma’am. Anything else?” she asks as her brown ponytail bounces around while getting my popcorn.

“Nope that’s it,” I say with a slight frown due to the fact that a teenager just called me ma’am; I’m not old enough for that yet.

“Ok that’ll be 7.50,” she says smiling putting the popcorn and drink on the counter.

Once I had paid for the popcorn and drink I wonder over to the guy standing in front of the hall who takes your tickets and hand him mine.

“Third door on your left ma’am,” he says smiling handing me my ticket stub.

“Thanks,” I say forcing that smile back on my face. Apparently I need to sleep more or get a wrinkle treatment or something. I wonder into the theatre and see that it’s in one of the smaller ones because it’s been out so long and there are only two other people in it. I looking around for a few minutes before deciding on the second row in the second cluster of seats before walking to the middle of the isle and getting comfortable for the movie.

Once the movie was over and I had been thoroughly blow away by it, for once actually agreeing with the critics, I wonder back home. Once I open the door patches runs up to great me acting like a mad man so I decide to let him out in the back yard that’s fenced in so he can run around. After walking back into the kitchen I look around the house and decide to do some light cleaning which ended up taking three hours leaving me completely exhausted. Once I had put everything away I go outside and bring Patches back in with me and take a quick shower to rid myself of the smell of bleach before pouring myself into bed grabbing Jensen’s pillow and snuggling with it.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this is mainly a filler till the next part but whatever.

*if anyone can tell me what this quote is mainly from I'll give you like 10,000 brownie points
