Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Apples and America's Next Top Model

I wake up to a cell phone ringing and look around slightly confused as I watch Meagen emerge from underneath a blanket on the couch next to me before answering her cell phone. I stretch and hear a slight grunt come from underneath of me startling me. I look down to see a sleepy Jensen rubbing his eyes.

“Morning,” he says smiling as he readjusts and closes his eyes again.

“Morning. Sorry about that,” I say slightly blushing.

“No problem. It’s only like eight,” he says after glancing at his watch, “go back to sleep.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say as I readjust myself, curling up next to him, and closing my eyes allowing sleep to overcome my body again.

“Hey, lazy asses, wake up,” Jared says shaking me and throwing me back into Jensen.

“What? What time is it now anyways?” I ask groggily as I sit up stretching.

“It’s twelve. How the hell, do both of you fit on there?” Jared asks cocking his head to one side looking at Jensen and myself.

“Says the fucking Jolly Green Giant,” I say rolling my eyes as I get up and wonder to the bathroom. “Hey, Jensen?” I ask as I come back in the kitchen.

“Yeah Christina?” he asks throwing some eggs into a pan.

“Is it ok if I just keep these on and give them back to you later since I don’t have any clean clothes with me?” I ask tracing a non-existent pattern on the counter.

“Yeah, no problem. You wouldn’t happen to eat eggs would you?” he asks looking down at the pan.

“A chicken’s period poop? No thanks,” I say wrinkling up my nose.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Meagen asks raising an eyebrow as she walks into the kitchen.

“What your friend will and won’t eat,” Jensen explains with that radiant smile of his.

“Well that won’t list will go on for a mile,” Meagen says with a laugh.

“Bite me! I’ll just have an apple when I get back. I’m popping outside for a cig,” I say smiling before walking over to my purse grabbing my pack and wondering outside as I light up.

“So what are you doing tomorrow Christina?” Jensen asks as I sit down beside him grabbing an apple.

“I have work again but other than that I’m not doing anything. Why?” I ask taking a large bite of my apple trying to hide the blush flushing my cheeks.

“I was wondering…” he starts before taking a huge bite of eggs.

“For the love of god just go and get it over with will you?” Meagen asks rolling her eyes.

“I was wondering if you’d like to go out for lunch or something,” Jensen says looking down at his plate.

“Well, that sounds lovely. So what are we doing until like two?” I ask throwing the apple core away.

“Don’t you need to go home and get clothes for work and what have you?” Meagen asks looking at me oddly.

“Nope. A good nurse always and I mean always has an extra pair of scrubs in her car along with a tooth brush, toothpaste, extra shoes, ton of hair ties, and a hair brush,” I say

“Why would you need to keep all of that shit with you?” Jared asks looking at me oddly.

“Trust me love you don’t wanna know what half of that shit is for,” I say with a slight shutter.

“If you’re saying that then I sure as hell don’t wanna know what any of it’s for and now I’ve lost my appetite,” Meagen says looking down at the remanding eggs on her plate.

“So, about what we’re doing until two,” Jensen interrupts us, “I think we should just continue to veg out and watch more TV.”

“I completely agree,” I say as I help him clean up the kitchen before walking into the living room to find Meagen and Jared already watching America’s Next Top Model.

“What the fuck?” Jensen asks Jared looking at him as if he’d grown another head.

“Hey man, if it keeps her happy I’m happy; we all know how bad her temper is,” Jared responds shrugging.

“I happen enjoy America’s Next Top Model,” I say as I sit down on the loveseat.

“Well, you’re a chick so it’s allowed,” Jensen says shrugging it off as he sets down next to me and I lean into him and watch season four until I have to leave to get to work.