Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Crazy Cat Woman or Happy Ending?

“What the hell are you still doing in my house?” Megan asks my two days later coming into my room with Izak, who’s gotten so big in the past seven months, on her hip.

“I thought I was hanging out with my friends and their baby; besides I've been here all of two days” I say with a raised eyebrow putting down my book looking at her funny.

“Well, not that we don’t love you but seriously what the fuck are you still doing in my house?” Megan asks me as she sits on the bed with Izak and he crawls over to my lap.

“Are you kicking me out?” I ask playing with Izak.

“No I’m not I told you, you could stay as long as you wanted. What I don’t understand is why you’re here when you have an amazing boyfriend waiting at home for you. If you go and talk to him I’m sure everything will be fine,” Megan says smiling.

“What if it doesn’t end well?” I ask refusing to look at her.

“Well, if you keep your ass locked up in here you’ll never know; and personally I don’t want to be known as the person who is harboring the neighborhood’s crazy cat lady,” Megan says making me laugh.

“Fine! I’ll take a shower then head home,” I say biting my lip before handing Megan her son and hopping up to take a fast shower. Once I’d done with my shower I quickly get dressed in some of my clothes that Megan ‘stumbled on’ while I’ve been here; I still think she went to my place to get them. Next I throw all of my shit into a bag Megan gave me and head downstairs. “Wanna give me a ride?” I ask Megan since my car is still at my place.

“Sure come on,” Megan says smiling handing Izak to Jared as we head out the door to her car. “You better let me know how this goes,” Megan says shaking a finger at me as I open up my door once we’re at my place.

“Duh,” I say with a forced smile as I get out of the car and up to the front door. After standing there for a few minutes I dig my keys out and unlock it stepping inside and throwing my bag to the side before taking a deep breath and venturing throughout the house. I end up finding Jensen in the living room seemingly zoned out to the TV. “Hey,” I say barely above a whisper making him jump.

“Hey… are you home to stay now?” Jensen asks looking up at me.

“If you’ll let me; and if you let me explain why I went completely psycho the other night,” I say shifting my gaze from him to the floor.

“Yeah I think I will, and go ahead,” Jensen says taking my hand in his, making me jump, and leading me over to the couch.

“So,” I say letting out a heavy sigh and biting my lip.

“Take your time,” Jensen says rubbing my leg.

“No offense baby but not really helping,” I say with a slight smile as Jensen retracts his hand. “So, it’s not that I don’t love you and don’t want to marry you… someday. It’s just that I’ve seen how horrible marriage can go with my Daddy’s first marriage and quite frankly is a good marriage is the one my parents’ have… I don’t know if I want that either,” I say laughing, mostly to myself.

“You have seen good marriages though. I mean look at your bother and Rosey; they seem really happy,” Jensen says cautiously taking my hand in his.

“But; they’re still in the honeymoon phase. Look my track record with this sucks and I just don’t want it to end up how it did last time,” I say looking at our hands.

“You’ve been engaged before?” Jensen asks looking at me oddly.

“For all of two days,” I say with a bitter laugh as Jensen continues to stare at me.

“Do you mind me asking what happened?” Jensen asks as I feel like I’m melting under his gaze.

“Well, it was to my favorite person, Frankie, and all of two days after is when I found out he was cheating on me,” I say letting out a heavy sigh.

“If you’d have explained that earlier then I wouldn’t have been as freaked out as I have for the past two days,” Jensen says making me look at him.

“I know, it’s just… from my experience in my life when something seems too good to be true… it is,” I say with a forced smile looking away.

“Look babe. I’m not like your ex; I love you and I don’t ever want to be with anyone else but you; and I don’t want you to be with anyone else,” Jensen says making me look at him again.

“I love you too; and I’m totally fine with the thought of us being together forever… I just don’t like the idea of marriage,” I explain slowly getting frustrated.

“OK, then I have a proposition to make,” Jensen says smiling at me.

“That being?” I ask slightly optimistic.

“How about you wear the ring for me, and I’ll wait until we’re ninety-seven if that’s how long you want me to wait until we get married,” Jensen suggests.

“I like this idea,” I say smiling, genuinely, for the first time in two days.

“I’ll be right back,” Jensen says disappearing for a minute tops. “Here,” he says handing me the small box that made me run away, nearly screaming, the other night.

I sigh to myself and open it to reveal a silver ring with a large amethyst stone with a small diamond on either side of it; this being my ideal engagement ring, “How did you know?”

“I have my sources,” Jensen says smiling.

“It’s beautiful and I’m glad you talked to Megan before you bought it,” I say smiling as I hold my left ring finger out.

“So you’ll eventually marry me?” Jensen asks smiling as he takes the ring.

“I don’t want anyone else,” I say smiling as he slips the ring on my finger and kisses me.

“Well, some day in the future Mrs. Ackles what do you wanna do now?” Jensen asks smiling.

“Well, I just wanna stay here with my fiancé and not act retarded anymore like I did the other night and live happily ever after if that’s OK with you,” I tell Jensen smiling from ear to ear as he leans in for a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the "official" end but I'll have an epilogue up as well.
