Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Izak and the Baby Bug

“Baby what are we going to do today?” I ask Jensen as I stretch after waking up.

“I was thinking maybe we could go to the beach if you’re up to it,” Jensen says stretching while smiling.

“That sounds fantastic. I could do with some surfing,” I say smiling as I jump out of bed and begin to look for my bathing suit and wetsuit shirt.

“So beach it is,” Jensen says smiling as he gets up to look for his board shorts.

“I’m so excited!” I squeal as I give him a quick peck on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to get ready to go.

“You ready babe?” I hear Jensen yell throughout the house as I’m packing a cooler.

“Almost; just gotta finish this and grab my board,” I say squealing at the end because Jensen had come up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “Not funny,” I pout giving him a quick kiss before handing him the cooler before grabbing my board. “Help please?” I ask Jensen as I struggle to get my board on the top of the car.

“Sure babe. You go ahead and hop in the car,” Jensen says smiling taking my board from me.

“Is that you’re phone babe?” I ask Jensen once we’ve started towards the beach.

“Yeah, can you answer it for me?” he asks hopping on the highway.

“Sure baby,” I say smiling before looking at the caller ID. “It’s Jared. Hey what’s up?”

“Chris?” I hear Jared ask in a half panic.

“Yeah; I would hope no other chick is answering Jensen’s phone. What’s wrong?” I ask as my smile is replaced with a frown.

“I’m about to be a daddy and on top of everything else Megan is yelling, or throwing, she wants you here now,” Jared says with a nervous edge still in his voice.

“OK. What hospital is it?” I ask getting an odd glance from Jensen making me smile to myself.

“We’re at Cedars-Sinai Hospital. You know where that’s at?” Jared asks as I hear Megan screaming in the background.

“Yeah, we’ll be there in a few. Try not to get murdered in the meantime,” I say laughing before hanging up. “Hey baby we need to go to Cedars-Sinai hospital I’m assuming Megan is in labor right now,” I explain with a slight pout.

“OK, what’s with the pout?” Jensen asks getting off of the highway so we can head to the hospital.

“I wanted to go to the beach,” I say shrugging as we continue to the hospital. “Hello. My name is Christina Urquity and we’re here to see Megan Padalecki,” I say smiling at the lady at the front desk.

“She’s in room 305 hun,” the lady says back with a bright smile.

“Thank you,” I say smiling as Jensen and I make our way up to Megan’s room.

“Hey Jared,” Jensen yells once we’re on the right floor and we see Jared flit out of a room.

“Hey! Jensen you wanna come with me? Chris you should probably go Megan before she kills someone,” Jared says with a tired smile.

“OK. Hey sweetie,” I say smiling as I walk into the room to see an exhausted Megan.

“Why didn’t you tell me this would suck so much and why the hell are you wearing a bikini top?” she nearly barks as I enter the room.

“Jensen and I were going to the beach when Jared called us. I figured you would understand that pushing something the size of a watermelon out a much smaller hole would suck?” I more ask than say as I sit on the side of her bed.

“Sorry. I knew that you idiot! I’m referring to the fact that I’ve had contractions since two this morning but they weren’t close enough to come to the hospital until recently,” Megan says suppressing a moan of pain as the machine measuring her contractions goes off.

“Everyone’s different babe; Momma was in labor with me for two days,” I say with a gentle smile.

“Don’t tell me that,” Megan says freaking out.

“Well, on the other, nicer, hand Rosey had Avery in record time,” I say smiling hoping to calm her down.

“True,” she says relaxing as the contraction eases away.

“You’re doing awesome though. It says you’re nearly fully dilated,” I say reading her chart.

“What are you doing?” A doctor asks me, rather bluntly, coming into the room.

“Looking at my friend’s chart; if she’s OK with it, which she is, there isn’t anything you can do. Read you’re OSHA rules here lately?” I snap back.

“I’ve got you’re ice babe!” Jared says smiling like a little kid coming back into the room with Jensen in tow.

“You can only have one person in here at a time,” the doctor, who is steadily losing my favor, barks.

“Jensen and I will wait out in the waiting room for you. You’ve got this kid, and just think after this you’re gonna have a cute little baby,” I say smiling.

“Don’t lie! How many times have I heard you say newborns are hideous?” Megan asks with a smile on her face.

“Well, they’re squishy. Of course yours is gonna be gorgeous just like Avery was. I love you and I’ll see you the second you’re through,” I say smiling as Jensen and I walk back out into the waiting room. “So glad I didn’t go into this field of nursing,” I say shuttering as we sit down on a loveseat looking chair in the waiting room.

“Why is that?” Jensen asks me laughing.

“Babies constantly crying, pissing, shitting and eating; no thanks, and nine times outta ten if you have to give them an IV it’s in their freaken head!” I nearly yell making a few nervous family members look at me like they wanna scratch my eyes out. “What? It’s true,” I tell the people around me making Jensen laugh.

“This is taking forever! It’s been like two hours; I hope everything is OK,” I tell Jensen after waking up from my small nap.

“I’m sure everything is fine,” Jensen says moving in response to mine as we see Jared come into the room.

“So?” I ask jumping up.

“I’m a daddy to a beautiful baby boy,” Jared says making me dash off to Megan’s room, nearly knocking him over, before he can finish.

“Congrats girl!” I tell Megan as I come into the room to see a blue bundle in his arms. “So what you gonna name him?” I ask sitting beside her in the bed to get a better look at him.

“His name is Izak Tristan Padalecki,” Megan says smiling. “You wanna hold him?”

“Of course woman! You should know by now how long I’ve had the baby bug,” I say gently taking Izak from Megan.

“How long you’ve had what?” Jensen chokes out upon entering the room.

“The baby bug, not the normal one, I love babies and for now I’m content playing with other peoples’ babies cause I don’t want one yet so calm down,” I say laughing.

“Good; very good,” Jensen says sighing in relief.

“Aside from the squishy-ness he’s perfect,” I tell Megan smiling with a slight laugh.

“I know that’s the best complement I can get from you,” Megan says laughing.

“Well, you both look great,” Jensen says coming over to my side to play with Izak’s fingers.

“Thanks,” Megan says smiling.

“Well, we’ll leave the new family to themselves now,” Jensen says about thirty minutes later.

“Fine I guess I’ll give him back,” I tell Megan smiling before giving her son to her. “You did great love,” I say smiling before we say our good-byes and leave. “What would you have done if I told you I wanted a baby right now?” I ask Jensen out of curiosity on the way home.

“I would have ended up in the bed beside Megan because I would probably have passed out,” Jensen says honestly making me giggle. “What’s so funny?” he asks looking at me funny as we pull into the driveway.

“Picturing my big muscular boyfriend in a maternity ward…. I couldn’t help it,” I say giggling some more before we head in to relax for the rest of the day.
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