Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

Mexican... and a Spark?

I wake up and stretch looking at my clock. Why the hell am I up at eight? Whatever might as well get up. I crawl out of bed and make my way downstairs where I quickly grab a bowl of Special K and throw it in a bowl with some chocolate soy milk smiling to myself at my odd breakfast and grab a glass of apple juice before heading into the living room where I plop down on the couch and find a marathon of South Park on Comedy Central as I begin to devour my cereal.

“Why are you up so early?” Meagen asks as she wanders into the room with a can of Monster.

“I could ask you the same thing and you know all of those are going to make your heart explode right?” I ask gesturing to the can.

“Does it look like I care?” she asks plopping down beside me looking at my cereal bowl. “What the hell is in that?”

“Special K and chocolate soy milk,” I say with a smile before taking another large spoonful and shoveling it into my mouth.

“I have 7 words for you: ew and do we have any bacon?” she says looking at my bowl crinkling her nose.

“I think we grab some last night when we went shopping once I was home but I don’t really know or care go figure it out love,” I say with a cheesy smile as I finish my cereal and drink the remaining soy milk as Meagen walks out of the room towards the kitchen mumbling obscenities.

“So what are you going to wear for your big date today?” Meagen asks about fifteen minutes later wondering back into the room with a plate of bacon and eggs.

“I don’t know I don’t want to look like a bum yet at the same time I refuse to get super dressed up right before word,” I say stretching looking at the clock on the wall realizing it’s now ten thirty and we moved the lunch date up to twelve so I wouldn’t be late for work.

“You’re odd. I hope you know that,” Meagen says looking at me for a brief second before tearing into her food.

“You’re special if you’re just figuring this out. I’m going to go shower and get ready,” I say getting up and washing out my bowl throwing it into the sink before going up to my room and showering. Once I get out and have washed my face and brush my teeth I let my hair down and drag a comb though it before spraying it with heat defender and blow drying then straightening it and slipping into a pair of boy shorts and a slight push up bra and applying deodorant. I wonder back into my room where I pick out my favorite pair of dark wash jeans that fit perfectly through the thighs and slightly flare out around my mid calf. I rout through my closet for a few minutes before giving up on anything in there and walk over to my dresser opening the third drawer pulling out my favorite Misfits shirt quickly slipping it on. After gazing at my figure in the mirror for ten minutes deciding my outfit looks fine I walk back into my bathroom where I apply my mineral foundation and do a thin line of purple eyeliner on both my lids followed with a light brown/purplish eye shadow curling my eyelashes since there is no need to put on any mascara and decide I look good enough for my lunch date and glance at my clock to see that it’s only eleven thirty. Well, I’ve got thirty more minutes. “Hey you want a cig?” I holler down the stairway as I make my way to the end fumbling with my favorite pair of flip flops.

“Yeah, meet me outside,” Meagen yells back as I hear her open the sliding glass door. “So you ready for your big date?” she asks as we both light up.

“Yeah, I mean it’s just lunch no pressure or big deal,” I say with a nervous smile.

“You’re so cute when you’re nervous,” Meagen says as someone rings the doorbell. “We’re around back,” she screams nearly making me drop my cigarette out of shock.

“Hey,” Jensen says as he rounds the corner.

“Hey. I’m ready to go after this if you wanna get this show on the road,” I say smiling as I take a drag.

“Yeah, sounds good,” he says with a nervous smile similar to the one I was wearing a few moments ago.

“So shall we? I just need to go grab my purse,” I explain as I put my cig out.

“Yeah, you can eat Mexican food right?” he asks following me back into the house as I grab my Andy Warhol bag.

“Yes. Regardless of where you take me I’m sure I’ll be able to find something to eat, even if it is just a salad,” I say smiling at the fact that he was making sure I could eat where he was taking me, most guys don’t think twice about it.

“Well, I think it would look bad if on our first date I took you somewhere where all you could eat is a salad. Besides, I want you to be able to eat real food not like you’re my pet rabbit I happened to bring with me,” he explains as we walk out towards his car.

“That’s so sweet of you. Thanks,” I say smiling as a slight blush comes across my check as he opens the car door for me, “such a gentleman.”

“What can I say? I do try,” he says smiling before closing my door making his way to his as he hops in and starts the car pulling out of the drive on the way to wherever he’s taking me. “So this is the place,” he says after about twenty minutes of small talk as he pulls into the parking lot of a brightly colored restaurant called Salsas.

“Dude! It’s adorable,” I say smiling as we both climb out of the car.

“The food here is amazing,” he reassures me as he opens the door for me.

“How many?” the hostess asks.

“Two,” Jensen says smiling.

“Right this way. What would you like to drink?” she asks handing us menus as we slip into a booth.

“Water,” we both say at the same time making us laugh.

The date consisted of us sitting there eating amazing Mexican food, as I make a mental note to pay attention to how we get home so I can revisit this restaurant, and continue the small talk that we started in the car. Nothing to serious or anything we simply tired to get to know each other better, and I could help but start to like the man, he’s simply… for a lack of better description, a lovely person. Once we were done eating Jensen picked up the tab and took me back home.

“I really had fun,” I say smiling as I fumble with my fingers before climbing out of the car.

“Me to, we should really do this again,” he suggests.

“I completely agree. Well, I need to get going if I’m going to make it to work by the time I want to,” I sigh opening my door.

“Ok, see you soon Christina,” Jensen says smiling.

“Yeah,” I say biting my lip as I turn and walk back into the house.

“So how was it?” Meagen asks as I walk past on my way to my room to get ready for work.

“Awesome,” I say with a huge grin plastered on my face.
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