Status: In progress

Stitchy the Rag-doll


The town was silent.

Nothing made a sound, even when the stars shone bright, even when the moon glimmered, even when one by one the street lights began to shine, it was silent until a loud bang signaled the start of a parade.

All these toys started to walk down the streets, all singing the same unrecognizable tune over and over again.

More toys came out of their houses, but did not participate, only toys with children were aloud to participate, for the reason for this parade was to signal the holidays were over and all the toys had to go back to their own children who went on holidays and left them behind.

The toys on the streets watched and cheered as the parade came pass.

The last point for the parade was a street called Dollard St where a particular Rag-doll was walking home from a night walk, one of her favorite times of the day.

She saw the parade and looked at the head of the parade coldly, he was also a Rag-doll, but he wasn't broken or anything, she knew who he was, the mayor Mr Hat, every female toy was out to get him but her, all they wanted was the power.

The Rag-doll just continued to walk, not noticing how Mr Hat looked at her, except not with coldness, but as if to feel sorry for her for not being able to participate.

"Excuse me" he said to a Barbie doll that had just started up a conversation with him, she looked offended and walked off with a humpf.

"Hello? Um, fellow Rag-doll, have we met before?" Mr Hat was calling out to the stitched up Rag-doll.

She turned her head around, from Mr Hat's perspective she had a patch right on her right cheek.

She turned around to continue walking.

"Hey!" he shouted, trying to catch up, she was starting to walk faster.

"Excuse me, I ask again, have we met before?" asked Mr Hat again, catching up to her finally, grabbing her arm.

He now noticed that she had red hair, and her arms were stitched very neatly but they showed she had been ripped carelessly.

"Maybe, maybe not, depends if like you or not" she said, she had the most normal calm sounding voice he had ever heard, it sounded exactly like a humans, he also heard traces of an english accent.

"Well do you like me?" he asked, getting a bit irritated, why wouldn't he just tell her?

"No, please leave me alone" she said simply, starting to walk again, Mr Hat didn't let go of her arm.

"Can you let go please? You might make my arm fall of, its fallen off once and I really don't want to go to the hospital at night" she said.

"Whats your name?" he asked the Rag-doll.

"None of your business" she said coldly, trying to leave again.

"Yes it is, I'm trying to see If I know you, bad memory you see, I remember names but sometime I need a little help to jog my memory" he explained.

"Still none of your business" she said again, still trying to get away.

"Please, tell me" he said.

The female Rag-doll felt a little pity for Mr Hat, trying to remember her and not succeeding, they had met once before but only briefly, but she had no idea that he had known her name.

"Okay, fine my name is..."


"Which name do you want?" she said quickly.

"What?" he hadn't thought of this.

"I dunno, your first name?"

"Polly, can I go now?" she said, not wanting him to know her other names, she hatted the second one.

"No, thats not it, second?"

"Um..... Patches" She said, she was called Patches because she always seemed to get lots of stitches and patches every week.

"That rings a bell" he said, letting go of her.

"Okay, so can I go now?" she asked hurriedly.

"One more thing, whats your name now?" he asked, wanting to see if her knew this.

"Um....." suddenly, a crowd of people went up to Mr Hat and took him away, he couldn't hear the Rag-doll yell out to him her name.

"Stitchy! My name right now is Stitchy!" she yelled out, knowing it probably was impossible for him to hear her.

She started to walk home again.
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I know it seems a little kiddish but this is pretty much one way my mind works, soooooooo yeeeeaaaaah.
|^_^| - my cat, no-one else's, MINE.