Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Running and Regretting

“Baby you need to wake up,” I hear a deep voice say as someone rubs my shoulders.

“Meh… no I don’t,” I whine rolling over looking at the clock by my bed to see it’s three in the afternoon.

“Yes you do; we’re going to dinner in like two hours,” Jensen says laughing as he sits down beside me.

“I know but I got off from work at seven; I want more sleep,” I whine trying to get away from him.

“Baby, come on. Why don’t you get up and go hop in the shower and get all dolled up for tonight since we’re going to a nice restaurant,” Jensen suggests kissing my head.

“OK; go away and I’ll start getting ready,” I say pushing him off of the bed before grabbing my phone. Once I’ve assured myself that Jensen is back in the living room I quickly give Megan a call.

“Hello?” Megan asks as I hear Izak cooing in the background.

“Hey girl; I’m too sleepy to do this on my own so I’m recruiting you for help,” I say yawning.

“OK; what’s up?” she asks as I giggle at the baby oriented TV show in the background.

“Jensen and I are going someplace really fancy and I have no clue what to wear,” I say as I get up and begin to rout through my closet.

“Oh yeah that’s tonight,” Megan says with smile in her voice evident.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask staring at my phone in the mirror on my closet door.

“Oh, nothing,” she says almost in a sing-song voice.

“OK? Anyways; what should I wear?” I ask staring into the vast void of my closet.

“OK; how about you’re red corset dress? It’s fancy and you look great in it,” Megan suggests.

“OK; sounds good to me. Thanks girl; I’ll talk to you later,” I say smiling before hanging up. “Baby I’m hopping in the shower,” I yell down the hall.

“Would you want company?” Jensen asks popping into the room scaring the hell out of me.

“Jesus baby! Don’t do that,” I scream holding my chest.

“Sorry. But yeah you want company?” Jensen asks again laughing.

“No! If you have to wake me up and drag me out of bed for this you don’t get to see me till I’m done,” I say smiling before shoving him out of the room before locking the door behind him. “Here we go,” I say sighing before putting my IPod on its dock, blaring some HIM as I hop into the shower. After my shower I blow-dry my hair and throw in some hot rollers before doing my makeup with a natural smoky eye and a deep red lip. Forty minutes later I undo my hair and tease it slightly before applying enough spray cement to add another whole to the ozone layer. I quickly check myself in the mirror before slipping on my dress and slipping on my red heels thankful that I had painted my nails the previous day. “I’m ready baby,” I say stepping out into the living room to see Jensen in a pair of dress pants and a dark red button up shirt making me giggle slightly.

“You look fantastic babe,” Jensen says smiling as he turns around making me blush.

“Thanks, you ready?” I ask biting my lip.

“Yep,” he says giving me a quick peck on the lips before we head out to our fancy dinner.

“Are you OK?” I ask halfway through my amazing meal of roasted artichoke with chipotle aioli.

“What? Yeah I’m fine,” Jensen says with an awkward laugh.

“Yeah… OK,” I say looking at him oddly over my glass of Merlot as the rest of our meal continues to have that awkward air about it. “OK so you’re freaking me out; what is going on?” I ask Jensen once we get into the car and we’re leaving the restaurant.

“Nothing; why are you so worried?” Jensen asks me with a nervous smile.

“Because you’re freaking me out,” I say staring at him oddly.

“Sorry. You wanna go to the park?” Jensen asks as we pull onto the road.

“Sure?” I more ask than say still worried.

“Well, here we are,” Jensen says smiling ten minutes later as he pulls into a parking spot at the park.

“Yeah we are,” I say still feeling odd as I slowly get out of the car.

“Let’s go sit down by the pond,” Jensen suggests wrapping his arm around me.

“OK,” I say silently cursing myself for agreeing to this while I’m in my five inch heels.

“It’s a beautiful night,” Jensen says pushing one of my curls behind my ear.

“Yeah it is,” I say smiling as I fight an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

“I love you,” Jensen says smiling.

“I love you too but… what is all of this about?” I ask finally going into a slight panic mode.

“It’s nothing bad I promise,” Jensen says smiling. “I was wondering if,” Jensen says before pulling out a small box.

“Oh god; I… I can’t do this right now,” I say freaking out before getting up and bolting out of the park.

“Chris! Christina come back,” I hear Jensen calling behind me.

“Thank god,” I say smiling to myself as I realize I’m on a popular street once I get out of the park and hail a cab giving him Megan’s address. “Oh come on,” I whine nearly beating down Megan’s door ten minutes later wanting to throw my phone at the house.

“What?” a sleepy Megan asks as she comes and opens the door.

“How did you not tell me this? Please tell me you didn’t know,” I beg Megan on the verge of a breakdown.

“Are you OK? You look like shit,” Megan says moving to the side so I can come in.

“What’s going on? Chris why are you here?” Jared asks as his phone goes off. “Why is Jensen calling me?” Jared asks looking at me.

“Because I freaked out and bolted before he asked me to marry him,” I say wiping my eyes as I look down at the floor.

“That would explain a lot,” Jared says walking into the other room.

“I told him not to do it,” Megan says sitting down on the couch with me.

“Why didn’t you give me some warning? You know how I feel about marriage,” I say looking at Megan like someone just ran over my dog.

“Sorry. I love you and you’re more than welcome to stay here for the night. Jared can give you some clothes since mine are too small,” Megan says smiling as she pats my hand.

“That would be so fantastic you can’t even begin to understand,” I say smiling as Jared walks back into the room.

“You’re not breaking up with him are you? Because if you are I’m going to feel like a dick for reassuring him you’re not,” Jared says looking down at me.

“No! Of course I’m not! I just… can’t handle marriage, or proposals,” I say looking down at my hands.

“I’m guessing there’s a story there,” Jared beings.

“You don’t know the half of it,” I say cutting him off.

“And I don’t need to. I’ll go get you some clothes so you can get out of that dress,” Jared says smiling before walking up the stairs.

“Thanks,” I call out. “I’m a horrible person,” I say looking up at Megan.

“No you’re not; you just have a fucked up track record when it comes to things like this. He’ll understand and if not fuck him and you know you can stay here as long as you want,” Megan says smiling before heading off to bed and Jared gives me some clothes.

“Thanks,” I say smiling as I take them from Jared.

“No problem. You’re old room is all yours,” he says smiling.

“Thanks,” I say returning the smile before wondering up to my old room where I take a long needed shower. “What the fuck have I done?” I ask myself as I crawl into bed ignoring another call from Jensen.
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